The Zorkian horoscope consists of the following affinities, corresponding to one's birthdate:

HELLHOUND Arch 21 to Oracle 18
GRUE Oracle 19 to Mage 20
DRYAD Mage 21 to Mage 24
DORN Mage 25 to Mage 27
BROGMOID Mage 28 to Mumberbur 19
BLOODWORM Mumberbur 20
YIPPLE Mumberbur 21, until 3:00 PM
SURMIN Mumberbur 21, after 3:00 PM
ROTGRUB Mumberbur 22 to Estuary 3,
Estuary 18 to Arch 20
KOBOLD Estuary 4 to Estuary 17,
except where prohibited by law
ORC anyone born in Bozbarland on a national holiday
NABIZ all redheads born during a total eclipse