In the late 660s/early 70s, the “Weird Stuff” of Bizboz’s writings
spread like cancer with mixed results. Many took to the liberal
use of scrolls, potions, and powders for everyday needs. These
unskilled sorcerers inadvertently wreaked havoc on the land. Other
charlatans, claiming to have created magical potions and powders,
regularly fooled the gullible population into buying potions which
claimed to do such things as “reverse hair loss” and “draw Trebled
Fromps in Double Fanucci.” There were many appeals to public ignorance.
As a response to widespread magical charlatanism, Duncanthrax
the Bellicose wrote and passed the Unnatural Acts on 9 Dismembur 672
GUE, which put heavy restraints on the unauthorized use of magic and
outlawing the sale of “Unnatural or Supernatural substances.” There
were severe penalties for anyone convicted of selling the contraband.
To carry out punishments for the abuse of magic, a diabolical machine
was designed to imprison those found guilty in small, metal cases known
as totems. It was dubbed the Totemizer machine. This was to be his last
significant act as king. The Empirical Age of Magic was nearing its
While the charlatans were at work, serious students
from such institutions as Galepath University and Mithicus Province
University took up the cause of magic in their spare time, attempting
to explain the natural world as by-product of the interrelated workings
of the sciences of Physics, Medicine, Chemistry, Mathematics, and
Thaumaturgy. Eventually, some of these students achieved high-ranking
positions on the faculties of several moss-league colleges. Their
success in demonstrating the so-called first principles of Thaumaturgy,
namely Presence, Incantation, and Unusual Effect in 683 GUE, led to a
loosening of the Unnatural Acts to allow what became known as
Scientific Thaumaturgy.
This new perception of magic combined
with the removal of restrictions during this period, allowed magic to
be practiced and experimented with by an ordained institution called
the Enchanter’s Guild.