The great infamous pirate Long Jim Zorkmid was the only man reputed to be more
excessive than Lord Dimwit Flathead. He possibly had a female companion (see image below).
Long Jim lost his tattered bandana
during the
Great Monster Uprising, which was purchased soon after by an
adventurer for 30 coconuts.
On a certain
Wands Day of the Great Monster Uprising,
gremlin who took pleasure in lurking underground was responsible for
alerting the authorities to the whereabouts of Long Jim Zorkmid. He was then quickly detained and imprisoned in the Antharian Caves for his crimes against Anatharian shipping. It
is uncertain how he made his clever escape the following day; all
investigations were able to turn up was information that several
washwomen seemed to have grown beards and peg legs in the hour
immediately before his disappearance.