The famed granola mines in North
that once supplied seemingly
limitless quantities of
The granola mines themselves are a
maze of twisty passages, all alike
with healthy, all-natural walls, healthy, all-natural ceilings,
healthy, all-natural rock, and healthy, all-natural (and surprising
hard) floor.
The conquest of
in 665 GUE
possession of Antharia’s granola mines.
Unfortunately, no one in
liked granola. As Pseudo-Duncanthrax’s
invasion swept across the
he made a
startling discovery: huge caverns and tunnels, populated by
trolls and other magical
races, all of whom loved granola. Not only
would he extend his empire, but he would finally have a market for all
the useless accumulated granola.
With the absorption of the immense granola smelters of Antharia and the
granola-hungry semi-barbarized population of the east, granola
production and consumption rose to dramatic importance within the
Quendoran economy within a mere ten years. Over the course of the next
century or so, an elaborate legal and economic framework sprang up
around the ensuing granola trade: tax revenue from the western
provinces served to support the mining, packing and shipping of granola
from the center of the ocean to the distant provinces in the East.
Despite the enormous granola consumption of the Eastlands, the
Antharian mines never managed to achieve self-sufficiency. Combined
with the Curse of
in 789, this eventually led to the
Riots of 16 Estuary 865 GUE.
Since then the output of the mines fell sharply and its vast
transportation system lay in ruins. Despite the reduced output, they
still are an interesting tourist attraction and advertized as "Clusters
of FUN for the Whole Family", if one can stand the smell.
At the start of the
Age of Magic, the
Dungeon Master had his hands full quelling a
Granola Rebellion.
While no further details of this event are extant in any available
document, it may be this event that made it easy for the Granola Mines
to be overrun by monsters during the start of the
Great Monster Uprising.
Regardless, at that time, due to the monster infestation, all granola
mining operations came to an eventual halt, with an exception of some
independent miners (such as an
unknown surfer) who continued to work the land, routing the dry
foodstuff to
various parts of the world.
It was to these mines, where the royal families of the
kingdoms sent their prisoners to fulfill their many year sentences of
backbreaking labor. The earliest report of this activity is in 966, and
the latest 1157.
During his middle years,
Waldo Flathead spent nearly half a
decade living in the granola mines of Antharia. It was during this
period that he wrote his longest work, a 60,000-verse epic about the
varieties of moss that one finds in granola mines.
During the years of the Great Monster Uprising, a magically animated
statue of a wizened old man made out of granola inhabited the mine.
Without asking the sentinent statue if he wanted to be made, or
consulting him, or considering his feelings on the matter, a wizard not
only gave the inanimate object animation, but also the ability to speak
(despite that he did not have any vocal cords).
Zork I (History of the Great Underground Empire), Zork II (The GUE on 9
Zorkmids a Day), Wishbringer, Zork Zero, History of Quendor, Legends of
Zork, The Magic Trilogy (official press release) |