Spotted in the Dungeon of Zork
c. 957-966 GUE

Spotted in Dungeon of Zork, Room8
948 GUE

Tentacled monsters at FCD#3
c. 883-910 GUE

An unknown frog and carnivorous plant
spotted in the swamps of Fenshire,
Second Age of Magic

A lake monster living behind the DM's lair
1067 GUE
 A pair of humanoid creatures, spotted in Dungeon of Zork (Level 3) (c. 948 GUE)
of the most peculiar, and currently unidentifiable, creatures have been
spotted within the bowels of the Griffspotter Caverns. One was a
four-legged, malformed rodent with large, bulbous eyes unaccustomed to
the light. These cannibals had scarred flesh of
an unnatural, blackened color. Immense sagging, fleshy earlobes ripped
shreds by the claws of countless underground dangers. Small but
efficient fangs, still wet with blood.
Dozens of other creatures, smaller than the deformed
rodents nested
together. These solid, shelled beasts crawled around each other or over
the motionless
bodies of several hundred more of their comrades, small tentacle-like
claws clicking, clicking.
A giant bird of prey with fondness for gnusto-receptive paper was
spotted near the vicinity of Egreth Castle. It would swoop down fly off
with the spell books of Enchanters with a cry of "Caw! Caw!"
Huge slimy tentacled-monsters are known to dwell in the
reservoir of Flood Control Dam #3; their diet includes adventurers --
around and
dragging prey underwater never to be seen again. Multi-tentacled
denizens were also spotted in a lake to the northwest of Egreth Castle,
which powerful tentacles long enough to lash out high into the air to
pull down aerial prey beneath the surface.
During 956 GUE, Krill summoned a unique monster when he was
confronted by an unknown Enchanter. This being, having an evil essence,
had a shape which was masked by its blackness and exuded a foul, fetid
odor. It was able to wield a large battle axe in its hand.
An unknown monster was spotted in the lake behind the Dungeon Master's
Lair in 1067 GUE. When it was attempted to build a magical bridge across the small
body of water, the large green hand of this creature erupted from the
surface and dispelled the structure with magic of its own.
the Face Breaker fought a tentacled creature that was trying to force
its way into Zork from another plane of reality during the Great
Monster Uprising. Bozbik was the only adventurer who learned about it
in time to forever seal it back into whatever horrific eldritch
dimension beyond the understanding of feeble mortal minds from
whence it came before it could have spread faster than grues from a pit. The only thing researchers known for sure is that this
one was banished with a magical orb when Bozbik claimed to be a goose.
Many strange monsters of unknown variety were discoverd at G.U.E. Tech sometime around 1600 GUE:
One was something large and squishy squatting. A single, bright-blue eye opened in the squishy mass, and the
tentacle (for that's what it was) retracted. The mass almost flowed
through the spaces in the catwalk railing and dropped to the floor
fifteen feet below.
a possessed and/or zombiefied maintenance man was defeated, his body
exploded into a crowd
of small squealing creatures. (He may have been possessed by the
Lurking Horror in the same way as the unknown hacker [see further
strange creature appeared in the dream of an unknown G.U.E. Tech
student. He described it as "the darkness before me, now visible, was a
creature with a
shape not easily grasped. It towered over the now-silent
Smooth and yet scaly, it had too many limbs, and they were not in the
right places. To look at it gave me a headache. It also gave off a
charnel stetch. The thing jerked this way and that, spraying a foul
ichor. Its palps twitched expectantly, then pounded impatiently against
the rock. The thing
stooped, its mandibles grasping me. I was lifted towards its
gaping maw. The stench and the sounds issuing from it were
overwhelming." It seems to want a stone that the student was carrying.
dark flier was like a black sheet flapping in the wind, so it was hard
to see. Red eyes glowed like coals on its scaly, bullet-shaped head.
Human-like hands clenched and unclenched. Its needle-sharp teeth
projected wickedly from its twisted blood-red jaw. Its wings pumped
painfully in the blizzard gale. As a G.U.E. Tech student describes when
I came to attack him, "
The creature
was quiet as a graveyard as it approached, then suddenly began to hiss
and scream viciously at me as it neared. The dark shape, its foul
strench overpowering in the wind (which was that of a foul eater of
carrion, overlaid with another smell that I couldn't place, but which
was even less appetizing) reached out with its claw to grasp and rend.
I threw an object at the beast, but screeching, the creature fended off
my attack. Its head jerked from side to side, watching me. The noisome
creature jabbed at me with its beak, but then suddenly pulled back."
It was repelled by a strange stone that the unknown student carried --
in fact, it was completely unwilling to approach it. When the student
through it at the beast, it appeared to go completely through it as
though the creature were made of air. The creature followed it, but did
not obtain it.
unknown G.U.E. Tech professor summoned a strange creature, which
subsequently killed him. As the summoning began, the monster was but a
thick black mist with a deep bass voice gibbering out of thin air. The
mist thickened and began to swirl wildly about. Eventually a thing like
a tentacle with a demonic face slowly wrapped about its victim, pulling
it away.
creature, whose description is unknown (due to a leaflet being lost in
the only surviving manuscript) had many "wires" that were thin,
fibrous, ropy growths that connected to the heads of its prey -- which
in this case were many lost humans (urchins) from the G.U.E. Tech area.
These wirelike streamers wrapped their heads and joined to the
creature. The "wires" were very tough enough that they had to be
cut with boltcutters. The effect that the "wires" of this creature had
on the prey may be described as follows from a G.U.E. Tech student's
journal: "
They were pale, thin
creatures with red mouths and staring eyes. Their clothes were muddy
and tattered. They were barefoot in midwinter, and covered with mud.
Mold grew in their hair... Although their eyes were open, they stared catatonically. I
realized that these were urchins. They were saying or chanting
something repetitive and monotonal, almost machinelike. As I
listened more carefully, the noise resolved itself into voices. They
were chanting, but the words were unknown to me. The deep-voiced,
incomprehensible chant, which they
made without moving their lips, never stopped. It resonated deep within
their chests. When I spoke to them, they turned to me in unison. They
smiled, revealing red, broken teeth. As they closed in, tried to retreat further down the tunnel, but they
lurched, almost as one, into my way, grabbing at me feebly but
effectively. I felt their flesh. It was cold and dead. Their pale, limp
hands couldn't grab me, but they were able to stop me. There was no way
past." When the "wires" were cut with the boltcutters:
"The wire, as though under tension, rapidly began to curl up,
disappearing down the tunnel and away. The effect on the urchins was
electric (perhaps literally). They twitched, jerked spasmodically, and
fell to the ground almost in unison. They had lost all interest in me. As I went towards the downward passage, I found something blocking it.
It was moving, slowly and painfully, trying to climb up..." (the account breaks off here)
main entity possessing G.U.E. Tech at the time, was known only as "The
Lurking Horror" (see the respective entry for a full account of the
event), an indescribable being outside of humanity's understanding that
was cusp of breaking through into our world. The whitish mass dwelling
deep beneath the campus in subterranean chambers, "
strangely, even wrongly shaped. It was hard to get a fix on what was
wrong with it, but it didn't look like it could or should have existed
in any sane universe. It quivered and bubbled as though air were
pumping through it. Many wires, tentacles, and combinations of the two
entered the mass from all sides, making it almost fuzzy in appearance.
I listened closely to the sounds, which were loud and at first seemed
random. The more I listened, the more I sensed a strange regularity to
them. I got impressions, one after another, of electronic music, a
simple sine wave pattern, and telephone crosstalk. They were all
overlaid with speech, or something like speech, nearer random babbling,
or many people talking at once. I couldn't understand any of it, but it
was so near intelligibility that I felt that if I moved closer, I just
might get it. I subconsciously approached the mass, but was rendered
from my path of insanity by the sound of the hand as it repeatedly dove
and bobbed to the surface in one part of the pool near my feet..."
The horror seemed to control those on the campus by
inserting one of its cablelike appendages into a standard metal coax
box set on the wall where the appendage joined with to a coaxial cable.
The cables were interfaced to the whole campus net, meaning that it was
tied into all the nets: commerical, government, even military
potentially. This giving the creature nearly unlimited access.
Due to the presence of the Horror, the pool where it rested became
slime-infested. The entrance to its lair was protected by a curtain of
deadly, moldly phosphorescent slime. Even on appearance, one could tell
that there was something about it that made it appear unhealthy, as
though the influences there were so bad for anything living. Anything
that touched the curtain would be immediately attacked, the dark-green
slime flowing almost intelligently onto it, and then slowly undulating
as it crawled over the surface of the object. The
wet, and at first cold, slime was highly acidic, able to burrow even
through glows. Upon living creatures, it produced a burning sensation,
like that from a sea-nettle sting. Trying to scrape off the slime is a
vain task, as it just flows back into place. The only thing known to
kill it was an alchemical potion known as The Elixir of Life, brewed by
an unknown G.U.E. Tech professor. When the liquid splashed onto the
curtain, a cold mist filled the room and the slime began to freeze.
Nearly the entire curtain solidified, shattered, and dropped to the
The final confrontation with humanity and the Horror occurred when
an unknown G.U.E. Tech student, and an unknown hacker, descended into
the depths of campus to its lair. When the hacker approached, intending
to cut some of the horror's appendages,
sound stopped completely, and the wires began a frantic, looping,
twining dance. The mass began to flow towards the hacker almost as
quickly as he walked toward it. They reached each other and began to
merge together. He screamed; a long, ululating cry that echoed through
the cavern. Then he was engulfed. The
mass was bulging, vibrating, and rippling. It continued for several
moments until a huge tear began to form near where the hacker was
"Suddenly, the hacker pulled himself
out of the side of the mass. As he did, I thought I could see many
pairs of eyes appear briefly in the semitransparent mass, watching
curiously. Wires and tentacles trailed from his body, and tiny, almost
rat-like creatures clung to his body everywhere, crawling about like
ants. He walked slowly, jerkily towards me. "Be one!" he said,
haltingly but fervently. He was vacant-eyed and dangerous. "Join us!
Serve the master!" he croaked. Some of the creatures leapt onto me,
biting at exposed skin."
But, in
order to defeat the horror, the G.U.E. Tech student (having removed the
coaxial cable from the metal box) shoved the exposed conductors into
the box in its place, joining them to the appendages in place of the
cable. A shower of sparks were produced. "I watched as the tentacle
connected to the other socket began to jerk and twitch spasmodically.
The mass it was connected to quivered, and a horrible noise, almost
like a huge machine running without oil, issued from the thing. The
mass began to change shape, compacting, darkening. I could briefly see
human outlines within the gray, gelatinous mass. They surrounded
something larger, of a shape not human, not animal, like nothing I've
seen before. The hacker screamed soundlessly and dropped into the water.
"The gelatinous mass solidified and compacted, leaving behind a litter
of smoking debris. In the debris squatted a being. Huge, misshapen, it
stared at me with baleful yellow eyes. Its scaly wings beat slowly,
driving a fetid stench through the stale air of the cavern. A barbed
tongue slid across its broken, daggerlike fangs. The smooth stone
vibrated. It started to feel warm. This being was not from any
wholesome place. It was the stuff of nightmares! It was the thing that
waits in the dark, the thing that scratches at your windows late at
night. It is not death, for next to this, death is a friend to be
"I tossed the empty flask at the
creature, but it defiantly shrugged off my puny attack. In reprisal, it
tensed, preparing to leap. Its mouth opened, revealing not the
glistening interior, but a dead-black outline like a hole into
nothingness. The smooth stone I held was now glowing with a bright-red
heat that nevertheless failed to burn me.
"Without hesitation, I tossed the stone at the terror. It smashed into
the creature, sticking to its ichorous hide. The thing thrashed about,
trying to bite at the stone, which was glowing brighter and brighter.
Small hands issued from beneath its scales to tug in vain at the
irritant. The creature began to show gaping holes of dark,
light-devouring nothingness around the stone. Its wings spread
painfully, as though it were trying to fly away, and then fold. It
widened its jaw in an almost human scream of agony. The black hole of
its maw overwhelmed it, and indeed the creature appeared to be
swallowing itself. At last, a gray cloud of greasy smoke surrounded the
glowing stone, still suspended in midair. Then even that vanished, and
the stone dropped to the ground, no longer glowing. The thing was
gone." (And in small consequence, the student's term paper, since the
mass that was hooked into the network had it, was destroyed along with
the mass).
With the creature defeated, the unknown hacker, weakly rose out the
mud, staggering to his feet. Although he appeared to have been
otherwise completely restored.
There was one final unknown
creature related to this event. For, unknown to the G.U.E. Tech
student, the smooth stone in inventory was actually the egg of this
creature. Upon the defeat of The Lurking Horror, the stone "
to have a long jagged crack that almost broke it in half. As I picked
it up, I felt it bump to one side. Then, as I was holding it in my
hand, something pushed its way out through the crack, breaking the
stone into two pieces. Something small, pale, and damp blinked its
watery eyes at me. It hissed, gaining strength, and spread membranous
wings. It took to the air, at first clumsily, then with increased
assurance, and disappeared into the gloom. One eerie cry drifted back
to where I stood."