The Kovalli Desert lies beyond the Mithicus Mountains which
formed the western boundary of ancient Quendor. It is an uncrossable
wasteland believed to stretch to the edge of the world. Even to this
day, the furthest ends of these expanses have not been
explored. There are virtually no shadows to provide shelter here, only
bloit upon bloit of
cracked, dry ground. Some legends say that the sun is a god. If that is
true, then the sun that shines on Kovalli is a merciless and brutal
god. No plant or animal is spared the torture of the daylight in the
Kovalli--these include the lerf, the hedgehog, spiny anteaters, along
with the cactus and the morgia plant (which grows very
often even in the desert).
every civilization ever studied passes on tales of a great
warrior empire in the lands across the ocean to the east. Among these
are the persistent tales among various Kovalli tribal cultures,
including the Nezgeth, insisting that their forefathers came from an
ancient powerful civilization on the far side of the world, across the
sea and many lands away. Many archaeologists strongly theorize (some
consider it factual) that the tribes of Kovalli were the primary
scattered remnant from the Eastern Empire which was destroyed circa
1000 BE by divine wrath when they forsook The One God for idols and
serpent worship. The homeless tribe took the lesson of their
glorious rise and abrupt fall, adhering to the strictest principles of
pacifism. Generations later, the Nezgeth found a home in the
hellish deserts of Kovalli, and every day became a constant struggle to
stay alive, believing that they had been led to this cruel
land as penance for their misdeed. Gradually the tribe returned to its
former warlike ways, but even then refused to give battle no more than
Oracle of 392 GUE placed
Belegur at the heart of a deadly plague that shook the kingdom of
Quendor. Coupled with the Great Famine, this was a deadly time.
Although the famine in Quendor had been confidently
dealt with by Zylon the Aged, those outside the kingdom in the Kovalli
Desert suffered greatly. This unceasing famine plagued those
barren lands for over six years. Throughout the course of languishing
under the torture of the drought, the Nezgeth tribe was under the
superstition that their gods had turned away from them, abandoning
them to this famine.
Kingdom of Quendor was once invaded by Kovalli natives in 398 GUE,
having been woven into the plot of the fallen Implementor Belegur.
Although this evil being intended to use the Nezgeth tribe as a
distraction against Quendor while he initiated his true scheme, these
natives were used against him, resulting in his defeat.
Pseudo-Duncanthrax conquering the surrounding regions between 660~662
GUE, he neglected to absorb the Kovalli Desert into the kingdom of
Quendor. The most likely reason may be that the endeavor to harnass a
parched wasteland of such a vast size that provided no significant
benefit was too much of a hassle.
During the war between
Galepath and Mareilon in 888 GUE, the nations of Vriminax and Quendor
were in no position to help either of the two opposing powers, as they
were both involved in protecting themselves against the incursions made
by Kaldorn and Kovalli respectively. These conflicts did not stop
Syovar the Strong in the early tenth century from inviting
representative from Kovalli to the Conference of Quendor (the old city
of Quendor in the Northlands). The wise king saw that with an exchange
of resources, the water-rich
Antharia could irrigate the deserts of Kovalli in exchange
for Kovalli's secret insect-extermination spells that would
Antharia's perennial locust plagues. The tremendous respect the nations
felt for Syovar made the conference possible. Kovalli signed
Treaty of Quendor, thus uniting with many of the other nations and
city-states, bringing them all into Syovar's Kingdom of Zork.