The beautiful and singularly talented Lorena of Mauldwood was a
relative by marriage of a distant wing of the ruling family. Sometime
during the reign of King Mumberthrax Flathead (775-770 GUE), Syovar,
while he was at Egreth Castle, was stricken with love for the first
time in his young life, spending months sighing over the young countess
from a distance before Mumberthrax himself caught wind of his young
enchanter-knight's romantic obsession. The meddling monarch's order
that the two be wed by the end of the week may be counted among the
‘169 Not Quite as Important Things’ that marked the fifteen years of
Mumberthrax's reign.
Lorena gave birth to Syovar's son, whom was
named Logrumethar. During the last days before the fall of the Empire,
Lorena was killed by Grawl, an enemy of Syovar. This evil warlock also
cast a powerful spell upon their only son, which transformed him into a
hideously ugly creature, thereafter called Grum, and exiled him to the
Cavern of the Rainbow Mosses.