“Mauldwood just isn’t the party place it used to be.”
-Esmerelda, wife of Duncanthrax, circa 665 GUE
The evil enchanted of Mauldwood grows along the border between
the provinces of what is today called Frobozz and Gurth, stretching all the way to the
shores of the Great Sea south of the city of Borphee. A light mist eternally wafted over the dark
forest of mostly morgia trees, and tendrils of fog drifted among the old
trunks like wayward ghosts. By legend, this vast forest was a haunted
place, full of grues and nabizes and hellhounds and other terrible
beasts. There were only a few
old roads through Mauldwood, and fewer
still were the men who dared to travel them.
magicians can easily sense the terrible magic alive within it, and even
the most ill-tuned adventurer to magic will find his skin crawling from
the strange stillness, that has many times been described as beautiful
in its lushness, but abundant with hidden danger. It is more than just
plants and animals. The woods, itself, is alive and evil. And it
effects those around it -- instilling fear, hostitility towards
companions, irritability, anxiety, paranoia, amongst other demonic
The most famous structure within the depths of this
forbidden woods, is the castle of the evil witch Nasturtium, who was
responsible for upbringing Queen Emerelda. There was also an inn known as The Red Cock.
the days of Entharion the Wise, Mauldwood was part of the Borphee
Province. Peculiar circumstances surrounding Entharion's invasion and
occupation of a part of the Kingdom of Borphee led this region to be
called the "Incomplete Province" in the old Quendoran records. Due in
part to the decadent state of the current ruling dynasty of Borphee and
the shabby quality of their military forces, the Quendoran Royal Army
quickly gained control over a large section of the Borphee peninsula,
including the massive port city itself. However, due to internal
conflicts back home, the court at Largoneth was unable to press home
its advantage during that campaigning season, and utterly failed to
field an army the following year.
Counting its blessings and
nursings its wounds, the ruling family of Borphee, driven from its
capital, retreated to the security of Mauldwood. Unable to muster any
serious counter-offensive against the Quendoran forces, the exiled
rulers focused their efforts on rebuilding their kingdom. With a new
southern focus, their domains stretched from Mauldwood on the coast
inland past the old territories of Pheebor to the mountains, and south
as far as the borders of Gurth, including Accardi-by-the-Sea. This rump
Kingdom of Borphee was approximately half the size of the former state,
leading the following generation of kings at Largoneth to refer to the
unconquered territories as “the half-province that is Ours by right.”
turn, the Borphee successor state to the south refused to recognize the
Quendoran conquest of their former territories, and although they never
again took up arms against the enemy, they showed their opposition in
other, more devious ways. Year after year, generation after generation,
the exiled royalty would issue edicts from their Mauldwood fortress and
distribute them to their former territories as truly sovereign law.
Further, the governors sent from Mauldwood to administer the lands that
were no longer theirs were very often accepted by the city governments
in the Quendoran lands. This was a very peculiar situation, one in
which Borphee Province was claimed and occupied by Quendor but governed
by officials from the Kingdom of Borphee, a land that Quendor also
claimed, but did not have the power to occupy or govern. Needless to
say, this entire situation accomplished nothing but granting immense
trouble and anxiety to many generations of two different royal families
until the reign of Duncanthrax.
This “half province” set aside,
the rule of Entharion the Wise brought a semblance of peace to a
war-torn land and began a dynasty that reigned over the Kingdom of
Quendor and its seven and a half provinces for almost seven hundred
years, spanning the majestic reigns of fourteen benevolent monarchs.
660 GUE, Pseudo-Duncanthrax raised a tremendous army to wage a
systematic conquest of the neighboring kingdoms, quickly reaping a
reputation for cruelty, bloodthirstiness and aggressiveness, thus
forever earning the nickname “The Bellicose King.” This vile ruler
moved swiftly and brutally against the southern half of Borphee and put
an end to the tottering and defenseless dynasty of Mauldwood. Finally
accomplishing the merger of the two halves, Pseudo-Duncanthrax called
the resulting territory Greater Borphee Province. This move began a
trend; one by one, the neighboring principalities of Miznia, Gurth, and
Mithicus were brought under Quendoran sway and given new provincial
Today Mauldwood remains a part of the Great Borphee Province.