Sartorius: Expelled by Enchanters’ Guild
Disillusioned with Magic
Pure Alchemy: Bad Alchemy
Goal of Alchemy
Malveux: discovers Temple of Ancients
Disillusioned with Magic
Goal of Alchemy
Text themes of the game
Good vs. Bad Alchemy
Good Alchemy: power of music; power of love (Sartorius, Sophia)
Bad Alchemy: murder of purity, spill the blood of good. (Sartorius)
The nature of the philosophers stone: what it is you get (Kaine)
Lessons of AlchemyIt
is true without lie, certain and without doubt, that what is below is
like what is above, and what is above is like what is below, the
accomplish the miracles of the One thing. ----The Emerald Tablet of
V.I.T.R.I.O.L ( Visits interiors terrae;rectificando invenies occultum lapidem)
Visit the interior of the earth; through purification thou wilt find the hidden stone).
Definition of AlchemyAlchemy
is not merely an art or science to teach metallic transmutation -- it
is a true and solid science. I t teaches how to know the centre of all
things, which in the magical world, is called the Elixir of Life. The
philosophy of alchemy is based on the belief that all matter in this
world is interconnected, that the rock, the planets, and man share an
essential pure element which can be found through an intense process of
purification. It is through the process of distilling and purifying
that the essence of life, the Elixir can be discovered.
History of AlchemyThe
art of alchemy is of great antiquity. It was practiced in a time before
Duncenthrax and the beginning of the Great Underground Empire. We have
found these symbols etched into rocks and they are believed to be the
first alchemical markings. We do not know what they mean.
It is
clear that transforming lead into gold was one goal of early alchemy.
Metalworking was a very important part of Alchemy and it is believed
that much of what we know today in chemistry is because of advancements
in alchemy.
Goal of AlchemyMany
in the empire believe that the goal of alchemy merely is to transform
the baser metals into gold. But that is only the superfice. The true
goal of this magical science lies far beyond mere gold; it lies in
discovering the key to eternal life.
The key to eternal life is
called the Elixir of Life and sometimes the Philosopher's Stone. This
is the highest most pure perfection of matter. The Philosopher's Stoone
has the power to transform other matter with which it comes in contact
and to raise it to its own perfection.
Throughout this empire's
great history, alchemists have struggled to create this elixir, without
success. Before obtaining the Elixir, the alchemist has to triumph over
all the obstacles and difficulties in the process which creates the
Philosopher's Stone.
Creating the Philsopher's StoneCreating
the Philosopher's Stone is a dangerous, time consuming and complex
process and develop a sophisticated knowledge of the workings of the
baser metals. The six metals of Alchemy are, Iron, Tin, Lead, Copper,
then Silver and Gold.
The goal of Alchemy is to always move from
the impure to the pure. Therefore, the first step in Alchemy is
distilling and purifying each metal into its virgin, unformed and
passive state. Through numerous, time-consuming and dangerous practices
this First Matter can be transformed into the Philosopher's Stone.
primary operations of the metalworking involve the extraction of the
the pure metal from the impure ore through smelting and refining,
alloying or mixing two metals, and the creation of agents to dissolve
or purify or treat the metals to add hardness, fusibility or color.
Using the Four Elements to PurifyBut
creating the Philosopher's Stone is difficult. One must first start by
purifying the inferior metals. The purification must occur with the
four elements. But the final stage of purification cannot occur without
the fifth essence. It is only by subjecting the raw metal to this
elusive essence, that the Elixir of Life can be formed.
The Four
Elements are an important part of Alchemy. Our world is composed of
four basic ideas, four archetypal forms of enery; Fire, Water, Earth,
Air. But the most important and elusive of these elements is the Fifth
Element, the Quintessence, which is the element of the Spirit. Many
discoveries have been made with the four elements --- but the
Quintessence has never been discovered. It is hypothesized that when
this Fifth Essence is found, the Elixir of Life will be created.
order to purify the metal, the metal must be subjected to the four
elements and undergo stages of transmutation. For this purpose,
Alchemists have created complex athanors or ovens. There is no one way
to create the athanor. Each must be created to fit the alchemist. What
is most important is to learn the individual pathway in which the metal
is subjected to heat, fire, water and air.
Joining of the Metals with the Fifth EssenceWhen
the metals are joined with the fifth essence, a magical event will
occur and a golden glow with bathe the soul in a shroud of purity and
perfection and eternal life. The Elixir of Life will be born.
On the Nature of the Fifth EssenceTrue and False AlchemyThe Four ElementsIt is well known that it
But the Elixir can only be had through an arduous process. It is only by purifying the lesser and the gross,
The goal of AlchemyThe
Elixir will not only cure all ills by uprooting the causes of disease,
but it will rejuvenate and finally transmute the human body into an
incorruptible body of light.
Transmuting MetalsBut no one has ever been heard to have reached this goal. And the road to this goal is hard. It is only by
is the Royal Art, the magical science. Alchemy is the symbolic
description of the transformation from the dark leaden physicality of
our earthbound consciousness to the refined gold of the spiritually
illuminated being. Alchemists for centuries were concerned with the
transformation of the metals-- changing lead to gold.
The Fifth Essence can only be created when the four metals become one.
The process: Transmuting of the metals
The alchemical correspondencesPower of musicPolitics of the Zork EmpirePlace of Magic and Alchemy in the Empire Power of Syovar threatenedMagic guilds opppressivePersecution of AlchemistsThe Four Characters Motivations SympatheticWhat each has doneTheir questMisdirection of the NemesisLove Story: ok
The Temple
Temple of the Ancients
Earliest Alchemists: C. Agrippa, Satchmoz Frobozz Magic Tunneling Company Discovered or built by Chief engineer
Kaine's World: The Castle
1. Learn about Sophia's love
2. Learn about Alexandria's love for Lucien
3. Lucien's resentment for father
4. Military political situation in Zork: instability
5. Kaine's love of Sophia
6. Some history of Zork
Letters from the Magic Guilds to Dr. Sartorius (should reak of Mafia/Disney) Enchanters Guild
- Violin - normal violin
- Miana - stringed instrument played by hitting the strings with a stick
- Fleezle - a wind instrument sort of like a clarinet
- Pooperkeg - gives a thunk sound when you hit you hand with it; can change the pitch by moving the position of the ring
- Nambino - has resonating overtone; playing this steel drum can affect the overtone, causing a droning sound
- Gederaglini
- weird horn sound, played by two players at once; players hold their
thumbs over the holes and vary pitch by uncovering more of less of the
- Wertmezer - an accordion-like instrument played by two
players, one to play the keys and one to pump the bellows; as a result,
the music sounds very disjointed
- Frobophone - twisted sounding French horn
- Verni - sounds a little like a banjo sound, except the instrument is not strummed, only plucked
- Oomba - wind instrument with a slow fluttery sound
- Chokophone - can play two melodies, one bass and one treble, at once; horn instrument