Umberthar Spildo, one of the mayors of Galepath in the fourth century,
was the eighteenth member of his family to hold the highest office. He
made his mark in history as surely the weakest and least effective of
that long line of Spildos. Towards the close of the century, Umberthar
was described as a short, round man. What little hair he had lay
hidden, nested behind his absurdly immense,
flapping ears. While sitting, his obscenely chubby arms rested on a
strong wooden
chair like two dying whales on a dry beach, and his legs could barely
be seen under the shadow of his stomach’s immense bulk.
his initial election, he had insisted on complete control of all
city administrative affairs, proceeding to single-handedly create the
worst series of tactical blunders imaginable. Mistaking a royal seal of
King Zylon for the stamp from the Fishmonger’s Guild, he summarily
revoked the baffled king’s right to go fishing anywhere within two
hundred bloits of Galepath. Greatly overestimating his own popularity,
he spent millions of zorkmids from the city treasury to cordon off
Bittut Avenue and organize festivities for a massive parade and rally
in his honor. No one came. Mathematics never having been one of the
mayor’s strong suits, he soon proceeded to do some erroneous number
crunching, arriving at the conclusion that all his citizens should give
up 124% of their annual income to the city tax coffers. Of course this
presented no problem to the Galepath natives, who, intelligent as their
mayor was inept, quickly decided to do some creative number crunching
of their own. In two
short terms Umberthar Spildo quickly gained a reputation as the city’s
least popular mayor of all time. City historians and others close to
the political scene placed well-advised wagers. If there was one
Spildo in all of Galepath history that could manage to lose an
uncontested election, this Umberthar fellow was that one.
in all his immense naiveté Umberthar Spildo could not help but be aware
of the unavoidable difficulties in the upcoming election. If he were to
lose the Galepath vote of confidence, the city would be without a
mayor. Worse still from his point of view, the Spildo family would be
without a house and home for the first time in six hundred years. In
his own feeble way he had begun to take precautions, certain measures
to ensure his continued political success, not the least of which was a
poorly disguised attempt to gain votes in exchange for a lowering of
certain individual’s exorbitant tax dues.
Also ranking among
Umberthar’s interesting political moves were his repeated attempts to
shore up his support in the other cities of Quendor in 398 GUE. In a
rare moment of insight, he had realized that the people of Galepath,
firm believers in the union of their city and Mareilon, were likely to
be very impressed by an endorsement of Spildo by Mareilon’s government.
For weeks, emissaries traveled back and forth between the two
proud metropolises, exchanging vaguely phrased, tricky political
communiqués. So far all these efforts on Spildo’s part had produced no
visible results. On Oracle 12, 398 GUE, his ambassadored latest mission
took a very sour turn. Mayor Hegilburg of Mareilon flatly refused to
see him, turning him away right at his doorstep. Instead the emissary
had been left to wander the streets of Mareilon, only to come across
Zarfil's rally of overthrowing Mareilon and conquering of Galepath
(demanding the end of Spildo's reign as the only way to avenge that
city's guilty deeds of having risen with Entharion against Mareilon).
The Emissary quickly returned to Mareilon to Galepath to report to
after, a minion of Belegur had managed to steal the Sacred Scrolls of
Fizbin from the Galepath University library. While the mayor had
already this man to coordinate a search for Zarfil’s spies in Galepath,
Spildo suspected that it was Zarfil who had stolen the Scrolls of
Fizbin, most likely to ransom control over the religious communities.
But there was no evidence for these allegations. Not caring if Zarfil
was the culprit or not, the mayor accused the rebel prince for the
theft. This incident was used as an excuse to declare a decree for
Mareilon to return the Scrolls. If the city was uncooperative in the
arrest of Zarfil, force would be taken against Mareilon. There was no
other way to avert a war. The following fragment is all that survives
of the edict issued from the desk of Spildo:
thus resolved that the continued allowance of Zarfil, a traitor to Quendor, to
freely campaign against the city of Galepath constitutes aiding and abetting a
criminal. Be it also resolved that the recent disappearance from the Galepath
University Library of several priceless works, among them the Scrolls of
Fizbin, can be nothing other than the vile work of Zarfil against our beloved
city. It is proclaimed henceforth that the city-state of Galepath will employ
any and all means necessary to ensure the recovery of its rightful property,
and that if the criminal Zarfil is not apprehended and brought to justice, and
the Scrolls returned to Galepath immediately, that the mayor of Galepath,
Umberthar Spildo, officially authorizes the use of force against that city of
traitors and criminals, Mayor Hegilburg’s Mareilon…
Fearing that Galepath would attack Mareilon, Dinbar was sent
from Largoneth on behalf of Zylon the Aged with orders to prevent the
Galepath militia from marching against Mareilon. The mayor of Galepath
nodded and thought about it for a few minutes, was undeterred by
Dinbar’s attempts at persuasion, and had him thrown in the bowels of
the dungeons. Ordering the Galepath city militia to march, they had
headed out to Mareilon ostensibly to recover the priceless Scrolls of
Fizbin from the “thief”, the self-appointed Prince Zarfil. Knowing that
a successful campaign would improve his chances for reelection, the
mayor also entertained thoughts that defeating Zarfil would earn him
great recognition from the royal government at Largoneth, perhaps even
knighthood, or the title of lord.
Nevertheless, Spildo remained
a complete stranger to military strategy, and his efforts so far had
been marred with failure. Ordering his troops due south from the
Galepath city gates, he quickly realized that he actually had no true
sense of where Mareilon was. After several lengthy and heated
discussions with his advisors, the army finally arrived at a reasonably
accurate marching plan, but only after the delay cost nearly a day of
marching time. But that was only one delay. The mayor was taken ill,
apparently having experienced a painful reaction to the switch from
rich city food to spartan military fare. The highest ranking militia
lieutenants, uncertain how to proceed without the instructions of their
leader, milled about camp aimlessly, delaying the order to march.
dark came on the previous night, tents had been set up in a convenient
clearing, near a stream running from steep, ridged hills to the east.
These were the Jerrimore Plains, of which lands had belonged to that
clan for centuries, and the abandoned Jerrimore Estate which no one
dared to venture near. Unbeknownst to any at the campsite, someone did
still live in that ancient place. Staring out at the newcomers, a mind
angry and resentful at the intrusion worked secret magical spells that
wove themselves among the sleeping soldiers that night. Many would wake
the next day filled with memories of discomforting dreams. Several even
ran screaming through the camp hours before the break of dawn,
frightened by some mysterious intrusion into their thoughts. Disrupted
by the dark images that had invaded the hours of sleep, many soldiers
grumbled openly, speaking out against the foolishness of naked
aggression against Mareilon. One even suggested that the only
reasonable choice was to turn back while they still had a chance.
next morning, Spildo's men caught the first fleeting gleams of metal as
Zarfil and his forces filled the ridge above them. At the same time,
the Nezgeth tribe from the west arrived at the same plains. Umberthar
Spildo of Galepath made a desperate attempt to shake off his worsening
stomach illness to guide his troops. Leaving his tent at the first
sound of conflict planned to muster the army to his side with one
trumpet blast and throw back the invading barbarians. But the trumpet
note lurched and died mid-breath, the trumpeter stabbed from behind by
a Nezgeth blade. Spildo soon found himself surrounded on three sides by
the forces of the onrushing horde. Separated from the bulk of his
force, which had been drawn off into a vicious melee farther to the
west, Spildo stood with only his own personal group of guards to
prevent the fatal wound that would inevitably get through. Looking
desperately for a way to avoid the crushing grip of the surrounding
force, he took the only option available, shifting away from the
three-sided advance and backing even farther into the center of the
battlefield. Mayor Spildo continued his desperate retreat from the Nezgeth, moving within feet of Zarfil and his men.
day had begun with the two armies of Spildo and Zarfil marching
inexorably towards civil war. All thoughts of hatred between Galepath
and Mareilon long forgotten, the defenders soon found themselves
collapsing in fatigue, while the advancing hordes seemed to be further
invigorated with each successive skirmish. Both Zarfil and Spildo,
standing together side-by-side, both met their simultaneous end at the
hands of the Nezgeth warriors. The two armies of the two proud, ancient
cities, suddenly disappeared from the face of Zork.