In the days of her youth, Acia was rich and extremely attractive.
With her voluptuous body and deceptive flirtations, she was easily able
to bend any man to her whims. Fresh and amorous, this proud young maiden of
fabled beauty was the granddaughter of
When Acia heard
that her ailing grandmother in
might soon pass away
(c. 957~966
GUE), she was sent to make sure that the
inheritance was left to Acia’s branch of the family—to her
specifically. If she was not in Althea’s will, the fortune would
go to the
kingdom instead. The
wealth would give her the freedom to live in the grand style she
deserved. Despite her true intentions, she still wished that her
grandmother had lived closer so that they could have been great
Northlander found passage to the village on
one of
Mirik the Lean’s caravans, driven by
Gurthark the Stout.
the Scout, who had been hired to guard the wagon, was strong and
handsome as could be. Although she usually preferred wealthy men, Ryker
held her interest. It was simple for Acia to catch his attention and
manipulate him with her seducing charms. She hoped to discover if he
had a trove of gold and jewels stowed away from an earlier adventure.
Two other passengers aboard the wagon were the young
Dirinthrax and
Frobwit the Fair.
One night the caravan pitched camp near the
boundaries of
Egreth Forest. Ryker, having detected something about the
campsite, left to investigate. It was the young woman
Lia, in the guise
of a boy named Lim. When Ryker returned with Lia, Acia, thinking she
was a boy, was mesmerized by her smile. She noticed the beautiful
Amulet of Egreth which Lia was wearing. She was strangely drawn
to the pretty charm and determined that she would find a way to get it.
When the travelers had made their way to bed, Acia slipped away
to find Lia. Tired from the day’s journey, Lia did not hear the
approaching footsteps. She looked very sweet. So did the amulet
twinkling in her pocket. Acia could not resist giving her a gentle
kiss. Her skin was warm and soft beneath her lips. Lia woke up,
surprised with the big kiss. Acia attempted to take the amulet, but Lia
angrily propelled her away.
When Lia had fallen into deep
slumber, the determined Acia returned to search for the amulet. She
took the amulet and hid it in her cloak and tiptoed away. Undressing by
her bedroll, Acia did not notice the amulet as it slipped out of her
cloak pocket onto the forest floor.
During the night,
the evil warlock ruling from the ruins of
Egreth Castle, saw from his
crystal ball that Acia had the Amulet of Egreth in her possession.
Presuming that Acia was the granddaughter of
Thorman the Red-beard (Lia
was in fact the granddaughter), Radnor sent his
night gaunts to
apprehend her and bring her to the castle. The scaly creatures did not
have any trouble finding the young woman and carried her away into the
night. She struggled futilely to free herself, but it was no use.
Egreth Castle, the beasts deposited Acia before Radnor. When he
demanded an amulet from her, she sought to hand over the one she had
stolen from Lia, but did not realize that she had dropped it while
undressing. Enraged, Radnor sent his night gaunts back to the
campsite to search for the amulet, while he had his
troll guards take
Acia to the dungeon.
Tricking the troll guard by begging him to
sit with her inside the cell, Acia was able to break free, fleeing down
the castle’s corridors. The speedy troll apprehended her, but Gurthark
(who had in the meantime infiltrated Egreth with Ryker and Frobwit)
saved her by felling the beast with a golden amulet in the forehead.
Before they could reunite, a mysterious blue vapor enfolded Acia in a
bubble. For Radnor, still having been unable to recover the amulet,
sought to inquire again of its whereabouts directly from Acia. The
bubble drifted away, carrying her to Radnor’s throne room.
bubble popped, and she fell into the arms of Ryker who had also managed
to reach Radnor. Frobwit, Dirinthrax, and Lia were also present. Taking
on the façade of a kind and wise old man, Radnor was able to seduce
Acia into believing that the Amulet of Egreth belonged to her
rightfully. She saw it in the hands of Dirinthrax and snatched it away,
quickly slipping it on. Radnor placed a crown upon Acia’s head, one
that when worn, cursed her into a deep trance. Then the evil warlock
took the amulet from Acia.
Ryker was able to gain possession
of the amulet for only a moment before Lia fished it into her palm with
magic. Her disguise fell away, revealing her womanly figure. She used
the amulet to reduce Radnor to a puddle of foul-smelling liquid.
Frobwit entrapped the warlock’s essence in a crystal ball and sent it
to the Egreth treasury. Little did the companions know, but the
ignorant Gurthark took the crystal ball from the treasury, thinking it
was but simple riches.
With Radnor defeated, the spirit of
Thorman the Red-beard freed Egreth Castle from centuries of evil
domination, magically restoring it to its former splendor. Acia
recovered from her trance. Ryker and Acia confessed their love for one
another, sharing both a passionate embrace and kiss.
The small
caravan continued on its way from Egreth, leaving behind two of their
number: Dirinthrax and Lia, as the new rulers of Egreth. Unknown to the
caravan, the crystal ball Gurthark took as a souvenir of Egreth was not
what it seemed. The sphere was the very one in which Frobwit had
imprisoned Radnor’s evil essence. The sorcerer’s malevolent force,
concentrated in this small sphere, would burst out in fits of rage,
wreaking havoc upon those around him. There was a series of seven evils
which had been prophesied to emit from the orb.
The witch
who was seeking to have Radnor’s crystal ball in her possession,
desired to lead the caravan towards
Pheebor. Incanting a road sign
changing spell, she altered the nearest sign to read “
Borphee” instead
of “Pheebor.” Although Ryker suspected the sign was incorrect, they
were deceived into trekking the road towards Pheebor.
that day, the first peril commenced—an eerie light emanated from the
ball, fabricating a flock of
giant corbies from nowhere. One snatched
Frobwit out of the wagon, carrying him far away. Ryker bravely fought
off the winged aggressors with his long bow. They searched for Frobwit
but were unable to determine his whereabouts.
The caravan
resumed its journey, travelling through the night and into the next
morning, when the second peril of the crystal ball caused Acia to
suddenly grow desperately ill. Her conscious quickly slipped away. Acia
was drawn out of her body into the crystal ball with Radnor, who had
summoned her into his hellish reality. He had since realized that Acia
was not the daughter of Thorman, but instead assumed that she was her
grandmother, Althea. He told her that she was her queen and that she
would help him escape from the vile prison. Then she was suddenly drawn
In the meantime, Ryker had gathered magical
fungus from a nearby mesa and forced Acia to eat the remedy. The cured
the illness had brought her back to consciousness. Once she was better
the caravan departed. As dawn broken, they turned down an overgrown
path heading southeast. By mid-morning the travelers had reached the
shore of the great
Borphee River. The ferryman was Ryker’s uncle,
Ozark. They set sail on his boat for
relaxed in the warm sunshine by doing a little fishing, when a
serpent caught hold of his line, pulling him into the dark waters of
the river. Ryker dove in and searched the murky waters, but could find
no trace of their companion. Ryker and Acia mourned the loss of their
friend. They would find him many seasons later after his expedition
within the Kingdom of the
Elves. The two lovers spent a romantic
evening together.
The next day, the long difficult journey
reached its end as the boat docked at Accardi-by-the-Sea. Ozark bid
them a final farewell. A festive air pervaded the little town, which
was gaily decorated for the
Enchanters’ Convention. A pleasant lane led
out of town to where Acia’s grandmother lived on a knoll overlooking
the harbor. They reached the house by nightfall. Ryker left her to
return to Accardi to drop off Gurthark’s quilts to
Mirik’s shop. Before
leaving, he handed Acia Gurthark’s sack containing the crystal ball,
but not before it emanated—this was the fifth burst of evil, one which
would transform Ryker into a hideous beast of mammoth strength when he
reached town.
Acia tried to look as sweet and angelic as
possible as she entered. There was no answer to her calls, and she
Althea, her grandmother, in bed—she looked terrible and was
barely able to recognize her granddaughter. The old woman slipped off
into a deep sleep after a nearly incomprehensible conversation. While
Althea was asleep, Acia took the opportunity to see if she could find
her will or fortune; but she could not locate either. When her
grandmother reawakened, she inquired about the will, but was met by
more confusion.
Acia’s thoughts were interrupted by a loud
unnerving noise coming from the sack. A strange glow filled the room,
and an electric sensation coursed through Althea’s body as the sixth
burst of evil was unleashed. Althea miraculously regained all the
loveliness and vigor of her youth, while Acia became as weak, withered,
stooped and wrinkled as a woman many times her age. The mirror revealed
the terrifying truth and Acia’s tormented screams filled the house. She
lost not only her beauty and strength, but also her spirit. Althea
persuaded her to lie down while she sought help at the Conventions of
Enchanters and Sorcerers.
Alone, Acia realized that the
crystal ball was the source of all the strange occurrences of evil. She
wanted to flee the vile thing, but her ancient body did not have the
energy to run. When Ryker returned in the form of a monstrous creature,
Acia was terrified. It took her only a moment to realize that it was
him. Ryker gave Acia a bite of the last half of the
gumpwort fungus,
before he devoured the rest. The two of them were restored to their
unblemished states. It was then that they realized that they were
destined to be together.
It was then that the seventh curse of
the crystal ball broke out. Ryker, seeking to rid them of its presence,
grasped the crystal. As he did so, the spirit of
Radnor fought its way
out of the crystal ball. It darted straight at Ryker and leapt into
him. Then Ryker’s spirit floated out of his own body and into the
crystal. Ryker’s body now belonged to Radnor. As he moved towards Acia
to take her as his queen, he suddenly disappeared (he had been summoned
Moog as part of the
As the reign of the Triax
dawned, Acia tenderly reached for the crystal ball and cradled it in
her arms. It had changed from an object of horror to one of deep value.
Outside the cottage, an eerie thunderclap shattered the stillness of
the night as dark forces cast their evil shadow over the
Kingdom of
Quendor. But Acia, lost in sorrow and yearning, thought only over
Ryker, trapped in the crystal ball. And it is with much disappointment
that all records of the time of the Triax have been lost to us, and the
fate of Acia is unknown.

SOURCE(S): Zork Quest I, Zork Quest II |