Want to run the Zork games but don't want to install an old OS?

Below are step by step installation instructions for Windows 95/98/Me/2k/XP/Vista:
(For further help and other guides, go to: http://www.kevinbecker.net/zorkguides)
-Return to Zork CD
-Zork: Nemesis CD/DVD
-Zork: Grand Inquisitor CD/DVD


I. Installing DosBox (version tested and used is 0.73).

  A. Download DosBox0.73-Win32 (1.39mb) and install
  B. DosBox by default will automatically attempt to adjust cpu cycles for optimal
  C. To configure DosBox while playing to improve performance
     1. Use 'CTRL+F8/CTRL+F7' to change frameskiping rate Up/Down
     2. Use 'CTRL+F12/CTRL+F11' to change cpu cycles Up/Down
  D. To configure cd/dvd drive support (skip step if not needed)
     1. Browse your Startmenu for 'DOSBox-0.73' > 'Configuration' > click
        'Edit Configuration' or open the file using notepad, usually located at:
        C:\Documents and Settings\XXX\Local Settings\Application Data\DOSBox\
        dosbox-0.73.conf (where XXX is your computer login name.)
     2. Add the line 'mount d d:\ -t cdrom (windows)'
        (change 'd:\' to whatever drive letter you use for your cd/dvd drive)


II. Installing Return to Zork CD.

   -Needed hdd space is ~136mb.
   -d: is used as the cd/dvd drive, but yours may be different.
   -c: is used as the hdd, but you may use a different hdd.

  A. Create folder c:\RTZ-CD
     (Warning: If you need to reconfigure your sound, repeat steps B-H)
  B. Copy ALL files from d:\ to c:\RTZ-CD
  C. Drag and drop c:\RTZ-CD\install.exe onto DosBox.exe
     (usually located in c:\Program Files\DOSBox-0.73)
  D. Choose 'Drive C:'
  E. Choose 'No' (do not install project file)
  F. Install to \ (change from \RTZ-CD)
  G. Choose 'No' (do not launch from windows)
  H. Choose 'Yes' (change settings now)
     1. Choose 'Sound Blaster 16' > hit 'Enter' > type '220' > hit 'Enter'
     2. Choose 'Sound Blaster 16' > hit 'Enter' > hit 'Enter'
     3. Choose 'Drive C:' > hit 'Enter' > hit 'Enter'
  I. To run, drag and drop RTZ.bat onto DosBox.exe
     (or you can create a shortcut on your desktop to DosBox.exe,
     Right-Click the 'DosBox.exe shortcut' > Click 'Properties' > Edit the 'Target:'
     box to "C:\Program Files\DOSBox-0.73\dosbox.exe" c:\RTZ-CD\RTZ.BAT)


I. Installing Zork: Nemesis CD.

   -Needed hdd space is ~1.45gb.
   -d: is used as the cd/dvd drive, but yours may be different.
   -c: is used as the hdd, but you may use a different hdd.
   -I recommend using the keyboard for panning as the panning is extremely fast
    and there is no fix.

  A. Run d:\setup.exe, select 'Best Performance' and install Nemesis to c:\ZN_CD
     (see step II. if you are unable to run the installer)
  B. Copy the folder d:\zassets on disc 1 to c:\ZN_CD
     Copy the folder d:\zassets on disc 2 to c:\ZN_CD\disc2
     Copy the folder d:\zassets on disc 3 to c:\ZN_CD\disc3
  C. Open the file c:\ZN_CD\nemesis.zix using notepad (or copy the file
     d:\nemesis\znemscr\medium.zix to c:\ZN_CD and rename it to nemesis.zix) and edit
     the lines at the beginning of the file (see below for example and files)
      -Change 'CD0: zassets' to 'DIR: .\zassets'
      -Change 'CD1: zassets' to 'DIR: .\disc2\zassets'
      -Change 'CD2: zassets' to 'DIR: .\disc3\zassets'
  D. Run c:\ZN_CD\znemesis.exe to play!





0 g:\disc1 zorknem_i 'I
1 h:\disc2 zorknem_ii 'II
2 h:\disc3 zorknem_iii 'III
DIR: .
DIR: .\znemmx
DIR: .\znemscr
DIR: .\znemscr\gscr.zfs
DIR: .\znemscr\tscr.zfs
DIR: .\znemscr\mscr.zfs
DIR: .\znemscr\vscr.zfs
DIR: .\znemscr\ascr.zfs
DIR: .\znemscr\cscr.zfs
DIR: .\znemscr\escr.zfs
DIR: .\znemscr\cursor.zfs
CD0: zassets
CD0: zassets\global
CD0: zassets\global\venus
CD2: zassets\temple
CD0: zassets\temple
CD1: zassets
CD1: zassets\global2
CD1: zassets\conserv
CD1: zassets\monast
CD2: zassets\global3
CD2: zassets\asylum
CD2: zassets\castle
CD2: zassets\endgame
0 g:\disc1 zorknem_i 'I
1 h:\disc2 zorknem_ii 'II
2 h:\disc3 zorknem_iii 'III
DIR: .
DIR: .\znemmx
DIR: .\znemscr
DIR: .\znemscr\gscr.zfs
DIR: .\znemscr\tscr.zfs
DIR: .\znemscr\mscr.zfs
DIR: .\znemscr\vscr.zfs
DIR: .\znemscr\ascr.zfs
DIR: .\znemscr\cscr.zfs
DIR: .\znemscr\escr.zfs
DIR: .\znemscr\cursor.zfs
DIR: .\zassets
DIR: .\zassets\global
DIR: .\zassets\global\venus
DIR: .\disc3\zassets\temple
DIR: .\zassets\temple
DIR: .\disc2\zassets
DIR: .\disc2\zassets\global2
DIR: .\disc2\zassets\conserv
DIR: .\disc2\zassets\monast
DIR: .\disc3\zassets\global3
DIR: .\disc3\zassets\asylum
DIR: .\disc3\zassets\castle
DIR: .\disc3\zassets\endgame


II. Unable to run the installer?

  A. Create the folder c:\ZN_CD
  B. Copy the following files on disc 1 to c:\ZN_CD
  C. Copy the following folders on disc 1 to c:\ZN_CD
  D. Return to step I. B.

I. Installing Zork: Nemesis DVD.

   -Needed hdd space is ~1.45gb if you run from the hdd.
   -d: is used as the cd/dvd drive, but yours may be different.
   -c: is used as the hdd, but you may use a different hdd.
   -I recommend using the keyboard for panning as the panning is extremely fast
    and there is no fix.

  A. Run d:\znemesis\setup.exe, select 'Best Performance' and install Nemesis to
     c:\ZN_DVD (see step II. if you are unable to run the installer)
  B1. To run from the hdd: (see step B2. to run from the dvd)
      1. Copy the folders d:\znemesis\zassets, d:\znemesis\disc2, d:\znemesis\disc3 on
         the disc to c:\ZN_DVD
      2. Open the file c:\ZN_DVD\nemesis.zix using notepad and edit the lines at the
         beginning of the file (see below for example and files)
          -Change 'CD0: znemesis' to 'DIR: .'
  B2. To run from the dvd:
      Open the file c:\ZN_DVD\nemesis.zix using notepad and edit the lines at the
      beginning of the file (see below for example and files)
       -Change 'CD0: znemesis' to 'DIR: d:\znemesis'
  C. Run c:\ZN_DVD\znemesis.exe to play!





0 e: zgi_dvd 'Zork Grand Inquisitor DVD
DIR: .
DIR: .\znemmx
DIR: .\znemscr
DIR: .\znemscr\gscr.zfs
DIR: .\znemscr\tscr.zfs
DIR: .\znemscr\mscr.zfs
DIR: .\znemscr\vscr.zfs
DIR: .\znemscr\ascr.zfs
DIR: .\znemscr\cscr.zfs
DIR: .\znemscr\escr.zfs
DIR: .\znemscr\cursor.zfs
CD0: znemesis\zassets\global
CD0: znemesis\zassets\global\venus
CD0: znemesis\zassets\temple
CD0: znemesis\disc2\zassets\conserv
CD0: znemesis\disc2\zassets\monast
CD0: znemesis\disc3\zassets\asylum
CD0: znemesis\disc3\zassets\castle
CD0: znemesis\disc3\zassets\endgame
0 e: zgi_dvd 'Zork Grand Inquisitor DVD
DIR: .
DIR: .\znemmx
DIR: .\znemscr
DIR: .\znemscr\gscr.zfs
DIR: .\znemscr\tscr.zfs
DIR: .\znemscr\mscr.zfs
DIR: .\znemscr\vscr.zfs
DIR: .\znemscr\ascr.zfs
DIR: .\znemscr\cscr.zfs
DIR: .\znemscr\escr.zfs
DIR: .\znemscr\cursor.zfs
DIR: .\zassets\global
DIR: .\zassets\global\venus
DIR: .\zassets\temple
DIR: .\disc2\zassets\conserv
DIR: .\disc2\zassets\monast
DIR: .\disc3\zassets\asylum
DIR: .\disc3\zassets\castle
DIR: .\disc3\zassets\endgame



0 e: zgi_dvd 'Zork Grand Inquisitor DVD
DIR: .
DIR: .\znemmx
DIR: .\znemscr
DIR: .\znemscr\gscr.zfs
DIR: .\znemscr\tscr.zfs
DIR: .\znemscr\mscr.zfs
DIR: .\znemscr\vscr.zfs
DIR: .\znemscr\ascr.zfs
DIR: .\znemscr\cscr.zfs
DIR: .\znemscr\escr.zfs
DIR: .\znemscr\cursor.zfs
DIR: d:\znemesis\zassets\global
DIR: d:\znemesis\zassets\global\venus
DIR: d:\znemesis\zassets\temple
DIR: d:\znemesis\disc2\zassets\conserv
DIR: d:\znemesis\disc2\zassets\monast
DIR: d:\znemesis\disc3\zassets\asylum
DIR: d:\znemesis\disc3\zassets\castle
DIR: d:\znemesis\disc3\zassets\endgame


II. Unable to run the installer?

  A. Create the folder c:\ZN_DVD
  B. Copy the following files on the disc to c:\ZN_DVD
  C. Copy the following folders on the disc to c:\ZN_DVD
  D. Return to step I. B1.

READ BELOW FOR Zork: Grand Inquisitor CD/DVD HOW-TO's

I. Installing Zork: Grand Inquisitor CD.

   -Needed hdd space is ~1.77gb if you run from the hdd.
   -d: is used as the cd/dvd drive, but yours may be different.
   -c: is used as the hdd, but you may use a different hdd.

  A. Run d:\setup.exe, select 'Maximum Install' and install Grand Inquisistor to
     c:\ZGI_CD (see II. if you are unable to run the installer)
  B. Copy the folders d:\zgi, d:\zassets1 on disc 1 to c:\ZGI_CD
     Copy the folder d:\zassets2 on disc 2 to c:\ZGI_CD
  C. Open the file c:\ZGI_CD\inquis.zix using notepad and edit the lines at the
     beginning of the file (see below for example and files)
      -Change 'CD0: zassets1' to 'DIR: .\zassets1'
      -Change 'CD1: zassets2' to 'DIR: .\zassets2'
  D. Run c:\ZGI_CD\zgiwin.exe to play!





0 s:\zgi\.. zgi_1 'Zork Grand Inquisitor Disk 1
1 t:\zgi\.. zgi_2 'Zork Grand Inquisitor Disk 2
DIR: .
DIR: .\cursor.zfs
DIR: .\scripts.zfs
DIR: .\subtitle.zfs
DIR: .\death.zfs
DIR: .\zgi_mx
CD0: zgi\zgi_mx
CD0: zgi\zgi_mx\minmax
CD0: zassets1\global
CD0: zassets1\portfooz
CD0: zassets1\jail
CD0: zassets1\monast1
CD0: zassets1\underg1
CD0: zassets1\lucyqst
CD0: zassets1\griffqst
CD0: zassets1\castle
CD1: zassets2\global
CD1: zassets2\monast2
CD1: zassets2\underg2
CD1: zassets2\dmlair
CD1: zassets2\grueqst
CD1: zassets2\guetech
CD1: zassets2\hades
0 s:\zgi\.. zgi_1 'Zork Grand Inquisitor Disk 1
1 t:\zgi\.. zgi_2 'Zork Grand Inquisitor Disk 2
DIR: .
DIR: .\cursor.zfs
DIR: .\scripts.zfs
DIR: .\subtitle.zfs
DIR: .\death.zfs
DIR: .\zgi_mx
DIR: .\zgi\zgi_mx
DIR: .\zgi\zgi_mx\minmax
DIR: .\zassets1\global
DIR: .\zassets1\portfooz
DIR: .\zassets1\jail
DIR: .\zassets1\monast1
DIR: .\zassets1\underg1
DIR: .\zassets1\lucyqst
DIR: .\zassets1\griffqst
DIR: .\zassets1\castle
DIR: .\zassets2\global
DIR: .\zassets2\monast2
DIR: .\zassets2\underg2
DIR: .\zassets2\dmlair
DIR: .\zassets2\grueqst
DIR: .\zassets2\guetech
DIR: .\zassets2\hades


II. Unable to run the installer?

  A. Create the folder c:\ZGI_CD
  B. Copy all files from the folder d:\zgi\zgi on disc 1 to c:\ZGI_CD
  C. Copy the folder d:\zgi\help on disc 1 to c:\ZGI_CD
  D. Return to step I. B.

I. Installing Zork: Grand Inquisitor DVD.

   -Needed hdd space is ~1.77gb if you run from the hdd.
   -d: is used as the cd/dvd drive, but yours may be different.
   -c: is used as the hdd, but you may use a different hdd.

  A. Run d:\zgi\setup.exe, select 'Maximum Install' and install Grand Inquisitor to
     c:\ZGI_DVD (see step II. if you are unable to run the installer)
  B1. To run from the hdd: (see step B2. to run from the dvd)
      1. Copy the folders d:\zgi\zassetsc, d:\zgi\zassetse, d:\zgi_e on the disc to
      2. Open the file c:\ZGI_DVD\inquis.zix using notepad and edit the lines at the
         beginning of the file (see below for example and files)
          -Change 'CD0: zgi' to 'DIR: .'
  B2. To run from the dvd:
      Open the file c:\ZGI_DVD\inquis.zix using notepad and edit the lines at the
      beginning of the file (see below for example and files)
       -Change 'CD0: zgi' to 'DIR: d:\zgi'
  C. Run c:\ZGI_DVD\zgiwin.exe to play!





0 g:\.. zgi_dvd ' Zork Grand Inquisitor DVD
DIR: .
DIR: .\cursor.zfs
DIR: .\scripts.zfs
DIR: .\subtitle.zfs
DIR: .\death.zfs
DIR: .\zgi_mx
CD0: zgi\zgi_e\zgi_mx
CD0: zgi\zgi_e\zgi_mx\minmax
CD0: zgi\zassetsc\zassets1\global
CD0: zgi\zassetsc\zassets1\portfooz
CD0: zgi\zassetsc\zassets1\jail
CD0: zgi\zassetsc\zassets1\monast1
CD0: zgi\zassetsc\zassets1\underg1
CD0: zgi\zassetsc\zassets1\lucyqst
CD0: zgi\zassetsc\zassets1\griffqst
CD0: zgi\zassetsc\zassets1\castle
CD0: zgi\zassetsc\zassets2\global
CD0: zgi\zassetsc\zassets2\monast2
CD0: zgi\zassetsc\zassets2\underg2
CD0: zgi\zassetsc\zassets2\dmlair
CD0: zgi\zassetsc\zassets2\grueqst
CD0: zgi\zassetsc\zassets2\guetech
CD0: zgi\zassetsc\zassets2\hades
CD0: zgi\zassetse\eng_anim
CD0: zgi\zassetse\eng_pix
CD0: zgi\zassetse\eng_aud
CD0: zgi\eng_mpeg
CD0: zgi\zassetsc
0 g:\.. zgi_dvd ' Zork Grand Inquisitor DVD
DIR: .
DIR: .\cursor.zfs
DIR: .\scripts.zfs
DIR: .\subtitle.zfs
DIR: .\death.zfs
DIR: .\zgi_mx
DIR: .\zgi_e\zgi_mx
DIR: .\zgi_e\zgi_mx\minmax
DIR: .\zassetsc\zassets1\global
DIR: .\zassetsc\zassets1\portfooz
DIR: .\zassetsc\zassets1\jail
DIR: .\zassetsc\zassets1\monast1
DIR: .\zassetsc\zassets1\underg1
DIR: .\zassetsc\zassets1\lucyqst
DIR: .\zassetsc\zassets1\griffqst
DIR: .\zassetsc\zassets1\castle
DIR: .\zassetsc\zassets2\global
DIR: .\zassetsc\zassets2\monast2
DIR: .\zassetsc\zassets2\underg2
DIR: .\zassetsc\zassets2\dmlair
DIR: .\zassetsc\zassets2\grueqst
DIR: .\zassetsc\zassets2\guetech
DIR: .\zassetsc\zassets2\hades
DIR: .\zassetse\eng_anim
DIR: .\zassetse\eng_pix
DIR: .\zassetse\eng_aud
DIR: .\eng_mpeg
DIR: .\zassetsc



0 g:\.. zgi_dvd ' Zork Grand Inquisitor DVD
DIR: .
DIR: .\cursor.zfs
DIR: .\scripts.zfs
DIR: .\subtitle.zfs
DIR: .\death.zfs
DIR: .\zgi_mx
DIR: d:\zgi\zgi_e\zgi_mx
DIR: d:\zgi\zgi_e\zgi_mx\minmax
DIR: d:\zgi\zassetsc\zassets1\global
DIR: d:\zgi\zassetsc\zassets1\portfooz
DIR: d:\zgi\zassetsc\zassets1\jail
DIR: d:\zgi\zassetsc\zassets1\monast1
DIR: d:\zgi\zassetsc\zassets1\underg1
DIR: d:\zgi\zassetsc\zassets1\lucyqst
DIR: d:\zgi\zassetsc\zassets1\griffqst
DIR: d:\zgi\zassetsc\zassets1\castle
DIR: d:\zgi\zassetsc\zassets2\global
DIR: d:\zgi\zassetsc\zassets2\monast2
DIR: d:\zgi\zassetsc\zassets2\underg2
DIR: d:\zgi\zassetsc\zassets2\dmlair
DIR: d:\zgi\zassetsc\zassets2\grueqst
DIR: d:\zgi\zassetsc\zassets2\guetech
DIR: d:\zgi\zassetsc\zassets2\hades
DIR: d:\zgi\zassetse\eng_anim
DIR: d:\zgi\zassetse\eng_pix
DIR: d:\zgi\zassetse\eng_aud
DIR: d:\zgi\eng_mpeg
DIR: d:\zgi\zassetsc


II. Unable to run the installer?

  A. Create the folder c:\ZGI_DVD
  B. Copy all files from the folder d:\zgi\zgi_e on the disc to c:\ZGI_DVD
  C. Copy the following folders on the disc to c:\ZGI_DVD
  D. Open the file c:\ZGI_DVD\Inquis.ini using notepad and edit the line:
     'MPEG=1' and change to 'MPEG=0'
  E. Return to step I. B1.


III. For DVD quality video playback in Windows 95/98/Me ONLY.

  A. Download and install either SoftDVD (16.4mb) OR DVDExpress (20.3mb)
  B. To run from the hdd follow steps C./D1.; to run from the dvd follow step D2.
  C. Copy the folders d:\zgi\eng_mpeg, d:\zgi\engmpegc on the disc to c:\ZGI_DVD
  D1. Open the file c:\ZGI_DVD\inquisc.zix using notepad and edit the lines at the
      beginning of the file (see below for example and files)
       -Change 'CD0: zgi' to 'DIR: .'
  D2. Open the file c:\ZGI_DVD\inquisc.zix using notepad and edit the lines at the
      beginning of the file (see below for example and files)
       -Change 'CD0: zgi' to 'DIR: d:\zgi'
  E. Open the file c:\ZGI_DVD\Inquis.ini using notepad and edit the line:
     'MPEG=0' and change to 'MPEG=1'





0 g:\.. zgi_dvd ' Zork Grand Inquisitor DVD
DIR: .
DIR: .\cursor.zfs
DIR: .\scripts.zfs
DIR: .\subtitle.zfs
DIR: .\death.zfs
DIR: .\zgi_mx
CD0: zgi\zgi_e\zgi_mx
CD0: zgi\zgi_e\zgi_mx\minmax
CD0: zgi\zassetsc\zassets1\global
CD0: zgi\zassetsc\zassets1\portfooz
CD0: zgi\zassetsc\zassets1\jail
CD0: zgi\zassetsc\zassets1\monast1
CD0: zgi\zassetsc\zassets1\underg1
CD0: zgi\zassetsc\zassets1\lucyqst
CD0: zgi\zassetsc\zassets1\griffqst
CD0: zgi\zassetsc\zassets1\castle
CD0: zgi\zassetsc\zassets2\global
CD0: zgi\zassetsc\zassets2\monast2
CD0: zgi\zassetsc\zassets2\underg2
CD0: zgi\zassetsc\zassets2\dmlair
CD0: zgi\zassetsc\zassets2\grueqst
CD0: zgi\zassetsc\zassets2\guetech
CD0: zgi\zassetsc\zassets2\hades
CD0: zgi\zassetse\eng_anim
CD0: zgi\zassetse\eng_pix
CD0: zgi\zassetse\eng_aud
CD0: zgi\engmpegc
CD0: zgi\zassetsc
CD0: zgi\eng_mpeg
0 g:\.. zgi_dvd ' Zork Grand Inquisitor DVD
DIR: .
DIR: .\cursor.zfs
DIR: .\scripts.zfs
DIR: .\subtitle.zfs
DIR: .\death.zfs
DIR: .\zgi_mx
DIR: .\zgi_e\zgi_mx
DIR: .\zgi_e\zgi_mx\minmax
DIR: .\zassetsc\zassets1\global
DIR: .\zassetsc\zassets1\portfooz
DIR: .\zassetsc\zassets1\jail
DIR: .\zassetsc\zassets1\monast1
DIR: .\zassetsc\zassets1\underg1
DIR: .\zassetsc\zassets1\lucyqst
DIR: .\zassetsc\zassets1\griffqst
DIR: .\zassetsc\zassets1\castle
DIR: .\zassetsc\zassets2\global
DIR: .\zassetsc\zassets2\monast2
DIR: .\zassetsc\zassets2\underg2
DIR: .\zassetsc\zassets2\dmlair
DIR: .\zassetsc\zassets2\grueqst
DIR: .\zassetsc\zassets2\guetech
DIR: .\zassetsc\zassets2\hades
DIR: .\zassetse\eng_anim
DIR: .\zassetse\eng_pix
DIR: .\zassetse\eng_aud
DIR: .\engmpegc
DIR: .\zassetsc
DIR: .\eng_mpeg



0 g:\.. zgi_dvd ' Zork Grand Inquisitor DVD
DIR: .
DIR: .\cursor.zfs
DIR: .\scripts.zfs
DIR: .\subtitle.zfs
DIR: .\death.zfs
DIR: .\zgi_mx
DIR: d:\zgi\zgi_e\zgi_mx
DIR: d:\zgi\zgi_e\zgi_mx\minmax
DIR: d:\zgi\zassetsc\zassets1\global
DIR: d:\zgi\zassetsc\zassets1\portfooz
DIR: d:\zgi\zassetsc\zassets1\jail
DIR: d:\zgi\zassetsc\zassets1\monast1
DIR: d:\zgi\zassetsc\zassets1\underg1
DIR: d:\zgi\zassetsc\zassets1\lucyqst
DIR: d:\zgi\zassetsc\zassets1\griffqst
DIR: d:\zgi\zassetsc\zassets1\castle
DIR: d:\zgi\zassetsc\zassets2\global
DIR: d:\zgi\zassetsc\zassets2\monast2
DIR: d:\zgi\zassetsc\zassets2\underg2
DIR: d:\zgi\zassetsc\zassets2\dmlair
DIR: d:\zgi\zassetsc\zassets2\grueqst
DIR: d:\zgi\zassetsc\zassets2\guetech
DIR: d:\zgi\zassetsc\zassets2\hades
DIR: d:\zgi\zassetse\eng_anim
DIR: d:\zgi\zassetse\eng_pix
DIR: d:\zgi\zassetse\eng_aud
DIR: d:\zgi\engmpegc
DIR: d:\zgi\zassetsc
DIR: d:\zgi\eng_mpeg