(above) An
inaccurate rendering
of Largoneth Castle
as it was during the Great Monster Uprising. |
Largoneth Castle was built by Entharion the Wise back in the misty
times at the dawn of the Kingdom of Quendor. When he first
emerged from Egreth Forest during the year 0 GUE, he built a tiny hut
on the coast of Frobozz, at the western shore of the Shallow Sea (which
is an inlet of the Great Sea), between Galepath and Mareilon. Once he
had united the two city-states into Quendor and was exalted as the
first king of the Entharion Dynasty, his castle was erected on the
former site of his hut. It was from this castle that he ruled for the
entirety of his reign,
and it would serve the as the capital of the kingdom for the duration
of the Dynasty up until 660 GUE.
The province surrounding the capital at Largoneth was referred to as
Frobozz, although no record of a city by the same name has survived to
the present day. Largoneth is near the Lonely Mountain, a local
village, and
the Old Lingolf House (from where the local Lingolf Garrison guarded
the castle. Traditionally, the Captain of the Guard at Largoneth was
only to the commander of the Royal Militia and the King of Quendor
himself.). With an exception of the Mountain, the hills that stretch
out mainly to the west are mostly low, through which the legendary Long
Road runs from the west right up to the east gate.
During the latter days of Entharion the Wise, some unknown practitioner
or group of practitioners somehow accidentally awakened a shapeless and
formless manifestation of evil from millennia of sleep. This incredibly
ancient and malevolent force came to be known as the Great Terror, or
the Unseen Terror. Entharion, by then an old man, realized that the
Terror could not
be killed, only imprisoned. Knowing that the Terror had power to sense
a great work of magic, he conceived a plan to lure the creature into a
magical prison by creating the most powerful spell scroll imaginable in
those days. Entharion called together the mightiest enchanters and
sorcerers and wizards in the land, and together, working day and night,
they created a scroll of truly great power—GUNCHO, which was able to
open gateways to new worlds and dimensions beyond our own.
Working swiftly and with full urgency, they then constructed a
maze-like series of chambers far beneath Largoneth Castle and placed
the scroll at the very heart of it. These peculiar rooms, whose
cream-colored walls were thing and translucent, were joined by passages
that were perfect round and black, seeming to be made of carbon. The
layout of these chambers were magically linked to a map, each room and
passage distinct upon it.
Discovered in depths of Largoneth, the map consists of a drawing with
nine points, each represented by a strange character, with
interconnecting thin pencil lines. Although the events of 956 GUE have
since altered this map, researchers have assumed the following to have
been the original placement of the passages.
! / \
! / \
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
R-------M F
/ /
/ /
/ /
The GUNCHO scroll was placed in a room of living rock that formed
Largoneth’s foundations (chamber P). As Entharion knew it would, the
Terror came to seek the scroll containing potent magic. Lurking in the
shadows of the castle, the magicians waited for their foe to enter the
specially created recess deep within the earth where they had placed
the scroll. Then, acting in concert with all the powers at their
command, they sealed the Terror deep within the room by removing the
passage between chambers P and F. There it finally returned to a deep
sleep. Concurrently, the seven Servants of the Terror each returned to
their own treasure filled lairs in various regions all across Zork (one
of which was in uncivilized lands far north of Frobozz). Hidden there
for ages, they slumbered until the days of the Terror’s release. To
that end, Entharion, at the age of 65, renounced the throne of
Quendor to his son Mysterion and spent the rest of his days within the
estate as guardian of the monster that slept below. Eventually,
however, Entharion died. The
Terror was so horrible that none would dare speak of it. And after his
days passed what was fact was slowly allowed to become legend and
fairytale, and in time the truth of the Great Terror was forgotten for
nearly a millennium, when it would be reawakened in 956.
History has recorded that Largoneth castle went through an immense
amount of continuous reconstruction during the early years of the
kingdom. Because of the length of time involved in erecting such a
structure, many different architects were employed over several time
periods, which in part explains the many incongruities and varying
styles throughout Largoneth. Although most of the castle is consistent
throughout, every now and then one is likely to stumble upon a room
that seemed to be an architectural jumble, designed almost as an
afterthought by three or four different architects years apart. Nestled
in a rarely-traveled maze of passages in the castle’s underbelly, it
had the appearance of being the center, the focal point of each of
Largoneth’s varying styles, almost as if each different era of building
had somehow wound itself around to intersect with the others at this
obscure point.
While there is much mystery still shrouded around the New Year's
Revolt, historians have been faced with the unavoidable conclusion that
the last
day of 659 saw two simultaneous revolts against the throne, from both
the inside and outside of Largoneth, perhaps in conjunction with one
another. Thus it is possible to imagine a scenario that places King
Zilbo III in Borphee
on New Year's Eve, while fighting of some kind broke out at Largoneth
itself. When the loyalist faction of the guard failed to suppress the
rebellion, their belief that Zilbo had
died, could be indicative of the fact that Zilbo had left for Borphee
unbeknownst to the court at Largoneth. This possibility is born out by
what we know of the first 31 years of his reign; he seemed prone to
rashness and unpredictability. Numerous
chronicles note that Zilbo III was deposed and killed during a palace
revolt at Largoneth. We have already shown how two simultaneous violent
outbreaks led to an unexpected coup at the royal castle, leading many
to believe that the king had been killed in the fighting. Thus, the
following seems to be the best theory as to what happened during the
New Year’s Revolt.
It was the thirty-first year of the reign of King Zilbo III in the year
659 of the Great Underground Empire. Zilbo III had taken vacation to
the frequently occupied Royal Palace in Borphee. The thirty-first of
Dismembur was the day of the planned revolt. On that final day,
Duncanthrax, furious over an alleged shortage of mosquito netting, led
the revolution to overthrow the king. It was not for this reason that
the rest of the rest of the subjects of Quendor joined him to storm
Castle Largoneth, they were just desperate for a more interesting
ruler. Conveniently, in the process Duncanthrax declared himself the
new king of Quendor upon the alleged removal of Zilbo III. (see the
entry on the New Year's Revolt for a much more detailed analysis).
Long years had caused Largoneth to be disused. Instead of reigning from
the capital, one of Pseudo-Duncanthrax’s first acts as king
was to move the government of Quendor from Largoneth to Egreth, where
the seat of power would remain for over a hundred years. The
castle was to be moved as well. The people were pleased by this decree,
but they absolutely swooned when he insisted that the job be done
without disassembling a single piece of the castle. On several
occasions during the moving process, entire legions of workers were
crushed beneath the awkwardly moving mobile palace. So within the first
six months of his rule, Pseudo-Duncanthrax had caused more unnecessary
deaths than the entire Entharion Dynasty combined. Because it would be
impossible to reign comfortably from the moving castle, the capital was
temporarily located at Borphee.
Despite this tremendous move, Castle Largoneth still remains there to
this day which has baffled historians for many generations. While the
underground caverns that still held the Great Terror were not touched,
it is unknown whether the levels of the castle that are seen today are
remnants of the original, or merely a reconstruction upon the same
foundation. Regardless, the castle remained deserted for many years,
until the evil warlock Krill assumed residence there.
Following the fall of the Empire, the governor of Galepath secured the
allegiance of the
Lingolf Garrison and gained control over the Lonely Mountain and its
nearby villages, coastal routes and highway approaches in 888 GUE, thus
his territory almost to the border of the old Mareilon Province.
Clearly upset that his rival had seized the initiative, and hoping to
gain control over the historically important Largoneth site, the
governor at Mareilon declared war on Galepath, thus at the fall of the
empire reigniting the very conflict that had necessitated Quendor's
creation some 900 years before. This was only halted by the efforts of
Syovar the Strong at the Conference of Quendor during the early tenth
century that temporarily abated this conflict.
The high and proud castle of Largoneth with its dark towers, stood on a
cliff rising above the Shallow Sea. Massive walls of smooth black stone
surrounded the castle. Huge iron-barred gates stood shut at the east
west side, each guarded by a pair of tall stone basilisks (there were
also smaller entrances on the north and south). Two talls towers with a
bridging turret stood at the west end of the
castle, and an even taller but isolated tower just beside them, cold,
black as night and squat as a toad (when it was used by Krill, an evil
smoke seemed to emanate from this tower, shrouding the others in a
darkening fog). A huge
open courtyard lay in the center of the castle’s four main wings, and a
low, squat building, some kind of temple, had been built there. Two
more smaller towers formed the corners of the eastern wall.
It was impressive and ominous. Castle Largoneth shimmered and shone
with a quality of blackness that mere night could not conceal. There
were not windows in the towers, no embrasures in the high walls. It
proclaimed its purpose with a stark, terrifying harshness that it was
not built to keep enemies without, but to shut and seal a great enemy
within. On moonlit nights, the black stone gleamed brilliant in its
pure whiteness.
As it was the seat of power in Quendor for
almost seven centuries, the Castle was full of items of historical
interest. It had a remarkable library and portrait gallery, and it was
magically connected to other parts of the kingdom through the Hall of
956 GUE)
Krill and his minions planned to use Largoneth as a base from which to
assume world control. During this period he and his misshapen, hairy
followers made several structural
changes in the castle and used magic to ruin its once-beautiful
appearance. They rudely constructed a primitive temple of basalt
blocks, and fashioned an
enormous idol of a loathsome demon, dark and vile, with dripping fangs
razor-sharp talons, behind an altar (which was usually wet with blood
and its velvet covers stained and encrusted with gore). Krill and his
hundreds of minions regularly engaged in twisted rituals and
human sacrifice to this demon.
The evil warlock quickly
subjugated the lands surrounding Largoneth to his power. The once
regions were being held in thrall by the pestilence that had been
loosed upon
the land. But the Circle of Enchanters was not ignorant. The mage
Belboz knew that a powerful Enchanter would easily be detected and
destroyed by Krill, so the Guild of Enchanters sent a novice to
vanquish their foe. Thus Krill's control over Largoneth ended in 956,
when a
novice magician defeated at him stronghold in the castle and banished
him into oblivion. At the warlock's defeat, his evil tower swayed and
Although this Enchanter suceeded, in the process he discovered the
Great Terror's prison underneath the Largoneth dungeon and
unwittingly disturbed it. This Enchanter managed to break into the tomb
and retrive the GUNCHO spell that had originally luried it there, while
still keeping the Terror entrapped. It is known that during the final
hours of the confrontation, Krill pondered the idea of using the Terror
for his own purposes, but the plan came to naught. What the
enchanter did not realize was that in the process of resealing the
underground passages, a crack, just small enough for the evil demon to
escape had been rent.
The Terror gradually
worked its
through the maze and escaped. It bided its time, mindful of its first
It moved slowly and secretly into the southlands and settled in the
swamps of
Miznia, in the ruins of Dolo Finis, near the border of Orexia. There it
and gained strength while its influence crept slowly and inexorably
across the
world, corrupting all it touched.
Largoneth stood for many years, lonely and deserted, on the coast of
the Shallow Sea. Sometime during either the Age of Science or the
opening of the Second Age of Magic, Largoneth Castle was converted into
the Historic Inn. This popular tourist site did not remain open for
long, as the days of the Great Monster Uprising infested the structure
with many monsters (as well as many vacancies).