While able to imprison most mortals and within its magical constraining
chamber, black crystal spheres are most useful for entrapping spiritual
beings, such as
demons. The diameters of the spheres are based on the
imprisoned subject (one holding a demon found in
Malifestro's castle
had a diameter of 2-feet). With the proper magical gift, the lifeforce
of any prisoner, physical or spiritual, may be felt from within the
sphere from without.
the evil wizard Malifestro and the
Wizard of Frobozz were known to have
demons trapped within black crystal spheres. When the black spheres are
thrown into the center of a pentagram, the prisoner is instantly
released. (While the effect on doing such with a mortal has not been
verified, it is known that a released demon is still contrained by
the enchantment until freed completely from the controlling
wizard). The wizard Malifestro was powerful enough to instantly
imprison his enemies within these spheres.
SOURCE(S): Zork I,
Dungeon, Zork: Malifestro Quest |