The Shield of Yoruk, one of the most widely sought after relics that
has been used in powerful rituals and events over the course of
history, is but one of many large, bronze shields stuffed with five
brilliant rubies aligned on the face to form a cross which are carried
by demons of Hades. These shields, which are able to dispel all flames
that touch them into pungent black smoke, are used by the demons to
past through a ring of fire to gain entrance into Hades.
In 380, Yoruk plucked one of these from the side of a careless lesser
demon and plunged his way through the ring of fire unscathed, passed
through the gates of Hades and slayed the Great Daemon of the
Threshold. When Yoruk passed away in 425, legends tell that this
Zorkastrian saint ascended to the Ethereal Plane of Atrii to meet with
the Implementors. When they refused to let him leave, Yoruk branished
his sword and bronze shield, hacked a path through the Happy Fields
where joy forever dwells, and was never heard of again.
During the mid-seventh century, a man named Locksmoore recovered
Yoruk's shield and journal. He shared this knowledge with Cornelius
Agrippa. Agrippa would be the first head of the modern alchemical
order, the first in a direct line of succession that stemming from
Yoruk's original descent into the underground. Before his death,
Locksmoore founded an ascetic order of monks that would keep alive the
fire of Yoruk's ancient beliefs until this day. It is not certain if
the Steppinthrax Monastery was founded by
Locksmoore or a later member of his order. This religious establishment
appears to have been built on the spot on where Yoruk descended into
the underworld. Yoruk's empty coffin was placed in the monastery's
catacombs and Yoruk's shield (minus one ruby) was hidden on the
undersize of the cover and would not be rediscovered until 949. In the
meantime, the Monastery constructed a wooden replica of the shield and held
it, along with one of the original rubies at the museum. In 949, an
unknown female pilgrim would enter the Monastery, remove the ruby from
the museum, insert it back into the authentic Shield of Yoruk, and use
it to pass through a ring of fire which the Nemesis had placed before
Francois Malveaux's alchemical laboratory in the catacombs of the
Monastery. It is unknown what happened to the Shield after this event.