Fublio Valley was once a richly verdant area at the southern tip of the
Flathead Mountains that was defoliated in the eighth century.
It lies 91 bloits south of Flatheadia, and 75 bloits south of the
Shadowland. In the
year 789, Lord Dimwit Flathead ordered the destruction of 1,400 square
bloits, or 400,000 acres, of Fublio Valley forest to make way for an
immense nine-bloit-high statue of himself. In the process, Flathead's
men were required to protect him from the the riotous residents of the
Fublio Valley, who opposed the giant statue his Royal Excessively
Highness was constructing at the expense of their neighborhood. This
especially angered one of its
residents, Megaboz, who set out to curse the king and his entire
Dynasty in 789. It was not until the mid-tenth century that the barren
began its arduous task of refoliating the valley. Still today, the huge
statue of Dimwit Flathead casts a dark shadow across the land; although
it is deteriorating, the lower half covered with vines and pterodactyls
nesting on the flat top of the statue's head.
Valley is also noted for an abandoned rock quarry, and the fact that
for some odd reason it has always been a favorite spot for wizards
(such as Megaboz the Magnificent, Gumboz the Magnificent, and Korboz
the Magnificent) who once enjoyed a hermitic lifestyle there. These
wizards used the Valley as a site to practice their magical/religious
rituals involving stone cairns.
may also be noted that during the during the first printing of Dimwit
Flathead's "My Best Excesses" (sometime within the two years before his
death), Lord Dimwit frantically pulled roughly half of the pages from
the press and had them sealed and buried four bloits underground,
directly beneath the future site of his nine-bloit statue. Due to
severe unfeasibility and general lack of interest, the missing text
remained buried for over three centuries. But renewed interest in the
Flathead Dynasty, sparked by the Grand Inquisitor’s call for a return
to Flathead values, generated the funding necessary to carry out the
largest excavation ever undertaken to successfully recover the pages.

Fublio Valley (alt large version)