Magic carpets range in shape, size, reliablity and comfort. The Frobozz
Magic Magic Equipment Company claimed that the carpets sold at the
Bazaar could not match the strength and reliability of those offered by
The traditional Frobozz Magic Carpet is a square rug about five feet on a side.
The Zooble Belbort specially designed model was complete with tail
fins, tachometer, and wet bar. This model was also prize in the "Map
Your Future" Sweepstakes.
The blue beetle design ran for a price of Zm430 in 957 GUE.
966 GUE, the new Contortayarn carpet was released. This
laboratory-tested carpet was so realiable
that even the psychic storms of gomar could not deflect them from its
course. Supercharged for quick pick-up and sustained pep. Foot-loomed
for strength and durability. Easy to maneuver with special Contortayam
that lets one squeeze through cracks and breeze through even the
densest traffic jams. Can hold up to 63,000 rps. Stone washable. When
they were released, they were sold direct from the company for zm450,
while the supercharge was an additional zm75.
in 966 GUE, the Bazaar sold several one-man only Frobozz Magic Magic
Carpets made of all-unnatural fibers over-priced at zm800. One of
these was described as being of unusual design. It was blue,
beautifully woven and had a pattern that looked different each time it
was looked at. Sometimes, for example, it was an array of cubes
pointing upward, and other times it was the same array pointing
downward. There was a jaunty fringe around the outer edge.
Belbort Magic CarpetIMAGE02:
Frobozz Magic Contortayam Magic Carpet