Frobar was the most loyal and hard-working member of the Accardi Guild
of Enchanters. However, he was somewhat dull and lacked imaginations,
thus he was never a likely canidate to become head of the Circle of
Enchanters. His quarters at the Guild Hall was nearly barren, matching
his personality. Boiled chives were Frobar's favorite dish which he
usually ate late at night.
957 GUE, Frobar noticed the recent bizarre quirks in Belboz's
personality when he had secretly been possessed by the demon Jeearr. On
the day that the unknown sorcerer rescued the great necromancer, Frobar
had taken the apprentices into town to shop at the
marketplace for the Guild picnic, as well as praying in the town's
temple. It has been theorized, that had the sorcerer accompanied Frobar
into town, that Jeearr would have succeded in his plan for world