For well over a millenium it has been the ambition of every young
student of
history, of religion, of philosophy, and of magic to attend Galepath
University, one of the prestigious Moss-League Colleges.
It was from the great halls of Galepath that the renowned
professor Antor Zilbarion delivered his famous lectures on the creation
of the universe, the early years of the kingdom, and the reason for the
existence of broccoli. Zilbarion, of course, is only one example of all
that makes Galepath University the place that it is. The great Bilboz,
one of Zilbarion's students near the turn to the fifth century, was on
the faculty, from where in 459 he wrote a lengthy pamphelt entitled "On
the Evil of the Zucchini Plant." Leonardo Flathead himself would attend
the University in
the eighth century.
University security is comprised of cohorots of trained brogmoids,
which ensured that not a single book ever disappeared from the
library's priceless collection. The only records of any documents being
illegally removed was during a specific instance in 398, when a minion
of Belegur stole the Sacred Scrolls of Fizbin and several other
historical works. No other building on the University grounds had quite
the collection of
rare valuables that the library did, and so over the years, campus
security had become essentially synonymous with library security.
High on the list
of that school’s assets is the University Library. Far more valuable
than any wizened professor could ever hope to be, the library holds
hundreds, indeed thousands of ancient scrolls, maps, and detailed
histories of events long forgotten by the outside world, filling it
from floor to ceiling. Its bowels are filled from floor to ceiling with
stores, old legends and prophecies of all kind. Every holy word that
has ever been written lies within these walls. When the
library was founded, dozens of researchers traveled to all corners of
the world in search of all forms of written knowledge, and they
returned with the most remarkable collection known to mankind.
The entrance to the library has always been open to the public. Expert
cartographers can journey to Galepath and look upon a map of
the world as drawn by the earliest explorers over two
millennium ago. When troubled times descend on the kingdom, the best
sorcerers of the realm can turn to the writings of the Mages of
Arbroneth. Religious leaders now have the luxury of reading the
divinely inspired words of the Scrolls of Kar’nai, long feared lost in
the religious wars of the north. In short, the library at Galepath
represents the sum total of all human knowledge. In the darkest
recesses of the library lay piles of forgotten tomes that have yet to
be analyzed and revealed to the world. Hundreds of people are employed
by the University merely to organize and study these obscure works.
Armies of scribes are immersed in the never-ending task of copying
ancient documents, so that they might be sent to scholars in other, far
Litbo Mumblehum was the Chief Librarian from an unknown
until 398 GUE.
In 683 GUE, serious students from such institutions as Galepath
University and Mithicus Province University took up the cause of magic
in their spare time, attempting to explain the natural world as
by-product of the interrelated workings of the sciences of Physics,
Medicine, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Thaumaturgy. Eventually, some of
these students achieved high-ranking positions on the faculties of
several moss-league colleges. Their success in demonstrating the
so-called first principles of Thaumaturgy, namely Presence,
Incantation, and Unusual Effect, led to a loosening of the Unnatural
Acts to allow what became known as Scientific Thaumaturgy and the Dawn
of the Scientific Age of Magic.
The University published the "Journal of Quendoran Medicine" in at
least the 870s.
The President of Galepath University in 914 GUE was Dr. Belzork Anthrax.
Erasmus Sartorius briefly attended the college until his expulsion in
914 GUE.