Ruler of the Empire
"Why pay less?"
-Dimwit Flathead
Lord Dimwit Flathead the Excessive (sometimes called the Thorough,
somtimes called Dimwit), ruled the Great Underground Empire for 19
from 770 to 789 GUE. He was the seventh king of the Flathead
Dynasty, coming to the throne after Mumberthrax, and before Loowit. He was best known for his outrageousness in
style, policy, and engineering.
In 723 GUE, Dimwit Flathead, the great-great-great-great grandson of
King Duncanthranx, who would be alternately described as “a colorful
figure” and “the most wretched ruler Quendor has ever seen,” was born
to Prince Mumberthrax, great-great-grandson of Duncanthrax. He along
with his eleven siblings would grow in notoriety. As their vast
achievements became legendary, they
would become known as The Twelve Flatheads, and play a role in the most
romanticized era of Zork’s history, the reign of Lord Dimwit Flathead.
Although it was already clear by this point that Frobwit’s son
Timberthrax would never produce an heir to the throne, he was still the
next in line to the royal crown. Phloid Flathead's diaries, still
well-preserved after so many centuries, make it clear that even he had
come to despair of ever becoming king. Mumberthrax, at this point
already labeled the Not Terribly Important, would be an old man by the
time he could finally claim the crown. Even as early as 725, Dimwit was
listed in the royal archives as the eventual successor and in fact
would grow up with this expectation, but would in the meanwhile have to
sit through a wait of over thirty years, stuck seemingly forever in the
shadows of his older relatives.
This in and of itself should have been no big deal. After all, plenty
of monarchs in the past have had to wait for several members of their
immediate family to pass away before being able to lay claim to power.
However, within the Flathead family things were, as always, quite
At this point, it may be reasonable to try to understand the personal
and psychological origins and explanations for Dimwit’s excessive
behavior. Why did Dimwit do the things he did? Was he stupid? Was he
insane? The answers to these questions can be found in several places,
namely the treatment of the young Dimwit during his childhood,
particularly by his father and other royal relatives, as well as in the
details of the crown prince’s royal education.
Let us then look at the details. What was Dimwit taught to think about
his role as a Flathead and a future monarch? The following excerpt is
from a 731 GUE children's history of Quendor that various royal tutors
used in their attempts to educate the young prince:
was the best king of all time. There were many kings before
Duncanthrax, and
there will be many kings after Duncanthrax, but none of these kings
will ever
be as amazing as Duncanthrax.
It almost goes without saying that Dimwit did not enjoy this book at
all. Rumor has it that in his daily fits of temper during history
class, he managed to destroy several thousand copies of the book before
his teachers finally gave up. Clearly, Dimwit was plagued throughout
his childhood by a sense of deep inferiority to his predecessors.
Mumberthrax, perhaps the most extreme example of being affected by
Duncanthrax’s propaganda that he was the most awesome king of all time,
spent his entire life utterly convinced of his own unimportance,
completely unwilling to perform any deed that would cause him to be
remembered by history. Convinced of his own irrelevance, Mumberthrax
could see little reason to think that his son Dimwit would turn out
much better. (It did not help, that the tad spoiled Dimwit had already
tarnished his image with fondness for torturing his nannies in the
Egreth Castle dungeon.)
Infected by Duncanthrax’s propaganda and the incessant taunting of
relatives, Dimwit would go too far the other way; consumed by the
desire to prove his own self-worth, he spent every waking moment of his
reign intent on outdoing every single single one of his predecessor's
achievements. (It seems that Dimwit spent many of his sleeping moments
pursuing this goal as well. S. Zeebin has put forward the surprising
but all-too-believable hypothesis that Dimwit dictated most of the
5,521 Mareilon Edicts while sound asleep.)
Nevertheless, it seems a little far-fetched to blame Dimwit's excessive
nature on an attempt to outdo the institutionalized vanity of his
great-great-grandfather. But when combined with the circumstances
surrounding Dimwit’s status as heir apparent to the throne of Quendor,
the answer seems clear.
Dimwit spent most of his early adulthood (c. early 740s) vacationing in
the sparsely populated Eastlands across the Great Sea with 40,000 of
his attendants and closest friends. Dimwit despised the outdoors, and
he was petrified of rain, which puddled embarrassingly on his level
pate. He soon became enthralled by the underground caverns in those
areas, an interest that would one day change the course of the Kingdom.
In 765, during one of his extended summer vacations in the
Eastlands (before becoming king and transporting the castle
permanently), the future king took 6,000 of his closest friends on a
camping trip in the forests of Famathria. After two months of “roughing
it” in the wilderness, he suddenly developed an unremitting sneeze that
forced him to return prematurely.
Dimwit Flathead spent the subsequent weeks strapped to his bed against
his will. Though his retelling is quite certain on the matter, it is
assumed that this was seen by all as the only possible way of causing
himself even greater suffering. He writes of his extreme longing to
itch his nose, discussing in great detail the measures he wished to
take in order to stop the relentless sensation, which included, among
other things, the insertion of a fully-grown porcupine up each nostril.
Though Prince Dimwit’s behavior up to that point had always been seen
as a bit excessive, history shows that his most stunning feats of
overindulgence were spent detailing the suffering he experienced, lying
in bed, unable to move his arms in the slightest, much less reach up to
and scratch his swollen, red nose. The guards who stood watch outside
his bedroom were made to pay dearly
immediately following his recovery. In fact, some authors have
suggested that the entire underground empire was made to pay for their
collective unwillingness to let him scratch his proboscis.
As a teenager, Babe Flathead was something of a lady's man and a party
animal, and his older brother Dimwit would frequently have to bail the
Babe out of jail following one infraction or another (c. 761~7). By all
accounts, Babe and Dimwit, despite their 25-year age difference, were
closest of all the Flathead siblings.
Starting with his own self-portrait in 766 GUE, and finishing with his
Coronation Portrait of King Dimwit in 783 GUE, Leonardo Flathead
brilliantly captured the varied personalities of the Twelve Flatheads
on canvas over a span of seventeen years. The originals could once be
seen on display in the gallery at Flatheadia Castle before it was
ransacked in 883 GUE. Reproductions were also made for the 883 Flathead
Calendar. During
the reign of Dimwit Flathead, noblemen from every province would be
escorted to his studio by the king's personal militia to have their
portraits painted by Leonardo.
Perhaps the most thoroughly researched era of Quendoran history is the
reign of Dimwit Flathead. The political, cultural and moral excesses of
the unstable monarch have all been well catalogued by people with more
patience and time on their hands, the countless deeds of Dimwit
Flathead’s reign shall be summarized here.
When Mumberthrax felt death's icy hand in 770 GUE, his son, Dimwit
Flathead, assumed the Quendoran throne. Every province, country, and
city in the Empire owned allegiance to him and to the powerful dynasty
to which he belonged. Lord Dimwit, as he liked to be called, was a
colorful character, described by Boswell Barwell as “vibrant,” but has
also been portrayed as “the single worst ruler the Empire ever
produced.” As both the fifth generation of the Flathead seed, and the
seventh king of the Dynasty, he would rule Quendor for 19 years until
his death in 789.
Lord Dimwit’s first act was to rename the Kingdom of Quendor. Both its
above and below ground regions became “The Great Underground Empire” in
honor of the myriad of tunnels and passageways built at the behest of
King Duncanthrax, this despite the fact that the vast majority of the
kingdom’s people, including Dimwit himself, continued to live above
ground. This was a great relief to the people. Although the name had
been used as early as 668 (some legends say as early as the reign of
Entharion, but there is no surviving evidence to support this
notation), it shed light on the mysterious acronym of the dating
system. Within a few years, the new name had completely displaced the
older one. (After the reign of Dimwit Flathead, both names were briefly
used interchangeably, until eventually The Great Underground Empire
solely referred to the underground kingdom.)
Dimwit’s second act of vanity was to re-title the Great Sea with the
name Flathead Ocean. The name never really stuck, and both names are
used interchangeably to this day, the original being favored by the
Westlanders. The basis of the bloit additionally changed to Dimwit's
three-eyed cat.
Having spent countless vacations overseas, Lord Dimwit shared the
fondness of Duncanthrax for the uncharted territories of the Eastlands.
Thus the same year, he decided to move the capital of Quendor from
Egreth in the Westlands, to the little-known colony of Aragain in the
central Eastlands, where the seat of government would remain until the
fall of the Empire in 883. The small hamlet was replaced with the 8,600
square bloit monstrosity known as Castle Flatheadia, which was
literally on top of the unsuspecting villagers (rumor has it that some
of the crude huts and tents are still occupied in the lower basement
levels of the castle). Some bitter, unappreciative chroniclers have
described Dimwit’s castle at Flatheadia as his biggest folly. In a
surprisingly short amount of time, that small village was transformed,
quickly becoming the center of civilization at it was then known.
Dimwit’s vanity was surpassed only by his outrageous sense of
proportion. For example, in the same year, planning began for his
official coronation, an event of such monumental importance that the
18-month festivity would take 13 years to prepare, thereby placing it
well into the latter half of his reign. In fact, the beginning and end
of the coronation planning process act as bookends to achievements for
which Lord Dimwit is best known.
The two closest advisors to Lord Dimwit Flathead were Lord Feepness and
Delbor of Gurth, although it seems likely that Syovar at least played a
minute roll. Whether flattery, forced, or authentic, the differences
between their praises for the king can clearly be seen:
receive news of your word with pleasure and come quickly.
Your Humble Servant,
Lord Feepness
in marked contrast to the more subservient, and therefore much more
favored Delbor of Gurth:
my King and my God, the Lord Dimwit Flathead the Ever-Subtle:
the winds blow to me the blessed news of your eternal and sweeping
mercy. Truly
Quendor counts itself amongst the most lucky of all worlds to have none
than your Holiness and Beneficence as its sovereign lord. Even in my
distant and frigid northern retreat, made ever worse, my Lord, by its
from you, even in these grey mountains the sounds of your royal summons
life to the very snow and ice. Truly, your word, my Lord, can do all
the ancient Westlands break their fast on Antharian granola at your
whim. The
malodorous surmin smells as roses at your decree. My Lord, no mighty
steed, no
magical spell, nor even the shortest route across the magnificent
that bear your name can return me to your side as quickly as my heart
beg. Your servant in grateful humility,
of Gurth
The 770s were known as the “musty” decade of Lord Dimwit Flathead’s
rule, when all standard ground transportation was banned to save
then-valuable shoe leather. How commoners got around is too arcane to
attempt to relate, but royalty traveled by hot-air balloon.
Dimwit, recognizing a kindred spirit in his younger brother, Johann
Sebastian, appointed him official court composer in 771. Later that
year, he wrote his famous “Flatheadia Overture for Rack and Pendulum”
to celebrate the dedication of the completed Flatheadia Dungeon.
Following that event, Johann would spend his later years composing
music for ever more grandiose instruments, such as his “Concerto for
Woodwinds and Waterfalls.”
Though there has never been an accurate count, it is known that the
Flatheadia Dungeon (also known as the Asylum), contained no less than
10,000 occupants at its peak. This is of minor historical note in the
context of Dimwit’s other acts of excessiveness, but it is worth
mentioning because of a drama of Lucrezia Flathead that would soon play
itself out within the dungeon’s walls.
With the entire castle completed, the seat of government was officially
moved from Egreth to Flatheadia on the 14th of Jam, 771 GUE. At its
peak, the castle at Flatheadia, which was connected directly to the
sprawling underground caverns and tunnels after which the empire had
been named, housed over 90% of the Empire’s population. The nearby
village-turned-metropolis would be home to the Underground Revenue
Service, the Postal Service, and various temples and courts of law. The
dominating feature of the Flatheadia landscape after 781 would be the
400-story FrobozzCo World Headquarters Building. Much like Egreth, its
counterpart in the Westlands, Flatheadia was the focus of all new
underground tunneling and exploring in the area.
Egreth was abandoned and collected dust, at least until the all sorts
of awful creatures moved in. The old castle became a place of ill omen,
inhabited by trolls, grues, goblins, and even horrible old hobgoblins.
Without any people around to drive them out, they would have the entire
place to themselves. But this free reign would not last long, for soon
a bunch of evil magicians would do their horrid magic spells in the
royal rooms and make the creatures their slaves. A succession of
magicians would continue to use the castle for their black magic until
the last of them, Radnor, was defeated during the tenth century.
Let us pause here for a moment to briefly describe some small portions
of the 8,600 bloit castle at Flatheadia, and what went into its making.
It is not certain if all the following regions were constructed before
the castle’s 771 occupation, but they were certainly all finished
before the king’s death. The canopied bed in the private bedroom of
Lord Dimwit Flathead was alone larger than most farms, while the
closest (small by the standards of the castle) could probably sleep a
few regiments.
Dimwit loved zoos, because he loved imprisonment of any kind; if the
dungeons were full of prisoners he could at least get some joy from
throwing a couple of minxes behind bars. The one built in the lower
levels of the castle, with 69,105 cages, was at that time easily the
largest in all Quendor.
His mania for including every conceivable ecosystem under his roof
included the excavation and construction of the Great Underground
Mountain, Savannah, Woods, Lake, and Desert, all beneath Flatheadia.
The formation of the Desert clearly demonstrates Dimwit’s lack of
perspective, as his originally intent was for a personal sandbox. The
inspiring view of the Mountain made it easy to see why the king climbed
it with such frequency, although some quibblers insisted that it was
hardly “mountain climbing” to be carried up in a plush sedan chair, but
those quibblers all were tortured to death.
If we were to go on about the great hall which was so big that the
ceiling had to be lowered to reduce the frequency of storm clouds
forming in the upper regions, the tremendous audience chamber where
thousands of visitors would queue up every day (Dimwit rarely had the
patience to see even one person a day), each of the wide balconies
larger than more castles, a formal garden designed to match a fairy
tale he enjoyed as a child, a banquet hall which could easily hold ten
thousand guests and requiring the combined farm outposts of three
provinces, the scullery where the castle’s pots and pans were the
output of the forges of Borphee for three years, a kitchen crowded with
600 chefs, a courtyard where he occasionally ordered carnivals, a
library once containing copies of every book ever written, the biggest
chapel in all of Quendor, the solar where he would bathe and
dress to meet his most trusted advisors and intimate guests, then we
would need to postpone our history
indefinitely. Thus without much reluctance, we shall continue.
As the use of magic became more prevalent, so did the problems inherent
in its use. Since magic had become available to people in all
professions, conflicts arose. One famous issue involved the question
whether the plumber's FIZMO spell (“cause stopped-up pipes to unclog”)
could be sold as a digestive aid by physicians.
The issue came to a head in the aftermath of an incident known as the
Endless Fire, which set back the public’s acceptance of magic by a
slight mispronunciation and its rather severe consequences. This
magical inferno, kindled on Estuary 18, 773 GUE was so named because it
burned for four weeks after destroying the city of Mareilon. A
well-meaning local civil servant caused the unspeakable devastation
when he attempted to cast the ZEMDOR spell (“turn original into
triplicate”) but accidentally cast ZIMBOR instead (“turn one really big
city in lots of tiny, little ashes”). He reportedly apologized to the
city, with the words: “Whoops! My bad!”
At this point, discerning readers will have noted that all of Dimwit's
acts seemed to have been to gratify his ego. This, however, is not
true. With the public outcry that followed the Endless Fire, Lord
Dimwit Flathead’s drastic response was swift and characteristically
extreme. The Endless Fire led him to issue a series of 5,521 edicts
over the following few weeks, which had the effect of severely limiting
public access to magic (and, incidentally, lawyers). If the hypothesis
of S. Zeebin is correct, then most of these edicts were dictated while
Dimwit was sound asleep.
Henceforth, all magic was entrusted to the various Guilds of
Enchanters, which by now existed in many small communities. These
edicts resulted in the blossoming of the highly successful institutions
and they found themselves wielding more power than ever before. Each
Guild, whose elders comprised the so-called Circle of Enchanters, was
empowered to form schools for the training of new Enchanters. This
official sanctioning of the Guilds led to the formation of numerous
others chapters with membership in the various Guilds in excess of
2,000 by the year 800 GUE. The strength of the Enchanter’s Guild was so
great that despite the collapse of the Great Underground Empire in 883
under the feeble-minded reign of Wurb Flathead, that it remained
virtually unchanged until 966.
While it cannot be said with precision when the time tunnels were
constructed, they were certainly completed before the end of the reign
of Lord Dimwit Flathead, who at one point hired a team of 12,000
specialists to trace the labyrinth of time tunnels underneath the Great
Underground Empire. The model they presented him with looked so awfully
like a great ball of spaghetti that the meeting was terminated and
dinner was served. The report “A Meticulous Tracing of Temporal
Lateralism in the Great Underground Empire, with Marinara” is still
available in libraries and restaurants today.
After all of her eighteen marriages came to grisly ends, with each
husband being gruesomely killed in increasingly bizarre accidents,
Lucrezia Flathead was rumored to be in a miserable emotional state.
Fearing her suicide, the uber-widow was imprisoned in a cell in the
dungeon in 774 by her elder brother Dimwit Flathead. Though it pained
the king
dearly, he had only done so for her own safety. She languished in that
cell for the remaining fifteen years of her life.
While Dimwit certainly inherited Duncanthrax’s ambition and
ingratiating personality, he directed them in a somewhat less
productive fashion. Whereas Duncanthrax used his power to expand his
empire, Dimwit was motivated to realize his bizarre whims. Raising the
kingdom’s tax rate to just over 98%, Dimwit began a series of grandiose
projects that soon earned him the title “Flathead the Excessive.”
Thousands upon thousands of golden zorkmids were minted and spent by
the royal treasury in an effort to finance Dimwit's remarkable and
excessive ceremonies and constructions. Lord Dimwit gave all of his
underground projects to the Frobozz Magic Cave Company, chiefly because
his brother, John D. Flathead, was President of FrobozzCo
International, the Magic Cave Company's parent company. Hundreds of new
subsidiaries were formed daily.
One of the first of these incredible projects was the creation of the
Royal Museum in 776 GUE to house the crown jewels, along with a
technology display, and a famous royal puzzle in the form of a
sandstone and marble maze. The Technology Museum contained items
generously provided by FrobozzCo International (donated directly by
John D. Flathead), nonworking models of Thomas Alva Flathead’s Frobozz
Magic Compressor and Frobozz Magic Room Spinner, and a working model of
a Frobozz Magic Temporizer.
This museum had incredibly tight security that actually showed
restraint on the part of the king. He had originally planned to build
the museum under two miles of mountain, and surrounded with 500 feet of
steel, but had to settle for a less excessive construction plan. This
rare moment of self-control was probably due in some part to the sound
advice of one of his chief advisors, Lord Feepness, who said that the
idea was “impractical.” His other advisor, Delbor of Gurth, was
probably too frightened to give his opinion in the matter.
It was during his inspection of the museum with Feepness, when Dimwit
revealed his Flood Control Dam #3 and volcano projects:
nice! Very nice! Not enough security, but very nice! Now, Lord
Feepness, pay
attention! I've been thinking and what we need is a dam, a tremendous
dam to control
the Frigid River, with thousands of gates. Yes! I can see it now. We
shall call
it ... Flood Control Dam #2. No, not quite right. Aha! It will be Flood
Dam #3.”
me, my Lord, but wouldn't that be just a tad excessive?”
Now, let me tell you my idea for hollowing out volcanoes...”
It is of slight historical interest that on that very day the
adventurer who would eventually become the second Dungeon Master used
the Royal Museum's Temporizer to travel back in time from 948 to 776 to
steal one of the crown jewels. This resulted in a dramatic increase in
security measures by Dimwit Flathead. The unexplained theft of his
royal ring during the final stages of construction led to a greater
eccentric excessiveness on his part, forcing him to place the remaining
jewels in a hidden vault buried seven miles under the Flathead
Mountains, accessible only by a chain of sixty-three secret
teleportation spells. Thus, the following year, the museum was
dedicated on Arch 22 without the Crown Jewels of the Great Underground
Under the management of foreman Mumboz Agrippa, a descendant of C.
Agrippa, the Frobozz Magic Cave Company quenched and then hollowed out
a 500 foot tall volcano nearby Flatheadia. Dimwit was fond of this
idea. The project was conducted under very tight security and he
personally reviewed the plans at each stage. Interestingly enough,
since the theft of the royal ring in 776, Dimwit Flathead distrusted
museum security enough to place his prized possession, an incredibly
gaudy crown, within a locked safe in the mighty volcano. Other rooms
were installed within, including the official library for the royal

The 780s saw the start of the “yet mustier” decade of Lord Dimwit
Flathead’s rule, when in addition to the already banned ground
transportation, hot-air balloons were banned due to their inability to
navigate Aragain Falls.
By 782 GUE, the Babe was such a phenomenal drawing card that Lord
Dimwit constructed the kingdom’s largest sporting arena, Flathead
Stadium, just north of Anthar. Once completed, it was dedicated to the
great athlete. Double Fanucci, dragon-fights, and shark-wrestling
the primary draws to the crowds who filled Flathead Stadium, which was
reputed to have enough seats for every man, woman, and child in the
Great Underground Empire.
Ground was finally broken on Ottobur 11th, 782 GUE for the Flood
Control Dam #3 construction (which had been proposed six years
ago) in
order to harness the mighty destructive power of the Frigid River. This
mammoth edifice with virtually no useful purpose, since it never rains
underground, was supported by a grant of 37 million zorkmids from the
Central Bureaucracy and Lord Dimwit himself; but neither of those
concerns diminished its magnificence. It had been said that this is the
greatest engineering feat in the history of the Great Underground
Empire, as well as the most nonsensical and expensive.
The construction of Flood Control Dam#3 took 112 days from ground
breaking to the dedication. It required a work force of 384 slaves, 34
slave drivers, 12 engineers, 2 turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear
tree. The work was managed by a command team composed of 2345
bureaucrats, 2347 secretaries (at least two of whom could type), 12,256
paper shufflers, 52,469 rubber stampers, 245,193 red tape processors,
and nearly one million dead trees. When finished, this impressive
structure was composed of 370,000 cubic
feet of concrete, was 256 feet tall at the center, and 193 feet wide at
the top. The reservoir created behind the dam had a volume of 1.7
billion cubic feet, an area of 12 million square feet, and a shore line
of 36 thousand feet. Only four of the fourteen hundred sluice doors
proposed by His Lordly Excessiveness were ever actually constructed.
Flood Control Dam #3 was dedicated on the 30th of Estuary, 783 and
afterward became one of the most famous tourist attractions in all of
Zork. On the first day of every summer (until the collapse of the
Empire in 883 GUE), crowds would line the banks of the Frigid River for
the annual opening of its floodgates. While there was never a Flood
Control Dam #1 or #2, others would follow, including #7 and #678.
The following edict of Dimwit Flathead in 782 serves to illustrate the
origin of the main problem of the Granola Riots in 865 GUE:
- I. That the Royal Monarchy of Quendor has taken it upon itself to solve
the manpower shortages that plague the Granola Mines of the Antharian
- II. That His Royal Beauteousness has found an opportunity to express
His Royal Displeasure with the lowly subjects of the Western Provinces
for their continued unwillingness to consume the Most Holy and Royally
Approved Antharian Granola.
III. That, because He feels on this day most generous and beneficent,
His Royal Authority hereby allows every family in the heretofore
mentioned Western Provinces to volunteer their first-born sons for
forced labor in the Antharian Granola Mines.
IV. That the birthday of Her Royal Majesty the Queen shall from
henceforth be celebrated on the first Grues Day of each month.(Dimwit
had no queen. This prevented no one in Quendor from celebrating
her birthday, including Dimwit himself.)
thirteen years of planning and two-thirds of the way through his
reign, Lord Dimwit’s coronation ceremony began on Oracle 22nd, 783 at
Flatheadia. The coronation lasted for an additional 18 fun-filled
months, and once all bills were in, cost twelve times the Empire’s GNP.
Since Dimwit’s coronation, all subsequent kings were crowned on Oracle
22nd. Leonardo Flathead finished painting his Coronation Portrait of
King Dimwit, which was the last of the Twelve Flathead portraits. His
portrait captured him in the classic pose of imbecility, astride his
gaudy throne. This
incredible ceremony solidified the King’s informal title, Lord Dimwit
Flathead the Excessive. Those who refused to attend the ridiculous
coronation were incarcerated.
The Wizard of Frobozz was a strange little man, usually wearing a long
cloak, a high pointed hat embroidered with astrological signs, and a
long, stringy, and unkempt beard. He received his D.T. (Doctor of
Thaumaturgy) degree from GUE Tech. In the years to follow, the Wizard
of Frobozz became a member of the influential Accardi chapter of the
Enchanters' Guild before being promoted to a seat on the Circle of
Enchanters. He was later removed from his position for forgetfulness
bordering on senility. Among his other failings, the lively wit of his
youth had been replaced by a semi-sadistic mischievousness coupled with
an inability to pronounce spells other than those beginning with other
than the letter “F”.
Despite this, in either the 770s or early 80s, he was appointed by
Dimwit Flathead as the official court wizard at Flatheadia. If fate
turns as a wheel, then the Wizard of Frobozz represented a low point
for the excessive king. In 785 GUE, havoc struck Quendor when he
accidentally transformed the entire west wing of Dimwit’s famed castle
into a mountain of fudge. Thus in one errant stroke of wayward magic,
the Wizard’s blunder simultaneously destroyed it with a single word,
To see the west wing of his beloved Castle Flatheadia transformed into
a pile of fudge was too much for anyone to bear. Lord Dimwit, without
giving so much as a written reprimand first, fired the Wizard for
crimes against sugary goodness. Never one to let himself be outdone by
an upstart ruler, Lord Dimwit, without another thought, ordered
everyone, everywhere to help rebuild the west wing. Of course, the new
wing would be 25 times larger than the previous one because Dimwit
wanted it that way. Had he not already earned the nickname “Dimwit
Flathead the Excessive,” he would have earned it here. It was declared
illegal to eat Flatheadia Fudge (as it had become known) and local
authorities were ordered to run a billboard campaign with the slogan
“Stop Eating My Castle!” Dimwit built a fudge-melting plant in Fenshire
to melt down the pieces of fudge that his castle had been turned into.
It took more than a year for it to be rebuilt, and yet the faint smell
of fudge would always be hanging in the air. The Wizard of Frobozz was
“retired” to a small, obscure, and unoccupied
corner of the Great Underground Empire which would later be referred to
as the second level of the Dungeon of Zork. Here he constructed for
himself a home amongst the caverns.
Toccata and Fugue and Theme and
Variations, Opus No. 69105 (787 GUE)
For the royal elite, more classical styles of music were in vogue. The
most famous of these works is the “Toccata and Fugue and Theme and
Variations, Opus No. 69105” by Johann Sebastian Flathead, commissioned
by Lord Dimwit the Excessive. The piece was only performed once in its
entirety, in 787 GUE. Legend has it that several members of the
98,000-piece royal orchestra, chorus, corps de ballet, artillery
battery, fireworks brigade, and smoke effects crew failed to survive
the eighty-seven day ordeal.
Other Excessive Events in the Reign of
Dimwit Flathead
The full list of Dimwit Flathead’s ludicrously excessive projects may
perhaps never be known, as historians are still uncovering new
mysteries of this omnipotent tyrant. Many of these, such as the
enormous granola smelters built near the Antharian Granola Mines of
Plumbat and the scouting of the time tunnels, remain undated. Dimwit’s
Birthday was observed once a week on “Birthday,” a day when everyone in
the kingdom was required to give the king a present. (Since the
renaming of this day of the week, all records of its original name have
been erased from history.) Dimwit’s face has been found upon at least
one version of the zm1 coin, the zm100 bill, the zm10000 coin, and the
zm3 postage stamp. It is also known that Lord Dimwit Flathead had
magical life-size chess set that could be accessed by donning a magic
robe. Thomas Alva Flathead designed twelve specialty cannons for his
brother, including Chloe the Cannon and the Foo dog Cannon. When the
Temple of Agrippa was discovered, Dimwit Flathead saw it fit to order
its reconstruction by setting an additional level upon the ancient
regions previously constructed by Lockmoore and C. Agrippa, thus
accounting for a strange duality in the contrast between the old and
the new.
The Cultural Complex, constructed in caverns near Port Foozle,
contained the Royal Theater. Built to the precise specifications of
Lord Dimwit Flathead, this cavernous auditorium is reputed to be the
most elaborate in the Great Underground Empire, its excessive structure
holding 69,105 seats (which were each built like thrones), not
including the royal box seats that were centrally situated on the 37th
Dimwit also developed an incredible urge for odd candies. He
commissioned the Frobozz Magic Candy Company to make him candied
grasshoppers, chocolate ants, and worms glacee. His love for these was
only surpassed by his desire for rare chocolate truffles. In order to
indulge his bottomless appetite, he ordered the excavation of entire
forests where the truffles grew.
Punishment of Withheld Taxes
Wishing to turn up every last zorkmid, instilling fear if necessary to
pursue this end, Dimwit decreed on the 4th of Dismumber, 788 GUE, that
“anyone withholding payment of all taxes decreed before this date shall
be killed along with everyone they have ever met.”
“My Best Excesses” (788~789 GUE)
Perhaps the greatest insight into the mind of history’s most memorable
and controversial figure can be found written in his own words, in the
text of his autobiography, “My Best Excesses.” Published over the
two-year period preceding his death, the original volume is
approximated to be over 122,000 pages in length. However, during its
first printing, Lord Dimwit frantically pulled roughly half of the
pages from the press and had them sealed and buried four bloits
underground, directly beneath the future site of his nine-bloit statue.
The issue was, needless to say, not to be discussed within the court on
punishment of gruesome execution, thus it can only be assumed that
Dimwit got cold feet about publishing his more personal thoughts.
Destroying such glorious prose as his own was certainly out of the
question, so four bloits worth of dirt and sediment seemed the only
rational solution. Due to severe unfeasibility and general lack of
interest, the missing text remained buried beneath Fublio Valley for
over three centuries until it was excavated by the Grand Inquisitor.
As even the half-sized version was too large to print, the book titled,
“Excerpt from My Best Excesses” was thought for a long time hold the
only surviving fragments of this historical work. Unfortunately, this
book was either authored by a pseudo-Dimwit or redacted after the
publication of the Analecta Loowiticia. If these any of these
are in fact genuine (or are a collaboration of poor editing of
authentic documents), they may shed some possible light behind Dimwit’s
rationality of instituting his final acts of excessiveness:
I will summarize in the following eleven hundred pages, the
ninety-eight per
cent tax rate is a mere pittance, and
nothing worth doing in this empire can be done for any less than a full
hundred per cent! My next two or three
thousand Tax Bills should further illumine my immensely keen
feelings on this subject…”
have known my share of detractors. A
ruler so excessively wise, so
excessively handsome, so excessively flat
as myself with always find himself
the subject of pernicious slander.
There always will be some who lack the vision.
Some who think we cannot afford (plebeian
concept!) to erect a new continent in my own excellent
image. Some who doubt we require (as if that were the issue!)
an underground Flood Control Dam, where there is no rain. As if the inspired work of a philosopher king was
to be governed by the vicissitudes of the weather!
I am convinced however, that the statue of my royal selfness that I am
in the Fublio Valley, will be my most excellent excess -- my haute
excess, my opus excess magnus flatus! Nine bloits high and counting,
the sheer impact of the visage, of my regal nez, when the sun is
setting just behind this generous protuberance -- leaves nothing to the
The 9-Bloit High Statue (789
In all the years of the empire, through all its eccentrics, no one
comes close to matching the inimitable mark made by Lord Dimwit
Flathead the Excessive. No ego, no vanity, no exaggerated sense of
proportion can compare with the likes of the man who in 789 GUE ordered
the destruction of 1,400 square bloits, or 400,000 acres, of lush
Fublio Valley forest to erect an immense nine-bloit-tall statue of
himself, lending credence to the royal motto, “A truly great ruler is
larger than life.”
In the process, Flathead’s men had a mission to protect Lord Dimwit
from the riotous residents of the Fublio Valley, who opposed the
statue his Royal Excessively Highness was constructing at the expense
of their neighborhood. Flathead’s men were told to memorize the last
line of the popular Zorkian anthem, “You Ain’t Nothin’ But a
Hellhound.” This signal would distinguish Flathead’s undercover men
from the local marauders. But, everyone forgets a code now and then,
and when it came right down to sword point, with his men stammering,
“You ain’t nothin’ but a Hellhound,” which is the first line, rather
than, “You ain’t no friend of mine,” which is indeed the last, Lord
Dimwit lost 3,000 of his best men, and vowed to make Elvis Flathead
required listening for his troops in the future.
This banquet, a minor affair that used 300 dragons to feed a few
thousand guests, saw the conception of the last two royal proposals of
Dimwit's reign. Wishing to have a dedication for his statue, he
suggested giving everyone in the Kingdom a year off, and inviting them
to Fublio Valley. The second main topic of discussion at the banquet
was Dimwit's idea for the construction of new continent in the Flathead
Ocean; a continent whose contours would have resembled his own
features. The empire simply did not have enough money to build it, and
Lord Feepness, the voice of sanity in the realm, pointed out that
raising the tax rate from 98% to 100% simply would not be a wise
political move. Lord Dimwit, never satisfied, proposed adopting
everyone in the Kingdom and telling them that he'd cut off their
Lord Dimwit’s incumbency was a 19 year stretch that, despite being full
of surprises, became increasingly tiresome for the tormented commoners.
But it was not the disgruntled masses that dethroned and killed Dimwit.
It was the temper of one particularly skilled wizard by the name of
Megaboz. This mysterious, powerful sorcerer lived a hermit's life in
Fublio Valley. His unassuming shack was adorned with wall hangings and
poems. He was one of the few enchanters whose talent measured up to his
ego. According to one of his tapestries, we should “Forget the rest;
Megaboz is the best.” Megaboz and his ego wrote themselves into the
history books in 789 GUE. This Fublio Valley resident was not impressed
by the mammoth statue that casted a shadow over the entire region and
intended to make his complaint quite clear. 789 saw the conception of
the last two royal proposals of Dimwit's reign:
14th of Mumberbur. 789 was another frantic day at the
castle; Lord
Dimwit Flathead the Excessive had invited a few thousand friends over
dinner to celebrate his new statue. The banquet hall was filled to the
capacity, and the guests were raising quite a din. Three hundred
dragons had
been slaughtered for the occasion, and the kitchen was suffocated by
the stench
of their roasting flesh. Several excerpts of the king’s conversation
were heard
by an unknown castle servant, and have been handed down to us over the
was seated at the dais, surrounded by his most trusted advisors, cut
off from
the rest of the party by a legion of personal guards. His loud voice
across the crowded hall. “Now that the statue is done, we must do
ceremonial. I have it! A dedication! We'll give everyone in the kingdom
a year
off and invite them to the Fublio Valley...”
obnoxious Dimwit ranted at his advisor about his greatest dream: the
creation of a new continent in the center of the Flathead Ocean. The
and contours of the new continent would have been a gigantic
reproduction of
his own visages.
not enough in the royal treasury to build my new continent, Lord
Feepness? Then
we'll increase the tax levy! It's only 98%! That still leaves two
all deference, your Lordship, people are refusing to pay even the 98%.
decree, ‘Anyone withholding payment shall be killed along with everyone
ever met’ simply isn't working. If you increase it to 100%, the
shouted with his mouth full of dragon meat. “How about this? I'll
adopt everyone in the kingdom... and then I'll announce that they've
naughty and I've cut off their allowance! It's inspired! Lord Feepness,
draw up
the proclam...”
was interrupted by an explosion of billowing smoke in the center of the
hall. A
gaunt, bearded man strode forth from the smoke!
me the one responsible for the statue!” bellowed the newcomer. “The
statue that
now darkens Fublio!” Every head silently turned toward Dimwit, whose
delight at
the pyrotechnics was now tinged by fear.
away,” ordered Dimwit, waving a shaky hand at the stranger. “This is a
the order, the newcomer paced forward, until he was standing almost
next to the
servant. “My favorite
grove of shade trees now lies beneath the toe of that cursed statue! No
man, be
he peasant or king, crosses Megaboz the Magnificent!”
raised his arms, and every guest who knew how dangerous an angry wizard
be began to dive under the tables.
thy kingship is a mockery of all worldly values! I curse your life! I
your family! And I curse your Empire!” Sheets of power began to spew
from the
wizard’s fingertips. “Frobnitz! Frobnosia! Prob Fset Cond! Zmemqb Intbl
As the last word was spoken, the wizard turned into a vast fireball
exploded outward, searing everything in its path. Then, there was
Megaboz had last been seen, sat a
huge black cauldron, bubbling and roiling and spewing noisome fumes.
All eyes
transfixed on the incredible cauldron.
of the guests were burned and dying. This did not seem to bother Dimwit
but he did seem concerned by the bubbling cauldron. He summoned his
magicians, who huddled about the cauldron, sampling the brew, casting
exploratory spells, studying the words of Megaboz's spell, and
whispering among
they seemed to reach an agreement. Combining their powers, the
chanted a long and mysterious spell. Then, drained of energy, they
turned to
have done our best, your Lordship,” began the chief magician, “but the
spell of
Megaboz is a mighty one indeed. We delayed its effects for 94 years,
but after
that time, this castle – in fact, all the Eastlands – will be
shrugged. “Big deal! I won't be around in 94 years!”
than you think,” continued the chief magician. “There's more to the
Lordship, you and your eleven siblings are doomed!”
whined Dimwit. “As in dead? That's not fair! When?”
perhaps a bit later...” The king lurched suddenly and collapsed onto
dinner. “...perhaps a bit sooner.”
personal physician rushed to the stricken king, and then looked
solemnly at the
assembled guests. “The king is dead!”
In the end, Dimwit Flathead was forced to pay a price for all his power
and extravagance. His family shared his fate, for it was reported at
the moment of Megaboz’s curse, that the other eleven siblings of Dimwit
Flathead all spontaneously died on 14 Mumberbur 789 GUE:
- John D.’s long-time goal was for FrobozzCo to
control every
single zorkmid of commerce in the Great Underground Empire, hoping to
make turn his company slogan, “You Name It, We Do It.” The lone
holdout, a small rutabaga farm in Mithicus, was finally bought by
FrobozzCo Company in 789. John D. never heard the news, however. He
disappeared, along with a huge entourage, while touring the factories
of the Frobozz Magic Snowmaking Equipment Company in the Gray Mountains.
- Stonewall died during the Battle of Ragweed Gulch,
when he was accidentally shot by one of his own men.
- Johann Sebastian was killed when a mishap occurred
during a rehearsal of his “Minuet for Violin and Volcano.”
- J. Pierpont entered one of the Bank of Zork’s
vaults and never
re-emerged. Although gone, he was not forgotten; reproductions of his
portrait still hung in every branch of the Bank of Zork.
- Having slept on an unfinished wooden board in the
small room
behind his laboratory, Thomas Alva died from a severe case of splinters.
- Unfortunately, during his later years Leonardo
became quite
senile, and his painting style deteriorated. He took to flinging paint
at his canvases in much the same way that a Borphee baker flings bits
of dough into a hot oven to make Frobolli Cakes. His studio became
caked with layer upon layer of splattered paint. It was during this
period that his famous incomplete work, “Obstructed View of Fjord,” was
lost (this piece of art was later found by the First Dungeon Master in
883). Leonardo made a final, feeble attempt to recapture his
greatness by moving to other media beside paint, but these efforts led
to his tragic end. While working on a large statue intended for the
harbor of Antharia, he suffered a fatal plunge into a vat of molten
granola. Although Flatheadia was destroyed in 883 by the curse of
Megaboz, Leonardo's studio, though ruined, was preserved as part of the
Dungeon of Zork.
- Toward the end of his life, Ralph Waldo
specialized in exploring
related themes, as brilliantly demonstrated by the four sonnets found
by his deathbed: Sonnet #87,177 “Ode to a Tiny Moist Avocado Pit”
Sonnet #87,178 “Ode to Another Tiny Moist Avocado Pit”
Sonnet #87,179 “Ode to Two Tiny Moist Avocado Pits”
Sonnet #87,180 “Ode to Two Still-Tiny-But-Less-Moist Avocado Pits”
An autopsy of Ralph Waldo revealed that the cause of his death
was an
overdose of avocados.
- John Paul died while on a vacation in
Grubbo-by-the-Sea, when his
old nemesis, the great white jellyfish, finally caught up with him.
- The carcinogenic chemicals used in the eighth
century to create
blueprints finally took their toll on Frank Lloyd, and he died.
- It was at the Flathead Stadium, during the
semi-finals, that the youngest of the Twelve Flatheads, Babe, met his
- Some legends say that Lucrezia’s death was self-inducted. But
this is
contrary to other, more likely, reports. The Flathead widow had angered
her own people, and the House of Flathead was not, by nature,
forgiving. Not even an enchanter was able to protect Lucrezia from the
hired guns charged with dispatching the murderess to the Great Beneath.
When Lucrezia met her final misfortune—a secret execution—the
enchanter, of whose daughter she bore, made a daring escape soon after
with their child in tow. He spirited the young Lucille away to the
recesses of the deepest underground, known only as The Dark—a network
of catacombs beneath the prison.
only a few moments, Lord Dimwit and his eleven siblings came to a
sudden death, thus ending one of the most colorful chapters in the
history of Quendor. Although dead, the Twelve Flatheads foresaw that some cretin might
tamper with their remains. Therefore, they took steps to punish
trespassers with a curse. It is not exactly sure how all of the corpses
reached the same destination nor were preserved, but the “Keeper of the
Dungeon” (who is presumably the First Dungeon Master whose reign did
not begin until 883 GUE) placed each of the bodies in the Tomb of the
Twelve Flatheads with each of their severed skulls upon a pole outside
the same crypt. It is assumed that the remains are still there to this
Thanks to the efforts of the court magicians, the curse would be
postponed for 94 years, but the 14th of Mumberbur was henceforth known
as Curse Day, the anniversary of the death of Lord Dimwit Flathead the
Excessive and the beginning of the end of the Flathead Dynasty. For
reasons that remain lost
to history, Dimwit himself was not nearly as excessive at procreation
as was Mumberthrax, his father, and thus he produced no heir to the
throne, and thus the crown devolved instead upon the eldest surviving
male member of the house, Loowit Flathead.
Megaboz disappeared in a ball of fire, most assumed he was dead and by
882, royal spokesmen would deny rumors of the Curse and historians
would dismiss it as a silly schoolyard legend, but ninety-four years
later, on 14 Mumberbur 883, in the reign of Wurb Flathead, they would be
mistaken. The Empire
came to an end. Flatheadia was destroyed, and the age of the Flathead
Dynasty was over.
many of Dimwit's laws were revoked by a momumental undertaking of
Loowit Flathead, the updating committee was unable to go through the
entire backlog of the Excessive king's reign, and thus a vast majority
of the
Great Underground Empire's laws would still remain (hopelessly
outdated) even into the Second Age of Magic.
During the beginning of the eleventh century, Wartle, under the command of Mir Yannick, searched for a
handful of out-of-date patents—including one for a massive, misshapen
machine, a remnant from the Flathead Dynasty—when Enchanters were
plenty and plenty troublesome, and Lord Dimwit was always looking for
some way to control them. Wartle produced not only the patents, but
discovered the very machines first employed by Dimwit Flathead for the
same hostile purpose—controlling the magical masses.
Yannick’s call for a return to Flathead
values sparked renewed interest in the Flathead Dynasty, which further
generated the funding necessary to carry out the largest excavation
ever undertaken. Having been buried for over three centuries, the
missing pages of Dimwit Flathead’s autobiography were excavated from
four bloits deep beneath the statue in Fublio Valley. A team of
scholars would spend seven years analyzing the unabridged work,
splitting into groups of ten in order to scrutinize each chapter with
the attention it demanded, and gathering occasionally to discuss their
many findings.
the time with little Dimwit started teethin in 723 GUE, Nanny Beeble
had to fight off a clutch of horrifying demons who were trying to
interrupt the children's nap.
A longtime court favorite of Lord Dimwit Flathead's, the Fleezle was
once sounded three hundred times in a single meal at Flatheadia Castle,
where it announced the arrival of the 299 next courses.
Dimwit's face has been printed on at least the 100zm bill, the 10,000 zm
coin, and 3zm postage stamp.
tacky (albeit rare and semi-collectable) model of Dimwit Flathead
cloaked in royal purple has been discovered in the Cultural Complex.
There is just enough detail on the
model's face to make out its crossed-eyes and protruding tongue.
Lord Dimwit's five wisdom teeth were housed in the vaults of the
Frostham Museum of Modern Arts and Sciences during the Second Age of Magic.
A state dedicated to Lord Dimwit Flathead, which frequently wore
diapers, was discovered during the Great Monster Uprising. For reasons
unknown, university students seemed to take particular glee in dressing
it in a huge diaper.