Ben Siron's long life enabled him to contribute to the construction of
Port Foozle,
G.U.E. Tech and other projects related to the
Second Inquisition
before its fall in 1067
GUE. He was known to be extremely hooked on
Magic: the Gathering (historians have found no other references to
this, and suspect that it may be a drug of some sort) and liked to
stand outside in the rain dopily. That was, when he was not
reverse-engineering things and otherwise making a nuisance of
Those who dared to ask the forbidden question "Who is Ben Siron?" soon
found themselves strangled by a ball of
heat-seeking spaghetti. One
such overcome adventurer was canned as pasta, dented and made generally
impervious to all models of the can-opener, and eventually became used
Mrs. Peeper's Paperweight in the 17th century.
Many have speculated that Ben Siron is one of the
SOURCE(S): Zork:Grand Inquisitor |