Matchlick the Mighty was one of the brave adventurers who was dedicated
to help better society by ridding the world of magic. This hardy
adventurer was in the employ of Mir Yannick, the Grand Inquisitor. By
1066 GUE, he had already detained the great-great-uncle of the
wizard-at-large, Bumbor, and was not surprised when he was picked to
investigate the strange book that had been uncovered near Aragain in
1066 GUE.
soon as he opened the cursed thing, a thundering bolt of lightning
surrounded him and he found himself in a new land stranger than any
that he had visited before. Almost immediately, he noticed another
adventurer exiting a round building. This was the adventurer that would
one day become the Fourth Dungeon Master. Matchlick was the first soul
that he had seen in five years.
The adventurer begged
Matchlick to help escape the accursed island. Fortunately, Matchlick
carried a few items from his previous Inquisition expedition: a Frobozz
Electric Lamp, a book of matches, a can of grue repellent, and a
Frobozz Electric Puzzle Solver.
Matchlick knew that the
Frobozz Electric Puzzle Solver would solve all of the mindless puzzles
of the land automatically. All that he needed was a large heat source.
The books in the library were suitable. He sprayed them with grue
repellent and then lit a match. The heat from the burning books was
enough to power the Puzzle Solver. Matchlick set it on “pointless
wandering and clicking” difficulty level.
After a short
conversation, where Matchlick warned the adventurer that he would be
sorry for wanting “magic to live forever,” the Frobozz Electric Puzzle
Solver activated. Instantly Matchlick found himself outside Port
Foozle. He had never been so happy to smell the rotting docks and hear
the countdown to curfew. Yet, he was plagued by dreams of that
faceless, nameless adventurer who would come to free magic in the Great
Underground Empire. But he assured himself that it could never happen,
because the Grand Inquisitor was the greatest boss ever.
It should also be noted that had Matchlick
the Mighty not been sent to investigate this book, Mir Yannick would
have sent him on a quest to explore a recently uncovered region of the
Great Underground Empire.