The origins of these talking frogs are unknown. Some suggest that they
are the byproduct of transformation spells cast upon unfortunate
victims of a wizard. These frogs are capable of speaking in the dialect
of men.
An enchanted frog of goodwill was encounted by
Bivotar and
Juranda at the base of
Flood Control Dam #3 (c. early tenth curty GUE), who seemed to already be aware of their quest to
find the three
Palantirs of Zork, their relationship to
Syovar, and
their battle against
Krill. He gave them advice to climb to the top of
the dam then departed. Hesitantly following the frog's advise, the two
companions heeded the words and climbed up the dam. It turned out that
this frog guided them towards the Palantirs and was not a spy of Krill.
The identity of this frog and how he knew of their quest, remains
SOURCE(S): Zork: The Forces of Krill |