The Council of the Generals was a tribunal of war heroes that
controlled various political and tribal factions throughout the empire
during the eleventh century. While they were present throughout the
entire reign of
Syovar III (997~1047 GUE), they may have possibly been
formed with the erection of
Syovar I's kingdom of
Zork during the tenth
Yannick was easily able to manipulate this Council for his purposes
during the beginning of the eleventh century to the point that they
approved the removal of Vice Regent Syovar III himself. After the
murder of Syovar III, Yannick tightened his control on the land,
coaxing the Council of the Generals into an alliance based on their
shared exploitation of the people and resources of the Empire. It is
not known whether this Council was dissolved during or after the reign
of Grand Inquisitor Mir Yannick, which ended in 1067 GUE.
SOURCE(S): Zork Grand Inquisitor (Strategy Guide) |