Every school child is familiar with the story of Phee and Bor, the abandoned twin babies suckled at the breast of a babbling brogmoid. The earliest written version of this story can be found in the pseudo-Fizbozian narrative history, part of which is reprinted below. Raised by this caring and, incidentally, terrifically idiotic female brogmoid, the young twins grew to adulthood on the shores of the two parallel rivers that now bare their names. When the mother brogmoid finally succumbed to hunger and lack of blood (she had, according to the sources, been living off her own flesh for some twenty-three years), the twins, now young men, decided to set out into the world and seek their fortune. Stopping along the way to search for food through the occasional pile of boulders, they came at last to the confluence of the two rivers between which they had spent their entire life.

It is at this point, apparently, that history was made. The older brother, Bor, not knowing how to get across the One River, and of course seeing no other options, announced to his younger twin that he intended to stop where he was and build a city. Apparently displeased with his brother's selfishness and lack of consideration, Phee proclaimed his similar intention, and the disagreement promptly led to a physical conflict. When it became apparent that Phee had beaten his brother, Bor turned to leave, but not before handing out a few parting words. The pseudo-Fizboz narrative clearly describes the next sequence of events:

“A curse! A curse upon Phee! A curse upon Phee for that is all he shalt be! Great gods, whom my fathers hath rejected so! Grant life so long, to mine city below!” So spoke Bor in his anger.

In answer, fourteen corbies, so giant and so black, overhead they didst fly. Fourteen, for the number of Pheebor’s lifetime they did proclaim. And thus, Bor went forth, across the One River, he did, out of Phee’s life, forever and ever and ever and ever and ever.

Historians are left with no other option other than to recount this narrative as one possible explanation for the origin of the cities of Pheebor and Borphee.  The only shred of evidence that allows us to repeat this myth and still retain our dignity is the archaeological testimony of the Phee Hourglass. If modern scientists have correctly interpreted the functioning of the Hourglass, then the earliest settlements on the Pheebor site date back to roughly 1800 BE. Conveniently enough, this is almost exactly 14 centuries before the city's ultimate demise, a figure identical to that predicted by the mysterious flying corbies.

SOURCE(S): A History of Quendor