Robinson, 1647 GUE Robinson after Morphius defeat (A) / (B) / (C) Robinson Artwork: (A) / (B) / (C) / (D)
As a boy, the son of Cliff Robinson was lured along with his
parents to the Cliffs of Depression. Cliff had a bonding plant, but
when he went to the cliffs, it wilted and none of them could leave;
they became enslaved to Morphius and perpetual depression. The head
dwarf miner was able to help the boy escape. Just before leaving up the
rope, Cliff gave his son a mud-encrusted rock for good luck, which
unknown to the child was one of the six pieces of the last Flying Disc
of Frobozz.
Just after he escaped from the Cliffs of Depression,
the boy came by Witch Itah's tree home at the edge of the Creeping
Bogs. She tried to cheer him up, but still suffering from the
curse of depression, he needed something more than she could give him.
Eventually he made his way above ground to West Shanbar where he lived
under the half-bridge as a vagabond, compulsively afraid that the
vultures would carry him back to the cliffs. He tried to go to the
school house to get in contact wiht his old teacher, Ms. Peepers, but
he was unable to reach the bell to ring it. The only thing that kept
him company was the pet rock his father had give him. He told himself
that if anyone was ever nice to him he would give it to them.
1647 GUE, the unknown Sweepstakes Winner befriended the scared waif,
gifting him with a pair of tickets to Dizzy World. This managed to
cheer him up considerably, and in exchange he rewarded the adventurer
with his pet rock. This disc piece was one of six forged into the
Flying Disc of Frobozz and thus the child was indirectly responsible
for the defeat of Morphius.