A night gaunt is a slimy reptilian creature, which legend
attributed them with great speed. Their favorite treat was the
tasty fruit of the bozberry bush. Slumbering by day, and active at
night, the scaly-handed night gaunt had eyes that were extremely
sensitive to light. These creatures are actually quite intelligent,
delving into all sorts of arts, including poetry.
the night gaunts all lived freely in the Egreth forests. When Radnor
took over Egreth Castle, he enslaved these creatures with phychic
chains of evil enchantments, binding them with hard work and little
food. Summoned incessantly by the evil warlock's mind powers, the night
gaunts were quick to mindlessly obey for they feared him greatly.
Radnor had been imprisoned by Frobwit the Fair in a crystal ball (c.
957-966 GUE), the spirit of Thorman the Red-beard restored Egreth
Castle from ruin to its former glory. The transformation affected even
the creatures that dwelled within, setting the night gaunts free of
their curse. To show their gratitude, they were willing to remain as
servants to the new rulers, King Dirinthrax and Queen Lia, but they
were told to return to the forest and live freely. The creatures'
adulation for these two remained abundant throughout the short rule.