Retired Soldier, 949 (A) / (B)
The retired solider, as this anoynomous war veteran has come to be
called, was the only man who did not desert the late General Kaine when
the chaotic hordes of Ellron had nearly broken through into Irondune.
This devotee had known General Kaine since he was a boy (Kaine was born
in 899 GUE). Kaine's war against Ellron began in 924 and the first
siege on Irondune happened in 945 about the time that the General was
murdered. Ellron's men were temporarily pushed back but qucikly feel
victim to the curse of the Nemesis and degenerated into a rampaging
horde. At the start of 947, these marauding armies besieged Irondune, a
vain assault that would not be turned away until 949.
Kaine had been able to maneuver this troops through an elaborate system
of remote radio control codes an incredibly sophisticated nature, that
were able to telegraph instructions on any given day, provided the
soldier could identity himself with the given cipher for that day.
Bivotar met the retired soldier in 948, when other soldiers (who had
not even been convinced that the General had been killed) were still
present within the castle grounds attempting to ward off Ellron's
siege. The retired soldier, who was raving mad and desperate to talk,
pressed several photographs into Bivotar's hands and begged him to
bring his beloved liege back to him.
By 949 GUE, this old soldier was the castle's last defense. As Irondune
already constructed to withstand attacks for many months with only the
smallest army, this aging soldier was somehow capable of holding off
Ellron's troops with a specialized gun which had been designed by Kaine
for his men. All credit for the defense of this castle should not be
given to this man alone, as several units near the castle grounds were
used to decoy Ellron's troops with powder in the final battle against
the hordes. And much esteem should be given to a nameless female
pilgrim, who, having deciphered Kaine's codes, formulated the plan to
defeat Ellron's forces. These instructions were relayed over the radio
system to the retired soldier, who delivered them to the appropriate
units that were able to put the plan into action and drive off the mad