Melibar was a quiet and strangely attractive woman and a zealously
devout brogmoidist. She frequented the Eagle's Claw Tavern, where many
grew weary of her repeated attempts to grant other some kind of divine
revelation in the sharing of her faith. Melibar hoped that one day, be
it through her infinite patience or through her blindingly fair
countenance, she would win Ettelwhiff over to her way of thinking. She
witnessed the Mareilon rebellion firsthand in 398 GUE.
A single
quote of Melibar, in reference both to the zorkquakes of the day and
the illness of Zylon the Aged, has been passed down: “When a great
king who has been hailed as a god among men approaches his last days,
entire world cracks and bends in reflection of his suffering.”
SOURCE(S): Zylon the Aged |