Having been born with her mother’s form, the stout Moog was one of
the ugliest of all women. One of her only friends since childhood had
been Slye; a constant companion. They commonly met together at their
childhood hideout, where the two hoodlums would prepare magical
escapades that involved little more than tricks played on their
friends. Regardless, she found Slye to be a good accomplice, always
willing to do the dirty work.
As an adult, Moog heard about
Althea, an ailing old woman who lived all alone in her house on the
outskirts of Accardi-by-the-Sea. Moog became her nurse originally for
the intention of earning money to pay for magic school, but right from
the start knew that Althea was hiding something, as the old woman would
not leave her alone for a second.
After Moog earned her
diploma from the Frobozz Magic Magic Correspondence School (where she
learned Zizbit runes and took a course in road sign changing, and
Getting Out of a Pitch, amongst others), she plotted a dastardly crime.
Using tricks learned from her classes, she approached Althea’s house
one night in the mid-tenth century (c. 957-966 GUE). The ugly woman
magically created a ladder to gain access to the old woman’s upstairs
bedroom. There she stole Althea’s Zizbit spellbook right from under her
nose. Moog knew that the book would give her power beyond her wildest
Moog met with Slye at their childhood hideout, where
the two hoodlums still spent a significant amount of time at. Although
Moog and Slye both showed magical aptitude, she was the more skilled of
the two. She ringled Slye into helping her break the magic circle
around the ruins of Pheebor. Then the Zizbit’s treasure would
By morning, Moog and Slye neared the crumbling ruins
of Pheebor, standing guard over the conflux of the Rivers Phee and Bor.
The Temple of Zizbit, standing on the high plateay rising from the
ruined city, contained the wealth. The ruins were guarded by a
protective spell cast by the wizards as the city fell. Using the
Protective Circle Undo spell found in the book, Moog removed the ward,
allowing them to ascend the grand stairway to the sacred temple.
to their dismay, there was no treasure to be found within the temple.
It was bare save a glowing pool. Moog opened the book in order to read
the runes (she had learned the runes from the Frobozz Magic
Correspondence School). The following prophecy was set before her:
Six eyes and six hands for the Triax,
Inscribing the arc spell in the sand.
The runes foretell the fate of Quendor:
A reign of darkness upon the land.
Two eyes, two hands have mother’s form,
Two hands and eyes were backwards born.
The last pair for one skilled in sorcery,
Who, imprisoned by mage, by that mage is set free.
When these three twos join at Phee and Bor,
The Triax will rule from shore to shore.
In crystal ball, magician trapped
Avoids for now intended death.
His vile soul at random spills,
And taints the air with dire breath.
Seven spills of power, then all is sapped.
Seven bursts count the fatal trend.
For if not yet freed from his prison –
The mage then meets his end.
she was finished, a light began to dawn. She was the one with her
mother’s form, and Slye had been born feet first. Unknown to them, the
magician who had been imprisoned by another magician was Radnor, who
had been recently imprisoned in a crystal ball by Frobwit the Fair.
believed it would be fun to rule the kingdom. She would show everyone
else that she was boss. She would be rich and free from all drudgery.
While the Zizbit spell book called both the Triax and the trapped
magician evil, Moog had no desire to be evil. She just desired the
riches and power she deserved. Now she had to steal and fight for that
wealth and power. But as ruler of Quendor, it would all be hers! The
details could be worried about later, but now the seedy witch was
determined to form the evil triumvirate. As she wondered how to find
this magician, an image began to form in the pool—it showed a caravan
which had been driven by Gurthark the Stout, guarded by Ryker, and with
them were the passengers Frobwit and Acia. The crystal ball rested in
the back of the wagon. Moog was determined to get the crystal before
the seven spells were used up.
Hoping to force the caravan
towards Pheebor, Moog Incanted a road sign changing spell into the
rippling waters of the pool. Before their eyes, the sign was altered to
read “Borphee” instead of “Pheebor.” Although those of the caravan
suspected the sign was incorrect, they were deceived into trekking the
road towards Pheebor.
Watching the travelers through the oracle,
the first peril was released from Radnor’s crystal ball. A flock of
giant corbies descended upon the caravan. While Ryker was able to slay
them, one dragged the Frobwit away from the caravan. Moog knew that she
had to keep the wizard alive so he could release Radnor’s essence.
Summoning every iota of her fledgling powers, she cast a handy spell
into the oracle. The image dissolved before Moog saw the
but Frobwit had been transformed into a porcupine (the corbie dropped
him and he fell through the roof of Gumboz’s house).
Slye was
sent out on a mission to find Frobwit, leaving Moog to observe the
traveler’s process alone. The next morning Moog saw that the crystal
ball sent out another deadly burst of evil. This time Acia was infected
with a deadly illness. Later, an image of Slye shimmered into view, but
as quickly as he appeared, he disappeared.
Late that night,
see saw the crystal ball glowing with a fiery brilliance. The third
burst of evil from the crystal ball set fire to the silken coverlets in
the back of the wagon. Forcing herself to stay awake throughout the
night, shadowy figures began to flicker overhead.
As dawn
broke over the ruined city, she saw that Slye was with the wizard. Then
she saw that the caravan had bordered a ferry which was gliding
smoothly along the Borphee River (although she presumed it to be the
Bor River). That was when the fourth burst of evil happened. A sea
serpent dragged Gurthark off the ferry into the swift waters.
the day and into her fourth sleepless night, Moog watched the pool. She
admired the handsome Ryker and wished that she could be as lucky as
Acia was. As if in answer to her wish, a strange rumbling came from
deep inside the oracle. The rumbling grew louder, as though some dread
being was struggling to the surface. An enormous bubble appeared in the
pool. It heaved menacingly and shot right out of the oracle, forming an
immense luminous mass. The mass transmogrified into a cloaked figure.
The apparition hovered before her. When it inquired who Moog was, she
lied, stating that she was sent to guard the temple. But the phantom
was not fooled. In fear, Moog fled the temple, where she waited outside
for the rest of the chilly night.
The next day, Moog fell asleep
beneath the warmth of the sun. It was not until night that she
reawakened. The Zizbit phantoms had returned to their resting place and
she ventured back into the temple. She arrived just in time to see an
image shimmering in the oracle of Slye, smiling with the wizard as
though they were old chums. Little did she know but Frobwit had
befriended Slye. Afterwards, she checked up on the caravan and the
crystal ball only to find that it showed Althea’s house where she had
stolen the spell book (for the crystal ball has since been brought
there). Moog, of course, had no idea what was going on, nor how many
more bursts of evil were left for the crystal ball to release before
the time for the Triax dissipated. In panic, she consulted the ancient
runes of the Zibit spell book and cast the mirror spell upon the
wizard. This forced Frobwit to unwillingly utter a reversal of the
essence-entrapping spell, releasing Radnor from his imprisonment.
time had come to fullfil the Zizbit prophecy. Moog hurried out of the
temple and down the long flight of steps that encircled the plateau.
Her destination was the sandy shore at the junction of the Phee and Bor
Rivers. She artfully inscribed the arc spell into the sand.
creation summoned forth all its fury in response to Moog’s call for the
forming of the Triax. Slye materialized and took his place alongside
Moog as the second member of the Triax. Then Radnor, freed from his
crystal prison, took his place. He was ready and eager. Moog was ecstatic. The prophecy
was fulfilled. Combining their powers together, the Triax began its
reign of darkness. The rivers and the seas turned to blood, as the
charred land gave up its nurturing spirit. Although the records of this
period are wanting, this grim tyranny would take many seasons and much
valor to undo.