For the first time since the
New Year's Revolt over 130 years before, a
king of
Quendor took it upon himself to issue a thorough and
wide-ranging compilation of every law, decree and enactment that had
come forth from the royal government. This massive work, the Analecta
Loowitica, is considered by many to be
Loowit Flathead's crowning
achievement. The final 23 volume work, released in 801 GUE, represented
the first and only attempt to keep track of the ridiculous
proliferation of royal legislation that had begun with
Duncanthrax and
Unnatural Acts and ended with the 3,459 tax bills passed by
Flathead on the day of his death.
The last 19 volumes of this remarkable compilation were dedicated to
Loowit’s immediate predecessor, Dimwit Flathead the Excessive,
sometimes called the Thorough. Because of Dimwit's remarkable, and
truly oftentimes annoying, tendency to issue royal decrees relating to
any and every aspect of Quendoran life, Loowit’s legal compilation is
thus a highly valuable source book for the history of Dimwit's bizarre
and complicated reign. Incredible tales of the monarch's excessive
whims that would otherwise appear to us as no more than oral legend
take on a stark reality within the pages of the Analecta. To give but
one example:
Loowitica XXII, xvi, 4 Dismembur 788
Lord Dimwit Flathead to the people of Quendor: Anyone
payment of all taxes decreed before this date shall be
along with everyone they have ever met.
What makes the Loowitica even more impressive is the fact that Loowit
poured over every law one line at a time and edited each one to either
reaffirm the law or declare it to be out of date. The end result of
this effort was a massive loosening of restrictions; in one fell swoop
nearly all of Dimwit's horrendous tax laws were cleaned from the books,
preserved only in the final editions for the sake of historical
thoroughness. It is for this reason that Loowit today is remembered as
one of Quendor's most popular monarchs. Although he himself proposed
little that was new or original, his willingness to undo some of his
family's worst mistakes was a characteristic much appreciated by the
bulk of the Quendoran population.
Unfortunately, despite this monumental undertaking, the updating committee was unable to go through the
entire backlog of Dimwit Flathead's reign, and a vast majority of the
Great Underground Empire's laws would still remain (hopelessly
outdated) even into the
Second Age of Magic.
SOURCE(S): A History of Quendor, Zork Nemesis [where the History of Quendor was wrongly used] |