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Zork Fan Movie?

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 7:57 pm
by Fantine
Has anyone ever considered doing a fan movie?

This is basically just wishful thinking on my part; but wouldn't it be fun to do?  

I think that the best story lines for said hypothetical movie would either be the Zork trilogy or the Enchanter saga.  

Now, granted in both of those your main character is basically wandering around one would almost need to add another character who could take over the role of the parser (which is who/what I've always considered the smart relplies to come from.) which is sort of what Dalboz did in ZGI.  

Any thoughts?  Again, this is just wishful thinking, but boy, it would be fun.  :)

Re: Zork Fan Movie?

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 2:40 am
by DataAngel
Might be cool and all yes... I don't know anyone actually up for such a challenge, probably way harder to do than a fan game.

Re: Zork Fan Movie?

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 6:05 pm
by DrPaul
This is interesting to think about.
A movie based on the original Trillogy would follow the exploits of one person in a nearly unhabited world.  Although there would be cameo appearances from a few other characters: thief, princess, trolls, dragon and dungeon master, dialog would be almost non-existant.  To keep it interesting, the enviroments would have to be stunning.  Probably all CGI and green-screen.  Maybe we could also hear the voice inside of the main character's head as he tries to figure out what to do next and how to get past obsticles.  The audience would see just what the main character sees and do their best to figure out the puzzles out before they are revealed on the screen.  That might be a fun and unique movie experience.

After all that, I think that Wishbringer would probably make for a much more entertaining movie.  

Re: Zork Fan Movie?

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 10:02 pm
by Fantine
I hadn't even considered Wishbringer.  That *would* be an excellent one to put on the screen.  As far as real companies, I could see DreamWorks pulling it off nicely.

Re: Zork Fan Movie?

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 2:34 am
by MacCentris
A movie?  sounds like a good idea, even a private one with lots of humor and thrills will do, however I doubt that any hollywood producer is interested... unless we make a big fuss about it all over the web, the zork story is more than worth it :)

Re: Zork Fan Movie?

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 1:59 pm
by DrPaul
You know, several years ago the idea of a Zork movie was batted around, but never got very far.  Since that time, however, there have been several movies that were based on video games.  I can't think of them all now but  there was Wing Commander, Super Mario Brothers, Laura Croft, and a lot of zombie or monster first person shooters.  Doom is coming out later this year.

The point is, movies based on computer games is not a pipe-dream.  There have been many, but primarily based on action games.

Re: Zork Fan Movie?

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 3:52 am
by Siriusstar
I think most of the games could be dramatized nicely. I'm sure if they were coming out today, there WOULD be movies based on them.  I think the original Zorks would be good as a single movie, given a bit more plot and perhaps some romantic interest between the princess and the main character. (although my Zork trilogy PC is a woman.) I'm not sure how to make a 'maze of twisty passages, all alike' come alive on the screen, but I'm sure some sort of maze could be used... Ah the possibilities!

Wishbringer would absolutely make a lovely little movie, with very few changes necessary. I think it would be great animated.

Re: Zork Fan Movie?

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 9:09 pm
by Fantine
I fully agree; if these games were new they'd be made into a movie very quickly.  

We are coming up on the 30th anniversary of Zork in two years...maybe they'll do something.  (ha.) If not a film...perhaps a new game? Or at least re-release the text adventures again.