Herb and Lairdus were the names of the big, fast, sassy Two-Headed
Hades Beast which
guarded the Great Underground Subway entrance to Hades in 1067
GUE. He was not the regular guardian, just a temp, sent from an agency,
but under strict instructions not to ley any non-Hades personnel by.
Those who dared to would find their head instantly bit off. In the same
year, AFNGCAAP was able to bypass this ferocious beast by assuming the
form of Charon with a SNAVIG spell.
once gave the beast someone's severed head in the mid-eleventh century
GUE (the rest of the body was sent to Nirvana, and the head mis-routed
to Hades) as a play-thing. The beast delighted in playing soccer with
the head each and every morning for the next few thousand years.