Those adventurers who yearned for the open sea learned some tricks of the trade from an individual in Grubbo-by-the-Sea known simply as the Thief. During the Great Monster Uprising, he taught those willing to pay, how best to profit from their adventurers, and was able to point them in the direction of new opportunities. He required the following payment for his five levels of training (during the zorkmid inflation):

Smuggler 175,000+2% chance to loot zorkmids from foes
+2% increase to carrying capacity
Freebooter 230,000+3% chance to loot zorkmids from foes
+3% increase to carrying capacity
Marauder 350,000+2% chance of foes dropping an item
+2% chance of finding ordinary treasure on foes
+2% chance of finding rare treasure on foes
+2% chance of finding mystical & enchanted treasure from foes
Desperado 420,000+3% chance of foes dropping an item
+3% chance of finding ordinary treasure on foes
+3% chance of finding rare treasure on foes
+3% chance of finding mystical & enchanted treasure from foes
Buccaneer 600,000+4% chance of foes dropping an item
+4% chance of finding ordinary treasure on foes
+4% chance of finding rare treasure on foes
+4% chance of finding mystical & enchanted treasure from foes