ZORK NEMESIS DESIGN DOCUMENT: Part 2 - Major Game Components

VERION 2.5/3.0 (1995/08/17) VERSION 4.1 (1995/09/27) Briefing Book - Version 3.0
This section describes the characters, environments, relationships, correspondences, and technologies of the game.
This section describes the characters, environments, relationships, correspondences, and technologies of the game.
2.01 Alchemy

It is true without lie, certain and without doubt, that what is below is like what is above, and what is above is like what is below, to accomplish the miracles of the One thing.
— The Emerald Table of Hermes.

Alchemy is the precursor of chemistry as well as the repository of the metallurgical wisdom of the ancient world. Commonly thought of as the science of transmuting the elements (specifically, transmuting the lesser metals into gold), Alchemy is a philosophy of the universe whose basic tenet is that humanity, earth and cosmology are interconnected. For some practitioners, the transmutation of metals was merely a metaphor for the transmutation and enlightenment of the soul which occurs through Alchemical study.

The goal of Alchemy is the Great Work — the purification of the lesser and gross and their elevation to the greater and more refined, whether in metals or in consciousness. Through numerous, time-consuming and sometimes dangerous processes, the lesser is transformed to the Philosopher's Stone, which is sometimes called the Elixir of Eternal Life.

The Philosopher's Stone is the highest, most pure perfection of matter. It has the power to transform other matter with which it comes in contact and to raise it to its own perfection. It is capable of "transforming lead into gold". The Philosopher's Stone was also thought to possess spiritual and physical powers that could cure the sick, raise the dead and ensure eternal life.

The Four Elements are an important part of Alchemy since the world is seen in occultism as consisting of four basic "ideas" or archetypal representations of energy called Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. A fifth element, the Quint Essentia or Quintessence, ensures the creation of the Elixir of Eternal Life. It is this Elixir which the ZORK: NEMESIS Alchemists hope to obtain by sacrificing Alexandria.

"Throughout history, the Alchemists, disdainful of wealth and worldly honours, have actively sought the Universal Medicine, the Panacea, which, ultimately sublimated, becomes the Fountain of Youth, the Elixir of Life and the key to immortality in both a spiritual and mysterious physical sense. The Elixir would not only cure all ills by uprooting the causes of disease, but it would rejuvenate and finally transmute the body into an incorruptible body of light."

de Rola, Stanislas Klossowski, Alchemy: The Secret Art, Thames and Hudson (London, 1973), p. 8.
2.01 Alchemy

It is true without lie, certain and without doubt, that what is below is like what is above, and what is above is like what is below, to accomplish the miracles of the One thing.
— The Emerald Table of Hermes.

Alchemy is the precursor of chemistry as well as the repository of the metallurgical wisdom of the ancient world. Commonly thought of as the science of transmuting the elements (specifically, transmuting the lesser metals into gold), Alchemy is a philosophy of the universe whose basic tenet is that humanity, earth and cosmology are interconnected. For some practitioners, the transmutation of metals was merely a metaphor for the transmutation and enlightenment of the soul which occurs through Alchemical study.

The goal of Alchemy is the Great Work — the purification of the lesser and gross and their elevation to the greater and more refined, whether in metals or in consciousness. Through numerous, time-consuming and sometimes dangerous processes, the lesser is transformed to the Philosopher's Stone, which is sometimes called the Elixir of Eternal Life.

The Philosopher's Stone is the highest, most pure perfection of matter. It has the power to transform other matter with which it comes in contact and to raise it to its own perfection. It is capable of "transforming lead into gold". The Philosopher's Stone was also thought to possess spiritual and physical powers that could cure the sick, raise the dead and ensure eternal life.

The Four Elements are an important part of Alchemy since the world is seen in occultism as consisting of four basic "ideas" or archetypal representations of energy called Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. A fifth element, the Quint Essentia or Quintessence, ensures the creation of the Elixir of Eternal Life. It is this Elixir which the ZORK: NEMESIS Alchemists hope to obtain by sacrificing Alexandria.

"Throughout history, the Alchemists, disdainful of wealth and worldly honours, have actively sought the Universal Medicine, the Panacea, which, ultimately sublimated, becomes the Fountain of Youth, the Elixir of Life and the key to immortality in both a spiritual and mysterious physical sense. The Elixir would not only cure all ills by uprooting the causes of disease, but it would rejuvenate and finally transmute the body into an incorruptible body of light."

de Rola, Stanislas Klossowski, Alchemy: The Secret Art, Thames and Hudson (London, 1973), p. 8.

It is true without lie, certain and without doubt, that what is below is like what is above, and what is above is like what is below, to accomplish the miracles of the One thing.
— The Emerald Table of Hermes.

Alchemy is the precursor of chemistry as well as the repository of the metallurgical wisdom of the ancient world. Commonly thought of as the science of transmuting the elements (specifically, transmuting the lesser metals into gold), alchemy is a philosophy of the universe whose basic tenet is that humanity, earth and cosmology are interconnected. For some practitioners, the transmutation of metals was merely a metaphor for the transmutation and enlightenment of the soul which occurs through alchemical study.

The goal of Alchemy is the Great Work — the purification of the lesser and gross and their elevation to the greater and more refined, whether in metals or in consciousness. Through numerous, time-consuming and sometimes dangerous processes, the lesser is transformed to the Philosopher's Stone, which is sometimes called the Elixir of Eternal Life.

The Philosopher's Stone is the highest, most pure perfection of matter. It has the power to transform other matter with which it comes in contact and to raise it to its own perfection. It is capable of "transforming lead into gold". The Philosopher's Stone was also thought to possess spiritual and physical powers that could cure the sick, raise the dead and ensure eternal life.

The Four Elements are an important part of Alchemy since the world is seen in occultism as consisting of four basic "ideas" or archetypal representations of energy called Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. A fifth element, the Quint Essentia or Quintessence, ensures the creation of the Elixir of Eternal Life. It is this Elixir which the ZORK: NEMESIS Alchemists hope to obtain by sacrificing Alexandria.

"Throughout history, the Alchemists, disdainful of wealth and worldly honours, have actively sought the... Elixir of Life... the key to immortality in both a spiritual and mysterious physical sense. The Elixir would not only cure all ills by uprooting the causes of disease, but it would rejuvenate and finally transmute the body into an incorruptible body of light."
2.02 System of Correspondences
A system of Alchemical, astrological, and mystical correspondences has been established for each character. Throughout the game, these correspondences are used as unifying symbol sets that represent each character. This system of correspondences leads the player logically and intuitively to connect characters with objects. At the game's highest level of abstraction, the series of correspondences looks like this:

character ' element ' planet ' portal world ' metal ' endgame

When the player first encounters the characters, they each make enigmatic requests for an element that will free them from their suffering [fire, water, air, and earth]. When these elements are retrieved, the characters will next reveal their planetary symbols (Saturn, Venus, Jupiter, and Mars). The planets point towards their portal worlds and identify their metals in that portal world. The metals in turn are made of associated Alchemical components that correspond to each character. Finally, the endgame is correctly selected by understanding that using alchemical techniques on Alexandria's and Lucien's metals can revive them.

Malveaux [X] Saturn fire lead Pieces
Sartorius [X] Jupiter air tin Virgo
Sofia [X] Venus water copper Aquarius
Kaine [X] Mars earth iron Scorpio
Alexandria [X] Moon silver Libra
Nemesis [X] Sun gold Leo
2.02 System of Correspondences
A system of Alchemical, astrological, and mystical correspondences has been established for each character. Throughout the game, these correspondences are used as unifying symbol sets that represent each character. This system of correspondences leads the player logically and intuitively to connect characters with objects. At the game's highest level of abstraction, the series of correspondences looks like this:

character ' element ' planet ' portal world ' metal ' endgame

When the player first encounters the characters, they each make enigmatic requests for an element that will free them rom their suffering [fire, water, air, and earth]. When these elements are retrieved, the characters will next reveal their planetary symbols (Saturn, Venus, Jupiter, and Mars). The planets point towards their portal worlds and identify their metals in that portal world. The metals in turn are made of associated Alchemical components that correspond to each character Finally, the endgame is correctly selected by understanding that using alchemical techniques on Alexandria's and Lucien's metals can revive them.

Malveaux [X] Saturn fire lead Pieces
Sartorius [X] Jupiter air tin Virgo
Sofia [X] Venus water copper Aquarius
Kaine [X] Mars earth iron Scorpio
Alexandria [X] Moon silver Libra
Nemesis [X] Sun gold Leo

[There were symbols listed here in the design documents for each character -- the same ones that appear in the final game. The names of the planets were changed to their current Zorkian names by the time the final version of the game was released]
2.03 Character Interaction: Spirits and Live Characters
The central problem in character interaction is how to avoid one-dimensional robotics playback of the characters' action and dialogue. This weakness needs to turn into a strength of the game. There are two types of characters to interact with in Nemesis: spirits and live characters.

Spirit characters are ghosts. In the story, Alexandria, the Nemesis and the four Alchemists are ghosts whose spirits are trapped in the temple space. They behave like the ghosts in A Christmas Carol — they react to the player's stimulation, but they go off on their own dialogue course. The trapped characters work in this fashion because they are imprisoned in another dimension. Certain magic puzzle objects can invoke them, but they are not completely free. Their dialogue is mostly desperate requests to end their suffering and to help free them.

There are a limited amount of live characters in the game. The player is presumably alive, as well as a few characters in each world of Act 2. There is an usher, a retired soldier, a mad monk, a dying monk and an insane patient.
2.03 Character Interaction: Spirits and Live Characters
The central problem in character interaction is how to avoid one-dimensional robotics playback of the characters' action and dialogue. This weakness needs to turn into a strength of the game. There are two types of characters to interact with in Nemesis: spirits and live characters.

Spirit  characters are ghosts. In the story, Alexandria, the Nemesis and the four Alchemists are ghosts whose spirits are trapped in the temple space. They behave like the ghosts in A Christmas Carol — they react to the player's stimulation, but they go off on their own dialogue course. The trapped characters work in this fashion because they are imprisoned in another dimension. Certain magic puzzle objects can invoke them, but they are not completely free. Their dialogue is mostly desperate requests to end their, suffering and to help free them.

There are a limited amount of live characters in the game. The player is presumably alive, as well as a few characters in each world of Act 2. There is an usher, a retired soldier, a mad monk, a dying monk and an insane patient.
Character Interaction

There are two types of characters to interact with in Nemesis: spirits and live characters.

Spirit characters are ghosts. Alexandria, the Nemesis and the four alchemists are ghosts whose spirits are trapped in the temple space. They behave like the ghosts in a Christmas Carol — they react to player stimulation, but they go off on their own dialogue course. The trapped characters work in this fashion
because they are imprisoned in another dimension. Their dialogue is mostly desperate requests to end their suffering and to help free them.

There are also several "live" characters in the game. The player is presumably alive, as are a few characters in each world of Act Two. In addition to the major characters listed below, the player will meet an usher, a retired soldier, and an insane patient.
2.04 Characters
There are 7 major characters in ZORK: NEMESIS — the player, the four trapped souls, Nemesis, and Alexandria.

The characters in Nemesis are all defined by their planetary correspondences:
2.04 Characters
There are 7 major characters in ZORK: NEMESIS — the player, the four trapped souls, Nemesis, and Alexandria.

The characters in Nemesis are all defined by their planetary correspondences:

THE PLAYER: You are the Player. Your gender, identity and physical features remain hidden.
2.05 Nemesis/Lucien Kaine
[X] The Sun, symbol of passion and hot temper.
2.05 Nemesis/Lucien Kaine
[X] The Sun, symbol of passion and hot temper.

LUCIEN KAINE: Sharply intelligent, quick on his feet, Lucien Kaine was raised the son of a landed nobleman with a fierce reputation in battle, Major Thaddeus Kaine. As a child Lucien enjoyed opulent wealth, numerous servants, plus any toy — and later, any woman — he desired. For Lucien, material wealth lacked morals and meaning. Lucien was independent, eccentric, and arrogant—looking down on his father and his friends for their hypocrisy and shallow ambitions.

Lucien demonstrated creative impulses since childhood, mostly in painting. He proved to be an eccentric, obsessive artist, who was content to live in relative isolation and loneliness. Until he met Alexandria. She was a gifted violinist, and her intense intellect and beauty captivated him.

But when Lucien discovered his love for Alexandria was forbidden by his father — and that a twisted circle of nobles was using her in a strange ritual —the rage of the Warrior came to the fore. Finally, Lucien went on a rampage to avenge Alexandria's life.
2.06 Alexandria Wolfe
[X] The Moon, symbol of romantic longing and secret meetings.
2.06 Alexandria Wolfe
[X] The Moon, symbol of romantic longing and secret meetings.

ALEXANDRIA WOLFE: Strong-willed, defiant and iconoclastic, she was raised an orphan. The rumor was that Alexandria was left on the local monastery's doorstep, the illegitimate daughter of a peasant. The real story was unclear. What was certain was that Alexandria was born with a musical gift. From the age of three, as she grew under the controlling hand of BISHOP FRANCOIS MALVEAUX, Alexandria had genius for melody.

As a young adult, Alexandria was not content to be the most gifted musician in the land, to perform the classics with unparalleled precision. So she defied convention — creating complex, challenging performances, sometimes too challenging for the general public. In fact, some people feared Alexandria. Another rumor was whispered; that she was possessed by her musical talent, that her ability came from being the bastard child of the Dark One.

She ignored it all. She wanted to be alone. Until Lucien. With Lucien, the quiet, inward Alexandria found expression. For here was a man who shared her emotional fervor; a man as independent-minded as she. But most of all, here was a man who lit a flame that illuminated the empty spaces in her life. Together, they were complete.
2.07 Sofia Hamilton
[X] Venus, symbol of sensual pleasure and sensitivity to human motivations.
2.07 Sofia Hamilton
[X] Venus, symbol of sensual pleasure and sensitivity to human motivations.

MADAME SOPHIA HAMILTON: Ambitious, determined and dedicated to one man: Major Kaine. Madame Sophia headed the esteemed conservatory, where her penchant for discipline was only surpassed by her desire for musical greatness. But she was not a natural talent. Her compositions were routine, her performance skills only serviceable. Her hatred for chaos and disorder showed in her music, which, while adequate, showed no passion or emotion, adhering always to the rules and to conventionality.

Her one departure from conventionality was in the study of alchemy. Smart and pragmatic, Sophia appreciated alchemy not for its mystical observations and philosophy, but as a practical means to an end. With the determination and patience to experiment with it, and the motivation to achieve its goal of eternal life, she was a proficient and capable alchemist.

She found solace in her love for Major Kaine. And even though the stoic Kaine did not always return the love, she knew he was for her. Sophia was not the type of woman to be dissuaded from her goals and she pursued Kaine with a vengeance. Meanwhile, through Malveaux, she learned about alchemy and realized that alchemy could be the solution to both her musical mediocrity and her quest for love.

Her ultimate ambition with alchemy was to ensure that she and Kaine were both eternal — and therefore, eternally in love. Any dalliances with mortal women could be forgiven and forgotten.

Sophia's CONSERVATORY, surrounded by the driving force of water, holds the key to her desire to be bathed in eternal acceptance and fame.
2.08 General Kaine
[X] Mars, symbol of war and martial skills as well as those requiring penetration and judgment.
2.08 General Kaine
[X] Mars, symbol of war and martial skills as well as those requiring penetration and judgment.

GENERAL THADDEUS KAINE: A die-hard pragmatist, Kaine was stalwart and militaristic. He lived by the Warrior Code. Life was black-and-white, rich-and-poor, power and powerless. And so, when Thaddeus Kaine saw that his family's wealth was not enough to afford him power, he married into it. His wife bore him a son, LUCIEN, whom the Major saw as the beginning of a great dynasty. But then his wife died and his plans had to change.

The neighboring barons encroached on his territory and his power was threatened. Still, Kaine would not give up his ambitions. He vowed that the Kaines would become a name in this world, to be held in respect and honor — for all time. But how to achieve ultimate power?

Alchemy. Introduced to it by his lover, Madame Sophia, and Bishop Malveaux, Kaine was at first skeptical. He saw alchemy as impractical and foolish: an overly spiritual belief for the weak. But when the reward for its practice could mean eternal life, riches and power, his attitude toward alchemy changed. Yes, the practice of alchemy was unconventional and potentially treasonous, but Kaine was independent and driven. So he persevered and became an alchemist.

General Kaine's earthen CASTLE is a symbol of his lust for power.
2.09 Bishop Francois Malveaux
[X] Saturn, symbol of dexterity, mental agility, and cunning of hand.
2.09 Bishop Francois Malveaux
[X] Saturn, symbol of dexterity, mental agility, and cunning of hand.

BISHOP FRANCOIS MALVEAUX: Malveaux was raised in a middle-class family. His performance in school was average, only because he did not see a reason to put in the effort. But, Malveaux discovered he had a talent for manipulating people, at the same time he discovered his taste for opulence and privilege. Still, due to his poor grades, his parents sent him to the Monastery to become a monk in the Zorkastrian religion.

The Zorkastrian religion was empty to him, and he sought answers beyond it. One day, exploring the catacombs beneath the monastery, he found the journal of Saint Yoruk, who had descended into hell and then returned.

From this secret text, he wrote his best-selling book, Revelation and Eternity, which many in Zork credit for a resurgence of interest in (and financial contributions to) the Zorkastrian religion. The book caused enough of a stir to get Malveaux elected Bishop of Zork, the second highest ecclesiastical office in Zork, but not enough to propel him into Zork's highest office — Grand Inquisitor.

Living off tithes and indulgences, Malveaux knew that he was already damned; he would never rise above his current position or stature. Worse still, he began to suffer from a horrible disfiguring disease. His only salvation, therefore, was in Alchemy. Malveaux sought eternal life for the chance it gave him at religious power and salvation — and survival.

Malveaux's mysterious MONASTERY, in the midst of a land of fire, holds the secrets to his crisis of faith and his quest for his own religious power.
2.10 Dr. Erasmus Sartorius
[X] Jupiter, symbol of evil and dark machinations.
2.10 Dr. Erasmus Sartorius
[X] Jupiter, symbol of evil and dark machinations.

DR. ERASMUS SARTORIUS: Prone to deception and torture, Sartorius spent his time in his favorite haunt: the examination room in his vast, inhumane asylum. Abused as a child, raised with little concern for his health or safety, Sartorius looked to medicine as a way to give people what he never had. Except that his ideas were twisted. It seemed simple to him: To learn about pain, you inflict it.

Because of his strange experiments and theories, he was rejected by the medical establishment, whom he considered lazy, self-congratulatory and fattened hypocrites. Undaunted by the skeptics who attacked him, he pursued his medical obsessions with zeal and passion. His medical quests led him to every part of Zork, and into every form of science. Finally, he found alchemy, a philosophy that looked to science and chemistry for some its answers.

Alchemy was Sartorius' answer to his questions about the physical world. Helping to create eternal life was the ultimate scientific achievement and his ultimate revenge on the petty and uninspired medical establishment.

Sartorius' airy ASYLUM exposes his need for control over everything physical.
2.11 Environments
There are 7 major environments or worlds in ZORK: NEMESIS:

  • Act I
    • Temple
  • Act II
    • The Portal Worlds:
      • Monastery
      • Castle
      • Asylum
      • Conservatory
  • Act III
    • Temple
      • Cisterns
      • Nemesis' Inner Sanctum

Though referred to as "worlds" for the purposes of game design, these environments are part of one area or location in the Zork universe known as New Kivolli. Hence, one can see from the temple minaret parts of the monastery, conservatory, castle and asylum.
2.11 Environments
There are 7 major environments or worlds in ZORK: NEMESIS:

  • Act I
    • Temple
  • Act II
    • The Portal Worlds:
      • Monastery
      • Castle
      • Asylum
      • Conservatory
  • Act III
    • Temple
      • Cisterns
      • Nemesis' Inner Sanctum

Though referred to as "worlds" for the purposes-of game design,  these environments are part of one area or location in the Zork universe known as the Forbidden Lands. Hence, one can see from the temple minaret parts of the monastery, conservatory, castle and asylum.
There are 6 major environments or worlds in ZORK: NEMESIS:

  • Act I
    • Temple
  • Act II
    • The Portal Worlds:
      • Monastery
      • Castle
      • Asylum
      • Conservatory
  • Act III
    • Nemesis' Inner Sanctum

Though referred to as "worlds" for the purposes of game design, these environments are part of one area or location in the Zork universe. Hence, one can see from the temple minaret parts of the Monastery, Conservatory, Castle and Asylum.
The Forbidden Lands
The Forbidden Lands are south of the Great Underground Empire and west of the Frigid River. Originally these were parts of the empire that were open and peaceful. After the murder of Alexandria and the great imbalance of the Empire, evil began to emanate from the land. Travelers reported strange occurances and haunting when moving through the land. King Syovar, fearing that the land was being controlled by his political and ever increasingly powerful opponents, The Enchanters, declared these lands The Forbidden Lands and imposed various penalties on those that trespassed.
2.11.01 Traversing the Environments
When the characters were alive, they could travel easily throughout New Kivolli, going back and forth from the conservatory, monastery etc. with ease. The player, however, cannot do this. This is because the player is trapped in a magical space and must harness the limited powers and minds of the characters in order to enter each portal world. The character only has limited power over her space — thus this space only will be opened up to the player when she has manipulated the planets in the correct sequence.

The temple is the hub through which all travel to other portal worlds occurs. Players cannot go from the monastery to the conservatory without accessing the temple.
2.11.01 Traversing the Environments
When the characters were alive, they could travel easily throughout The Forbidden Lands, going back and forth from the conservatory, monastery etc. with ease. The player, however, cannot do this. This is because the player is trapped in a magical space and must harness the limited powers and minds of the characters in order to enter each portal world. The character only has limited power over her space — thus this space only will be opened up to the player when she has manipulated the planets in the correct sequence.

The temple is the hub through which all travel to other portal worlds occurs. Players cannot go from the monastery to the conservatory without accessing the temple.
Traversing the Environments
When the characters were alive, they could travel easily back and forth from the conservatory, monastery etc., with ease. The player, however, cannot do this because the player is trapped in a magical space and must harness the limited powers and minds of the characters in order to enter each portal world.

The temple is the hub through which all travel to other portal worlds occurs. Players cannot go from the monastery to the conservatory without accessing the temple.
2.11.02 The Origins of the Temple

The Accardi Temple was constructed thousands of years ago and was dedicated to a bizarre early Zork god of unknown origin. The religion apparently had an animistic nature and included the worship of elements and objects. The religion experienced a boom during the Zork plague years, but then lost popularity during the post-plague era as skepticism over religion and the power of the gods increased.

The temple was abandoned and the ancient town of Kivolli was moved to a new disease-free location — New Kivolli — where the monastery, conservatory, asylum and castle now exist. The temple continued to exist and be eroded by the forces of wind and time as people forgot its existence — except for a few who were interested in the occult.

The ancient temple was rumored to possess magical powers and to have been reconstructed by one of the early sorcerers of the Zork kingdom, Locksmoore. Locksmoore wove magical symbols and emblems into the very architecture and fabric of the temple. Drawn by those legends, a small group of Alchemists selected the temple as their site of worship. Remote and forgotten by nearly all, this temple proved to be the perfect place for discreet worship and ritual.
2.11.02 The Origins of the Temple
The Accardi Temple was constructed thousands of years ago and was dedicated to a bizarre early Zork god of unknown origin. The religion apparently had an animistic nature and included the worship of elements and objects. The religion experienced a boom during the Zork plague years, but then lost popularity during the post-plague era as skepticism over religion and the power of the gods increased.

The temple was abandoned and the ancient town of Kivolli was moved to a new disease-free location — New Kivolli — where the monastery, conservatory, asylum and castle now exist. The temple continued to exist and be eroded by the forces of wind and time as people forgot its existence — except for a few who were interested in the occult.

The ancient temple was rumored to possess magical powers and to have been reconstructed by one of the early sorcerers of the Zork kingdom, Locksmoore. Locksmoore wove magical symbols and emblems into the very architecture and fabric of the temple. Drawn by those legends, a small group of Alchemists selected the temple as their site of worship. Remote and forgotten by nearly all, this temple proved to be the perfect place for discreet worship and ritual.

I do not know how much of this section has already manifested itself within the game. It is possible that none of it is in any way significant in relation to our real perception of the game. Nevertheless, there are some problems with this section, so allow me to offer the following as a general replacement and explanation to contextualize the temple:

The temple, which cannot be called the Accardi Temple, as Accardi is on another continent, but could perhaps be named the Ancient Temple, or the Temple of the Ancients, or even something random like the Temple of Bozbar, was originally constructed by a long-forgotten civilization that once throve in the Eastlands hundreds of years before the arrival of Duncanthrax's invading armies. The religion apparently had an animistic nature and included the worship of elements and objects. The temple was eventually abandoned, and decayed over the centuries. It did not again fall under human sway until the reign of Duncanthrax, when the entire region was annexed to the Great Underground Empire. Accidentally discovering an immense series of ancient tunnels that led them to the temple ruins, Satchmoz and his companions (possible names include Ernie Flathead, J.B. Frobozz, and the Lost City of Zork's pardoned president of the Frobozz Magic Tunneling Company, Drespo Molmocker) realize it to be the perfect isolated spot to conduct their experiments.

In a move that either showed his implicit support for the alchemists, or proved that he was utterly unaware that anything unusual was going on at all, Dimwit Flathead, almost a century later, ordered the reconstruction of the Temple, thus accounting for the strange duality in the structure, the contrast between the old and the new that is also seen in the monastery to the west.
2.11.03 The Role of the Temple of Accardi

The Alchemists used the temple for their worship and experimentation. It was here, on the very altar that the player now sees in a hallucination, that the cabal ritually murdered Alexandria. It is also here where Lucien found the cabal in the midst of the sacrifice and murdered them, stealing their Alchemical essences of fire, water, earth and air.
2.11.03 The Role of the Temple of Accardi
The Alchemists used the temple for their worship and experimentation. It was here, on the very altar that the player now sees in a hallucination, that the  cabal ritually murdered Alexandria. It is also here where Lucien found the cabal in the midst of the sacrifice and murdered them, stealing their Alchemical essences of fire, water, earth and air.
2.11.04 The Entombment of the Alchemists
Lucien interrupted the ritual and murdered the Alchemists. He ripped their elemental essences out of their souls and hid them deep within the temple and placed their souls in four huge sarcophagi beneatht the temple dome.

Although Lucien did not know at this time of the significance of these substances, he knew that they were powerful and held the key to some form of eternal life. He knew they could prove useful in the future. He thus kept these elements alive but in hidden in places where presumably no one could find them.
2.11.04 The Entombment of the Alchemists
Lucien interrupted the ritual and murdered the Alchemists. He ripped their elemental essences out of  their souls and hid them deep within the temple and placed their souls in four huge sarcophagi beneath the temple dome

Although Lucien did not know at this time of the significance of these substances, he knew that they were powerful and held the key to some form of eternal life. He knew they could prove useful in the future. He thus kept these elements alive but in hidden in places where presumably no one could find them.
2.11.05 After the Murders
After he murdered the cabal, Lucien became an embittered, tortured man obsessed with the death of his lover, Alexandria. Unable to return to his life back in New Kivolli, he stayed at the Accardi Temple mourning his lover. He initially buried her in the mausoleum in front of the temple. However, he could not accept her death and dug her up, placing her preserved body deep within the temple, on the site of the original temple altar.

Lucien dedicated the remainder of his life to finding the secret of bringing Alexandria back to life — a secret he knew his father and the cabal had already discovered. Lucien became obsessed with the occult and spent all his fortune searching out every occultist in the land. From quacks to scholars — he sought out their advice and discoveries — to no avail.

He obtained much knowledge, but could implement only two powers — keeping the body of his lover in stasis, and trapping the souls of the dead cabal in their sarcophagi. Still, he was unable to find the secret of the Philosopher's Stone or the Elixir of Life. His search took him throughout the world, during which time he spent the last of his money. Unwilling to earn money through traditional means, he was forced into the life of a thief — initially a petty thief then a highwayman — to sustain his studies.
2.11.05 After the Murders
After he murdered the cabal, Lucien became an embittered, tortured man obsessed with the death of his lover, Alexandria. Unable to return to his life back in New Kivolli, he stayed at the Accardi Temple mourning his lover. He initially buried her in the mausoleum in front of the temple. However, he could not accept her death and dug her up, placing her preserved body deep within the temple, on the site of the original temple altar.

Lucien dedicated the remainder of his life to finding the secret of bringing Alexandria back to life — a secret he knew his father and the cabal had already discovered. Lucien became obsessed with the occult and spent all his fortune searching out every occultist in the land. From quacks to scholars — he sought out their advice and discoveries — to no avail.

He obtained much knowledge, but could implement only two powers — keeping the body of his lover in stasis, and trapping the souls of the dead cabal in their sarcophagi. Still, he was unable to find the secret of the Philosopher's Stone or the Elixir of Life. His search took him throughout the world, during which time he spent the last of his money. Unwilling to earn money through traditional means, he was forced into the life of a thief — initially a petty thief then a highwayman — to sustain his studies.
2.11.06 Meeting the Thief in Zork I
The player met Lucien the Thief in Zork I. In this episode of his life, Lucien was searching for the treasures of Zork in the hopes that the riches derived from their sale could keep his studies in Alchemy alive. He was wrong. The player killed him, and he disappeared into a cloud of black smoke.
2.11.06 Meeting the Thief in Zork
The player met Lucien the Thief in Zork I. In this episode of his life, Lucien was searching for the treasures of Zork in the hopes that the riches derived from their sale could keep his studies in Alchemy alive. He was wrong. The player killed him, and he disappeared into a cloud of black smoke.
2.11.07 Lucien Becomes The Nemesis
Although murdered by the player, Lucien could not die. His tortured soul returned to New Kivolli more embittered and determined than ever. A ghost, he returned back to his limbo, his purgatory, his hell: the temple. It is at this point that Lucien transformed into The Nemesis, an embittered, ruthless soul in pure anguish. Fed by fury, his soul has smoldered over the years, growing in desperation and power. He has tried to torture the four Alchemists to learn their secrets but to no avail.
2.11.07 Lucien Becomes The Nemesis
Although murdered by the player, Lucien could not die. His tortured soul returned to The Forbidden Lands more embittered and determined than ever. A ghost, he returned back to his limbo, his purgatory, his hell: the temple. It is at this point that Lucien transformed into The Nemesis, an embittered, ruthless soul in pure anguish. Fed by fury, his soul has smoldered over the years, growing in desperation and power. He has tried to torture the four Alchemists to learn their secrets but to no avail.
2.11.08 The Powers of the Nemesis
The Nemesis has some supernatural powers, however, they are limited to the temple. He has the power to appear and manipulate objects and influence the perception of reality, however, he cannot directly interfere. He has been unable to leave the temple or enter the portal worlds. It is only when the player enters these worlds that the player leaves the door open for the Nemesis to follow. In this way, the Nemesis is able to follow the player and continues to attempt to thwart the player's progress.
2.11.08 The Powers of the Nemesis
The Nemesis has some supernatural powers, however, they are limited to the temple. He has the power to appear and manipulate objects and influence the perception of reality, however, he cannot directly interfere. He has been unable to leave the temple or enter the portal worlds. It is only when the player enters these worlds that the player leaves the door open for the Nemesis to follow. In this way, the Nemesis is able to follow the player and continues to attempt to thwart the player's progress.
The Powers of the Nemesis
The Nemesis has some supernatural powers— however—they are limited to the temple. He has the power to appear and manipulate objects and influence the perception of reality, however, he cannot directly interfere with your person. He has been unable to leave the temple or enter the portal worlds. It is only when the player enters the worlds that the player leaves the door open for the Nemesis to follow. In this way, the Nemesis is able to follow the player and continues to attempt to thwart the player's progress.
2.11.09 The Powers of the Alchemists
When the player first encounters the Alchemists, they have almost no powers. They are trapped and tortured ghosts whose very spirits are being drained and sapped by the Nemesis. Once their spirits reunite with their elements, their powers increase, and they are able to pool their powers to save the player. Their powers, however, are still weak. They can only match those of the Nemesis once.

It is only after the player has found and transmuted their metals and placed them on the sacred altar, that the Alchemists become enfleshed creatures with full Alchemical powers.
2.11.09 The Powers of the Alchemists
When the player first encounters the Alchemists, they have almost no powers. They are trapped and tortured ghosts whose very spirits are being drained and sapped by the Nemesis. Once  their spirits reunite with their elements, their powers increase, and they are able to pool their powers to save the player. Their powers, however, are still weak. They can only match those of the Nemesis once.

It is only after the player has found and transmuted their metals and placed them on the sacred altar, that the Alchemists become creatures of flesh with full Alchemical powers.
The Powers of the Alchemists
When the player first encounters the alchemists they have almost no powers. They are trapped and tortured ghosts whose very spirits are being drained and sapped by the Nemesis. Once their spirits reunite with their elements, their powers increase and they are able to pool their powers to save the player. Their powers, however, are still weak. They can only match the Nemesis once.

It is only after the player has found and transmuted their metals and placed them on the sacred altar, that the alchemists become enfleshed creatures with full alchemical powers.
2.11.10 Flashbacks and Hallucinations
The player learns of the narrative that occurred in the environments through flashbacks and hallucinations. Each of the environments is almost abandoned or closed down. The spaces are surreal and strange, haunted by the still smoldering spirits of their dead inhabitants and vibrant with memories of past events.

The player taps into these events when she touches certain powerful objects in each of the worlds. When she clicks on these objects, she releases the energy and memories they contain. Sometimes these memories are straightforward, most are strange and disjointed, providing only snippets of events the player must put together.

The player also hears audio hallucinations, or fragments of conversations and actions that took place long ago. Through these mechanisms the player puts together the past relationship of Alexandria and Lucien and the evil cabal.
2.11.10 Flashbacks and Hallucinations
The player learns of the narrative that occurred in the environments through flashbacks and hallucinations. Each of the environments is almost abandoned or closed down. The spaces are surreal and strange, haunted by the still smoldering spirits of their dead inhabitants and vibrant with memories of past events.

The player taps into these events when she touches certain powerful objects in each of the worlds. When she clicks on these objects, she releases the energy and memories they contain. Sometimes these memories are straightforward, most are strange and disjointed, providing only snippets of events the player must put together.

The player also hears audio hallucinations, or fragments of conversations and actions that took place long ago. Through these mechanisms the player puts together the past relationship of Alexandria and Lucien and the evil cabal.
Flashbacks and Hallucinations
The player learns of the narrative that occurred in the environments through flashbacks and hallucinations. Each of the environments is abandoned or closed down. The spaces are surreal and strange, haunted by the still smoldering spirits of their dead inhabitants and vibrant with memories of past events.

The player taps into these events when she touches certain powerful objects in each of the worlds. When she clicks on these objects, she releases the energy and memories they contain. Sometimes these memories are forthright, most are strange and disjointed providing snippets of events the player must put together.

The player also hears audio hallucinations, or fragments of conversations and actions that took place long ago. Through these mechanisms the player puts together the past relationship of Alexandria and Lucien and the evil cabal.