There are two differing legends regarding of the origin of Rokeby Venus and how her spirit became trapped within the Temple of Agrippa. One tale tells that she was trapped within the temple for eternity by an early Zorkian priest, most likely around the time of the temple's erection in the latter half of the seventh century GUE. Another legend suggests that she was a person from a ninth or tenth century noble family from Aragain, whose relative were close friends and loyal subjects of Syovar. She had been kidnapped and trapped by the four alchemists (Erasmus Sartorius, Francois Malveaux, Thaddeus Kaine, Sophia Hamilton) during the first half of the tenth century to both gain a bargaining chip in their struggles, and when this failed, to be the subject of arcane experimentation.

Whatever her origins, her spirit was imprisoned as a painting, which depicted a young naked woman laying on her right side with her back to the viewer. Her face was reflected in a mirror that is held by a cupid. She was not looking at herself, but at the viewer through the mirror. In 949 GUE, the sensitive Venus aided an unknown female pilgrim in overthrowing the alchemists. She helped because she realized that the balance of the situation will not alter unless an external force intervenes. Sympathetic to the pilgrim's motivations, she assited by providing short, indirect clues and further understanding. After the pilgraim succeeded in thwarting the plans of the alchemists and resurrecting Lucien Kaine and Alexandria Wolfe, the Temple of Agrippa was destroyed, but not before Rokeby Venus managed to escape.