Amulet of Aggthora (957 GUE) Amulet of Aggthora (A) / (B)
The Amulet of Aggthora was a legendary blue jewel renowned for its
powers of augury. Like others of its kind produced by the
Frobozz Magic
Amulet Company, the closer this amulet
was to its owner, the brighter it glowed. They were ideal for leaving
with loved ones when going on a long and hazardous journey. According
Shinboz, this Amulet was one of the better jewels around when it
to foreseeing the future.
In the year 957 GUE, the Amulet, attached to a long golden chain was
sensitized to
Belboz the Necromancer, and was known to have glowed when
near his location. This property of the Amulet was crucial in the
defeat of
Jeearr, when the
unknown enchanter set off to locate the
missing Necromancer.
The Amulet was
later placed in small chest by unknown hands and
hidden in a gloriously beautiful clearing within the
Forest of Youth. A
last obvious line of defence against evil doers, a note, was placed
upon the chest which read, "please do not use for evil purposes." For
many years, the only hint of the jewel's whereabouts
was a single paragraph (Radqef ar Kagft was a shift cipher ROT12 for
"Forest of Youth"):
mighty and far seeing Amulet of Aggthora is hidden, with other secrets,
from those who would use it for ill, but will one day be found at the
place where I is you and twice you is I.
-Radqef ar Kagft”
During the
Great Monster
Uprising, the Amulet of Aggthora was found in the
forest by an anonymous man with the alias "
Detective Softly."
He handed it over to Shinboz in exchange for identifying teleportation
runes which belonged to the
Brotherhood of Ur'agoth. Shinboz planned to
use his new favorite Amulet to assist him
in placing a few bets on fighting adventurers in the
Bozbarland arena.
SOURCE(S): Sorcerer, Legends of Zork |